
Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Last Dart Nerf Elite Mega Centurion

Ever since the Longshot, fans have been going on about wanting a 'Sniper rifle'. Then the Longstrike came along, and while it LOOKED the business, it wasn't really anything remarkable as far as performance was concerned.  In fact even a Nitefinder out performed the Longstrike as far as distance and accurancy was concerned. The the Elite series came along and we're thinking "ok.. it's going further still.. this is good..." but there was still yet to really be a "sniper rifle" per se.

Well! Thanks to My Last Dart, introducing the upcoming new Nerf N-strike Elite Mega Centurion. Boasting ranges of 100 feet that is something unheard of in the stock Nerf world, thanks to these new "Mega series darts" (apparently 1 inch deep by 4" long)  and a whole new internal system that's apparently something pretty darn sweet. The blaster itself boasts 1 and a half metres long..which is.. well big.  

Check for more details over at My Last Dart as they were really the ones with the scoop and all the juicy info. 

MyLastDart: NDA Exclusive - 1 of the new Top Secret blasters - Nerf Elite Mega Centurion:



  2. I just died and went to heaven! Its so beautiful!

  3. Shut up and take my money. Please. This looks beautiful.

  4. Will this come to the U.S market?

    1. yea so 40 bucks retail in American dollars.

  5. Obv. won't be released in Australia. Thanks in advance, oh dearest Nannystate of ours.

    1. If it is they will just grey trigger it and reduce range to 45 feet...
      Hasbro Australia wouldn't dare loose profits, so they probably will sell a wussy version here.

    2. Okay, so they are releasing an Elite Version of the Longshot/Longstrike and that's awesome! But now the question is what blasters will follow in this line?

      Maybe an Elite Vulcan with increase rate of fire or range? Maybe a larger version of the Barrel Break? Heck, I'm just postulating but what do you guys think?

    3. Thats why we use amazon. thats how i got my awesome Stryfe :)

    4. Samuel pearsall: I'm imagining they wouldn't create more blasters for this line, because Elite is very recent and only long range weapons would represent this line. However, if a new weapon would be released i imagine it would be or a launcher (based on the titan) or an assault rifle (based on stampede).

    5. I don't see why I would have to pay twice as much on amazon. I mean we're talking freaking toys here. It's not like we're dealing with a giant tarantula that has chainsaws attached to its legs. It's really insulting that we have to get our toys dumbed down so we, the drippling retards, don't hurt ourselves.
      How about wrap everybody in pillows and enforce strict curfews? After all, there are lots of solid pointy objects around us that we might run into in the dark! OH NO!

    6. Sam there was already a barrel break repaint. I don't think they'll do anything else with that design. Especially considering that the barrel break repaint costs more than the roughcut. Who would buy it?

    7. The Gooch. Amazon doesnt charge twice as much. actually i have found that sometimes they are cheaper. they are only expensive if you buy something as soon as it comes out. wait a month or so and the price is acceptable

    8. I have yet to see a blaster that's cheaper, when considering all the extra fees etc.

    9. Nomad, the Rough Cut was not just a repaint of the IX-2. With the IX-2, you had to open it up after every blast (of 2 darts), or you can fire two separate shots. With the 2X4, when you pull the trigger, a barrel on each side fires a dart. You can repeat this three times before reloading.


  6. I don't care if the red looks kinda bad, the Longshot's back!

  7. Hmm I am assuming the "mega series darts" are not reworked (I elite style) mega darts of old?

    Also The Gooch, that is what the net is for (New Zealand here and we only get the grey trigger stuff, but I can order in the Orange trigger goodness)

    1. If you have seen any of the other posts The Gooch has made he is a troll so probly is too dumd to figure out that whole amazon, ebay & internet in general thing. Probly best to just ignor him & let him wither through atention malnutrition.

    2. There's a very clear line between cynicism and trolling. If you want to insult me, then don't hide behind utter anonymity. I find it actually quite "dumb" to order overpriced toys off the internet when I could buy them for a normal price (i.e. still overpriced because Australia's expensive as hell), like the good folks in the civilized world. Soft rags like you are the reason why our government treats us like toddlers in the first place. Grow a damn backbone man.

    3. Don't have Twitter or Facebook so anonymous is the only way I have to post without wasting my time signing up for either of those. As for your whining about living in a nanny state & having to pay shipping I say small price to pay for not having to make certian your doors are at least double locked or worry about some 14 year old shooting you in the head randomly because he thought you were a rival gang member or just had bad aim. I'd gladly trade places with you & let you & let you live the "free life" here in the states any day.

