
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Swedish catalogue goes gender neutral

I saw this on Nerfenstein's FB page- I wonder if this could/would ever happen here in Australia, but apparently in Sweden, 'Top Toy' (a toy store with the licence to the 'Toys R Us' name) was reprimanded for gender discrimination in their previous catalogue and therefore have changed things to feature... SHOCK- girls holding Nerf guns.

I actually am surprised this hasn't happened earlier, nor does it look at all out of place. I've always thought the terms 'boys toys' and 'girls toys' were grossly out-of-date (I actually had a collection of first gen Bratz dolls when they first came out I'll sheepishly admit!) so I welcome the change.

Swedish toy firm forced to become ‘gender neutral’ for Christmas catalogue via Daily Mail


  1. she could also pass as a long haired 9 year old boy.

  2. Next time you use flip-up iron sights, PLEASE actually flip them up...

  3. Strange that a girl holding a toy blaster looks normal while a boy combing a doll looks strange. Stupid social role-modeling...

  4. Damn... I could get my daughter to do that, she loves my Sonic Longstrike.

    Pocket... I'm a Brony, and willingly admit it...

  5. When we break out the blasters at our apartment complex, there are sometimes as many girls wanting to play as there are boys. I've repainted a Quick 16 in a purple and pink color scheme (plus Hello Kitty stickers) for my wife, and I'm thinking of doing the same with some of our other duplicate blasters for the girls to use.

  6. GREAT!! I am 10 and me and my 12 yo sister love nerf guns and so does our friend Brittany. My sister (currently) wants a Barrel Break IX-2, Retaliator, and an Alpha Trooper for Christmas. Now if Nerf would stop using guys that look like they're 30 in their ads, maybe they would get more business. Nerf needs to pay attention to boys AND the other 50 percent of kids who could be making them some $$$$$$ ps im only representing kids here.
