
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Baidu: Elite Triad Internals

Spotted on Baidu, here's what the inside of the upcoming Elite Triad looks like; I thought it might just be a single shot with two dart holders, but this does suggest it shoots from all three barrels? I could be wrong though, internals mean not a whole lot to me:P

Cheers J.B for the lead!


  1. I wonder if they made the a/r stronger so you can only fire one dart at a time, and not have a bunch of air escape out of the other 2 barrels.

  2. Looks like a 3 barrel jolt. Definitely all 3 fire. Barrels do not appear to rotate so it might fire all 3 at once. which would be a cool, hold-out shot gun effect.(though you have to wonder if shoot 3 at once would mean poor range with such a small blaster.)

  3. Hmm... Yup, looks like it shoots three at once-the only USEFUL Nerf shotgun other than the Ruff Cut, since the barrel break has a MINIMUM load time of several seconds.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I wonder if every time another blog posted intel that UT posted first, Pocket went around posting such garbage posts as this. It's not about who did it first, it's about sharing to the community.

    2. We do actually reference/give credit to wherever we get the intel from- in this case, we received it from one of our regulars.

      Next time, shoot us over the link to your blog if you've got valuable intel- if it's something we can post, we'll happily reference it back as we've done with other blogs in the past. -P

  5. Definitely 3 simultaneous shots, as there are 3 AR's visible. If the range isn't terrible, this could be a very useful little shotgun. Would be awesome to integrate into bigger blaster!

  6. Yep. I think it fires 2 at once out of the top and one out of the bottom.

  7. We at iModifyNerfs made a post about this yesterday.......

    1. Know what else is funny? LOOK AT THE DATE not the day, he did post this yesterday. Unless that photo is from your site, guess what? Somebody else posted it before you.

  8. Looks like a gray switch on the back of the grip... The video showed it firing from one barrel. Maybe they open each air chamber in sequence? Presumably with weaker force as the air power will be lessened when divided between two or three barrels?

  9. HA! I was RIGHT! :D (Just had to.)

  10. Anyone else notice that the plunger for this thing is massive? The air restrictors also look rather beefy. Just speculating but I'd wager that the oversized plunger and spring is so that there's enough power to fire all three barrels at once and achieve "Elite" ranges. To fire less then all three the air restrictors come into play to divert to the path of least resistance... aka the chamber that is open because it has a dart in it.