    4. By the way will from now on sign my posts as Nomad. Guessing your parents wern't cruel enough to really name you gooch so I see no need to post my real life name.

    5. Ok Mr Nomad, what does the dumbing-down of toys have to do with you not having to worry about your paranoia? I lived in many places in the world, in almost all continents, and I must say, I don't feel all that safe in Australia at all. Despite the illusion of regulations and a government that takes care, there's also utter incompetence on the side of law enforcement paired with regulations that are based on half-knowledge and rash reactions to things not fully understood. Some of the laws are offensive and archaic. It may be my european background speaking through me, but if the country I live in fucks up, I'm not the type of person to sit around and not speak up. You should thank me, instead of taunting me, bud.

    6. i have that problem to, yesterday my dumb ass brother pointed a Nerf gun at a car and the driver floored it :( i just sad that my area cant tell the difference between a Nerf long-strike or a SVD :(

    7. @ The Gooch: Ok fine Austrailia sucks kangaroo balls or whatever. I'm just saying there are worse & beter places on this earth to live & besides if your living there now it surely must be providing you with something you like/need. If you don't like the nerfed Nerf blasters you get in your country quit complaining & do something about it. I dislike the weakness of even the American versions but do I cry about it? No I grab some tools & get rid of the locks, fill the holes, upgrade the spring or replace the power supply & motors.

    8. Ha well now we're on the same page. Of course I will do everything feasible to improve my Nerf. It's part of the fun. But I would still prefer to start off with something less pussified.

      And of course Nerf guns will be somewhat limited no matter where, they're toys after all. And that's what great about it.
      But while I'm at it, it completely baffles me too, why for example soft air and paintball guns are classified as real weapons in Australia. In most places it takes the mature mind of a 16+ or 18+ year old person to judge responsibly as to how to utilize such a gun.
      See what I mean? And fair enough, people might CONFUSE them for real guns. Hell like the other anon posted, someone got scared of an actual nerf gun. But this really just lack of public awareness/education. Why not put effort into education and CORRECT regulation, instead of ignorant fear mongering and bans?

    9. Give them time, some one in the states will be stupid enough(we are in no short suply in the states) to do something with the right people watching & then they will be ileagel. My guess though would be that the airsoft & paintball people put too much money into the government pockets via lobbiests atm for them to be ileagal or controled.

    10. both anomymous window licker and the gooch are bickering little dipshits arguing about the shitty world economy

    11. shut up you idiot

  8. The 50 Cal. of Nerf.


    2. No it would be the dsr 50 iron sights from zombies when You pack a punch it

  9. 1.5 meters long, that is ridiculous

  10. o my gosh this is a answer to prayer i originally got the longstrike because it looked beast and said up to 35 feet but then it let me down this is freakin beast

  11. This is beyond awesome. My wish came true. I asked for an elite longstrike or longshot. But I never expected it to be like this. Nerf is going insane. I mean, A HUNDRED FEET?! Shut up Hasbro and take my money

    1. Anyone else having trouble accessing MyLastDart? I have a feeling that this was not supposed to come out...

    2. Indeed - the post was shut down. Watch out, Pocket. Don't want another visit from those "lawyers"... :P

  12. HOLY CRAP!

    This is not what I expected at all. This is better than anything I could have expected.

  13. If Hasbro "nerfed" the Elite blasters from 75ft(23m) to 15m.....then this 100ft blaster will never make it to Australia.

    1. You will if you have friends in the USA and LOTS of money for shipping ; )

  14. Awww i wanted a scope too :(, But still a cool ass blaster

  15. Well lets hope the Aus version isn't nerfed (haha) too much.

  16. Buying this the first chance I get.

  17. First thing that I thought about when I saw this... GUN-GASIM! I honestly don't believe my eyes. Imagine how expensive this will be! I WANT IT!!! ADD IT TO MY EXTREMELY EARLY CHRISTMAS LIST!

  18. Longshot:meh,okay.
    Centurion:screw this. TIS THING IS BEAST.forget about longshot or longstrike.

  19. 2 ft long draw? Man sounds like a spring powered hamp. Once these come out im definatly getting one. Shipping this to australia looks like its going to be expensive.

  20. errr do u know my last dart author contact? i cant access his blog as it is for invites only i want 2 ask for one

  21. Here is the details of the nerf gun, as Mylastdart is down, because somethinng is wrong with blogger's system.

  22. Hold up... Not elite stampede... Elite MEGA stampede! :D

  23. if any of you have ever converted an older style mega dart blaster to accept mini darts, you can understand the excitement of something like this.

