
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rumours: Stampede 50 round drum?? AGAIN?

If you've been following us since the early days of UT, you'll remember the original talk regarding the release of the Nerf N-Strike "Stampede ECS-50"- some people even had original Stampedes with the "ECS-50" name plate on the side, though the '50' never actually made any sense. It started to of course, with some strange box art that emerged (as seen above) and we wrote about it way back in December, 2010. To date, it's one of the only rumours we've covered that never came to fruition, even despite it popping up again in March 2011 and even January 2012. Many sources (even official ones!) revealed it was just an idea that wasn't meant to be...

 So why mention it again you ask? Well! What seems to be circulating like wildfire (though I attribute it to our pals at the Canberra and Southern NSW Dart Tag crew's Facebook page) is the patent doco regarding what looks like a Stampede with.. yup you guessed it, a FIFTY ROUND DRUM. Some pretty detailed pics of it, in a patent that was filed back in 2010, but seems to have only recently been approved...

More pics after the jump, or check out the actual patent doco here.



  1. ...if this is real it's going to be the only way I load anything that uses magazines. Even Rayvens.

  2. I've been following this almost as long as you have. It's an interesting idea and the fact that the patent is rumored to have been approved does hold some water. I'm more interested in it from a mechanical standpoint to be honest.

    I'll just throw this in there. Could this coincide with the development of an Elite Stampede?

    1. I had heard rumors of this, hence a post I made on AFon and Brit Nerf forums. I wondered if this is in the works, I spoke to Hasbro who told me that their R&D team have plans for making all N-Strike products cross over into their Elite brand.

      I'm wondering if we will indeed see an Elite Vulcan also?

      Hot stuff, gj guys!!!

    2. I can only see this coming with an elite stampede, and an elite stampede would be sweet but tormenting to me as i collect vortex blasters.

  3. Read the patent. It's for the aesthetic design of the stampede/drum. It has nothing on the actual workings of the drum itself.

    And about the patent only being approved recently? That doesn't mean anything. It's normal for blasters to be released before the patents are approved, since the patent office can only approve things so fast. Several Nerf guns actually say "patent pending" on them instead of having a date.

    The 50-round stampede drum is never coming to fruition. It was a design that didn't work in testing, so it was scrapped. Let it die.

  4. The patent may be there, they even got the box art, but it DIDN'T WORK. It can't work. Just forget about it already, and make one yourself.

  5. What a BEAST that Drum would be to have. While i don't forsee this being good to use for the Rayven, Raider, or Rampage, everything else should be pretty boss with that kind of capacity. This is an EXCELLENT way to outfit yourself for those long-haul games.

  6. I think that the drum mags production is dependent on whether or not Hasbro wants to put out an Elite Stampede or not. So far they are leaning towards flywheels as of late. I think if Hasbro puts out an Elite Stampede it would make sense to add the 50 dart drum mag to the mix, to make it "tacticoolite".

    About the design not working in testing. That doesn't really hold water for me. I mean if they really nit picked designs as some people say than how did the deploy make it onto shelves around the world? The only thing I think is hurting the chances of the giant drum mag coming out is the fact that Hasbro needs to cater to the kids. It is, after all a toy company, and it's possible that the drum mag with the massive blaster might be too much for kids.

    Also if you believe that Hasbro takes notice of HvZers and kidults, than you might believe hasbro won't put out the 50 rounder because they know the 35 round drum is awkward, and that is why not many people use it in an HvZ setting. It's possible that is the same reason why the rampage took out 10 darts in the drum mag, to make it more portable.

    That's my two cents anyways.

    1. The Deploy may have been an underpowered and gimmicky blaster, but it was mechanically sound as far as I am aware. I'm under the impression the 50-drum wasn't. As in, it just didn't work.

      "Also if you believe that Hasbro takes notice of HvZers and kidults..."

      I don't. We make up only a tiny fraction of Hasbro's customer base. Enough that they take notice of our websites, sure, and use them for free/cheap advertising from time to time, but not nearly enough to affect whether they release a certain product or not.

    2. If you have Nerfing long enough, then I am sure you will have noticed that the box art models are getting older (teens to 20's, especially with the dart tag line). I think they are trying to cater for that age group, thus HvZer's and the like

  7. an elite stampede with this would be pretty awesome.

  8. If a 35 rounder has problems with a stampede, how is this suposed to work?

    1. I use a 35 round drum almost exclusively with our Stampede and never have any trouble with it.

  9. @Anon ... yeah seems unable to operate in corrent design.
    They need a rocker selector to place the round into the chamber from either L/R drum. The drums would need to be off sync to allow the rocker to select, place, and rock back.

