
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Arts + Crafts: Aliens style ammo counter kit

This is just awesome- our local hero for mods, Mr Wolfe from Combustible Props kindly helped us (and by help I mean did it all himself)  install a VERY cool Aliens style ammo counter kit, courtesy of  our friends at German site  We were pretty impressed-it's a very polished, well made piece of kit- the counter can be configured to countdown any sized clip, and resets on removal. And check out the flashing of the muzzle.. imagine this with some firefly darts..

I asked Mr Wolfe to mount the counter to the side of the stock Stampede ECS to show you how it looks and works in raw form; but it could be integrated in a variety of different ways on your blaster depending on your own tastes and amount of time you want to put into it. Check the kit out on Blaster Parts or hit up Combustible Props on Facebook if you have any questions on the install. 


  1. If only it could stop the bolt...

  2. How fast can this little sucker count, cause I've got my stampede SMG modded and volt modded to 18v (Two 9v's In Series) and this would look so legit with the holo scope I want to mount on it.

  3. Hm. I've had the idea in my brain to rig some sorta muzzle flash thing to my Nerf guns. How'd they do it? I would have an IR light sensor and an IR light opposite from each other on either side of the barrel. Dart blocks the light from the sensor, and it makes a few white LEDs around the muzzle flash.

  4. Ok, isn't it about time that the gov realizes that toys (air soft/bb guns, paintball, "powerfull" nerf blasters) should be treated with a little less retarded legislation? What our government does is essentially saying "FUCK YOU assholes! Your nannystate forbids you inconsequential dicks all sort of fun stuff" whilst laughing until the PM can't hold her balance anymore.
    But hey, you know dear Aussies, someone could pull another Port Arthur... but this time WITH NERF "guns". :roll eyes:

  5. sry wrong field - can the comment, if approved, be moved to the "grey trigger" thread?

  6. Pardon my ignorance, but could you direct link to the Ammo-Counter kit? I must be blind; I can't find it on the site. Thank you UT!

  7. This is pretty sweet, but if you're feeling stingy, there's already a few writeups on how to make your own ammo counter on the HvZ forums!