  24. Hey guys there is something wrong with basic nerfs blogspot to something is wrong,its either the MLD's NDA is wrong because his NDA ends in june and he already show this gun in march.awkward.......

  25. Hmm... mega darts
    I know what I can do with those <:D

  26. hope the NDA expires soon... i have a feeling of more awesome things coming

  27. Bad this im out.peace.

  28. I don't think the box will fit all the 1.5 meter long goodness. they'll probably make the barrel packed separately and permanently attached like the longstrike stock or conventional detachable type.Look at the box claiming the dart's actual size. now relate the size of the dart in the clip, inside a blaster. yes, diagonally packing it could work, but with the number of accessories, they could have made the box shorter height wise. also, I personally prefer manual over auto. snipers are supposed to be working under any condition (hence lying on their stomach for days) and electronics would ruin this aspect as serious rp-ers and nerfers/gamers would play in the rain. come on, some of us must have thought it would be cool to be a sniper in a rainy/snowy day.

    1. ^same person. anyone have even a clue or an idea of how the "smart" bi-pod works?

    2. I'd think it would work like the Vulcan tripod

    3. Actualy try a rainy or even snowy day laying completely still in the mud & get back to us :)

  29. 5 feet is way too big for most teens let alone pre-teens. 4 feet would be OK if they made the barrel removeable. Semi-auto would be alright (sorta like a Barrett 50 caliber) but full auto wouldn't fit the sniper role.

    1. Pfft. Im 10 and I bet I can find a way to hold it.Maybe if I put the buttstock under my armpit...

  30. Was it just me or was there no sight, I'm happy for this and I was a big fan of the longshot, but I just hope it will have a scope

  31. What's the point in a scope? The dart drops so fast - and is so unpredictable in any outdoor situation that you're going to be spending your time with your eye to a tiny area in front of you...that your dart won't be traveling toward.

    Have fun watching nothing happening in a small circle.

    1. Exactly, and a scope is kinda useless when firing at a 45 degree up angle which is the only way it will get anywhere near the 100ft distance they claim

      I'd still get it just for looks, since I mod and paint more than actually use em

  32. Really Hasbro is planning an invasion agains't New Zealand and later Australia so that they can turn it's 4 million inhabitants into factory workers and become a tyrannical toy company, the most powerful in the world. They are gradually increasing the power, range and accuracy of all their weapons and arming their child soldiers who don't know the difference between right and wrong. New Zealand does not have a powerful enough military to defend itself from the CURRENT nerf weapons. How in god's name will they defend themselves with their ugly steyr AUGs vs this Or'some nerf Barrett? What with a flimsy grey trigger?!!!

  33. Careful what you post!!!
    Just a heads up Nerf has requested all info on the MEGA series and the Centurion to be taken down if they want to have a good standing with Nerf...

    But anyways,
    I just want to say that I wish it were shorter and used Elite darts...

    Really, 1.5 meters? That's WAY too long for most people, even for a sniper rifle...

    New darts just for this gun? Seems like a waste to have to buy new darts that only one gun can use...

    (I decided that I will sign as ~DarkDragon, because I do not have a compatible account to sign it with :P)


  34. And the Plot Thickens!

  35. Oooooh, I can't wait for this. I was hoping for looks like the longstrike but this is better. I hope it has good working sights. When I got my .22 for a little bit my foam accuracy was bad because after a (lead) bullet leaves the barrel it goes up. Foam doesn't. I used to think that my cousins longstrike had good range at about 45 feet. Longstrike is finished. We have .50 cal. As for everyone who freaks out saying, "too long! Too long!" Remember this. You don't charge the enemy with a sniper rifle. I'll get one of these baby's and defeat the two person teams at capture the flag before they know I'm comin baby

  36. now that they made a new elite dart type as it looks hopefully they will make a mega series revolver AND besides who doesent like a BIG GUN

  37. It would be glorious if these ended up being the same relative dimensions as the old Mega darts. All of the old blasters would suddenly become far more accessible again, as it would no longer require re-barreling or trying to grab increasingly rare Mega darts off of Ebay.

  38. Give me the fucking gun

  39. If you look carefully at the box, it says nothing about n strike elite. it says n strike. if you're in the know, you know that doesn't make any sense, as n strike was recently discontinued. Under n strike it says MEGA. So...... the only possible explanation is that there will be a whole MEGA series.

  40. Hate to be negative, but did they stuff up the design of the bipod? it folds backwards and covers a point where your stabilising hand would naturally hold.

    And dont real bipods on real sniper rifles fold with leg pointing forward?