    Double barrel, double fed stampede for their new MultiShoot madness lineup? A Gnome can dream right....

    1. Actually, The way it appears to be set up is in a figure 8 style with the darts feeding from the left side of the clip, it could work

    2. on that note i have an idea on how it could work espesially since the new 25 drumb centre feeds, plus I dont see its desighn being awkward tell that to, the people who desihned the 100 round beta c magazine.

    3. but wouldnt a figure 8 setup block itself?

  10. It's about the aesthetics... I would rather not have Nerf make a tiger striped-esque Stampede, think of the amount of CoD fanboi videos that would surface

    1. I don't think its actually tiger striped, it is most likely a part of the design/sketch program they used to make the prototype.

  11. I could only imagine a double drum working if they made a new LMG type blaster, with a longer barrel, tripod, and no carry handle. Kinda like a vulcan with clip system?

  12. If you read the claims line in the doc, you'll see it's for the "decorative design", and in the description itnsaus that anything in broken line isn't part of the claim. I didn't see any broken line but I'm on my tablet.

    Also, @laser gnome, itsna figure 8 path, not an actual double drum.

  13. 50 dart clip!?!??!?!?! Thats gonna be a shield on its own.

    1. where have you been for the past three years?

  14. The drum looks like balls sac. Together, the gun and drum reminded me of something private.

  15. Replies
    1. Not anymore, he's not. I buzzed him with my STRYFE. That gun's a beast. I got one for christmas and that thing is awesome. They're all over in every Walmart in my area. That being Gilbert, AZ.

  16. It looks like the 50 round drum stampede dosent have a bipod.

    1. The Original one had no bipod either on the box, but came with it. Only the Sonic Series had the bipod on the box and came with it. You probably won't need a bipod because of how big the 50- dart drum's size is huge.

  17. I posted this in some discussions yesterday on the Nerf Wiki, but I'll repost it here:
    I honestly believe that the decision not to ship the Stampede with the 50 dart drum was a last minute thing. There are several reasons that I think this.
    1. Many stores had the Stampede listed in their POS systems as the Stampede ECS-50 (some still do)
    2. The banner over the Nerf blasters at some Target stores (prior to the new Hail-Fire and Pyragon one) showed the Stampede with the 50 dart drum on it (see the picture I added to the 50 dart drum page earlier this year). It even says Stampede ECS-50 on the blaster! And that was clearly a photograph, not a drawing or 3D rendering.
    3. The weight distribution of the Stampede is WAY off. It is very back heavy. However, if you put a Raider's 35 dart drum on it (which is likely just slightly lighter than the 50 drum would have been), the weight distribution comes a lot closer to being evenly balanced.
    4. The bipod is basically useless for standing the blaster up on it's own when using the included 18 dart clips, but if you use the 35 dart drum (which again, should be a close approximation of what the 50 dart drum would have been), it stands up perfectly.
    5. The choice of packaging it with such a weird combination of clips (three 18 dart clips and one 6 dart clip) makes no sense unless they were trying to keep it close to what was originally going to be included.

  18. The 50 round drum is also a way to keep the stampede selling, as people almost solely buy this blaster to stock up on 18 round clips, which you can now buy separately under the elite line.

  19. Elite Stampede! Awesome! I'm hoping for an Elite Deploy and Longshot.

    1. elite deploy would be sweet i loved my deploy it was cool and funtioned great, also anon above I dont think they sell stampedes anymore i can find none

  20. i'm sooooo happy that i started a nationwide controversy on the 50 round drum my life is complete

  21. I just wanna get the drum so i can put it on my longstrike and shoot people with my nerf dick.

    1. If this were Youtube, I'd like that. :)

  22. man i hope they make an elite stampede with a 50 round drum

  23. Nerf most likely would have used this in the stampede ECS release, but couldn't get it approved in time. now that it is approved, a possible 9-9-13 release is inevitable. An elite stampede would be quite interesting, and the 50 round drum would technically make it the highest cappacity Nerf blaster, as the hailfire uses multiple clips.

    1. Actually read the patent before commenting on it. The patent has nothing to do with the drum.

      For another thing, holding out on a release because of a patent not being accepted doesn't work either, because there are plenty of released Nerf guns that have "patent pending" written on the side.

      And how can something be both "possible" and "inevitable"?

      Please people, stop bringing this thing back. Hasbro flat out told us that it was only a concept and it won't be coming out.

  24. If Nerf actually does release the 50 dart drum magazine with an Elite Stampede I hope they sell the drums separately because I've got plenty of Stampedes already and I don't want to spend another 60-70 bucks just for the drum.

  25. Me So Gusta 50 Dart drum! If that is released, I would completely screw the 35 drum clip!

  26. im going to put in on my stryfe
