
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nerf Mega Centurion looks really... long.

More info of the proposed upcoming Centurion from our trusty-but-slightly-left-field European site of gold, ''- mainly another picture of the blaster out of the box. I still think that "MEGA" looks really out of place, but my guess is to make it REALLY obvious that it doesn't take standard clips.  It's been already called the Longshot successor (though one should be cautious when making such claims before really trying it out... Longstrike anyone?!:P) and there's much discussion on whether that front barrel detaches like the Longshot or not; also interesting is that bipod is HUGE!

Looks like everything is big with the Centurion:) Thanks to everyone who sent in the lead for this one!

Mega Centurion via


  1. Anybody else notice the bolt half-pulled, any clues as to why?

    1. Well, it's got a two-foot prime... Opening the breech, then, shouldn't require a full pull of the bolt, though the darts obviously aren't one foot long, either...

    2. I think it may be a sneaky trick to make people who don't look too closely think the prime is shorter than it is. Because that is really long, and I'm sure some people (me included) would think twice before buying because of it.

    3. or maybe your just insulting everyone who have vision impairments. they'll probably call their cousins on ya. anyway maybe it can be primed either to there for less power but will be easier to prime and faster to prime or all the way back for more power but may be harder to prime and slower to prime.

    4. the mega is soooo....... boring......... not

    5. what approval

  2. it looks like the barrel is built in since the nerf logo is right where the barrel would normally detach and the barrel loops for straps are on a single solid piece of plastic so that there barrel is perment.

  3. I'm just hoping it comes with a sight. Cause if its going to have range of 100 feet accurately, there should be a scope.

    1. Correction. It should come with a DECENT sight... let's face it the sights that come with the blaster, albeit taticool, with the exception of the Pinpoint sight, didn't do shit... the Flip sights that the Recon and Longstrike had were garbage, and the scopes from the LS and Mission Kit were terrible too.

    2. does build in iron sights count back before his post was pulled down my last dart said it had 3 iron sights in the blaster and the barrel is NON DETATCHABLE

    3. I say that the little pinhole sight with the Recon could have been useful if it had a range exceeding fifteen feet (reliably). But only for target shooting- what me and most of my friends did was cut off the top and a good bit of the sides and use it as a flip-down ironsight. Inaccurate beyond 25 feet but you keep situational awareness.

    4. actually the recon flip sight i found was the most acurate folowed by the longstrrike sight.

    5. u could use the recon sight as an iron sight u just needed to flip it down no cutting required.

    6. yes there should be a scope

    7. i heard from adult fans of nerf they will sell more accesories 4 blasters but seperately like in mission kits so you can get the atatchment u want without buying the gun u dont want just to get the accesory u want, like the spectre i mostly got it 4 the acessories.

  4. Hey guys it's Kyle T again. I can't tell you all how long I've been waiting for a good product photo of the Centurion. Now we can actually analyze the design! One big thing I thought of was the possible purpose of the half primed bolt. I noticed there was no visible clip release, so what if the half primed position is the clip release!? That would certainly be fresh and interesting and modifiers would want their hands all over that. Another thing I noticed was that it looks like a foot shorter than on the box (which I find an acceptable length and won't be too much of a hassle) also how much you wanna bet we're gonna get a zoom scope attachment available for this harbinger of foamy boss-sniping dream.

  5. I don't even think I'm going to buy this.

    The length is ridiculous, the fact that it uses new darts and clips just adds more cost, the range is no good for indoors, which is where I would be using it, and really, no interchangable front (based on the look) on this? They seem to be making less and less with detachable fronts...

    The color scheme is awesome and the blaster itself looks amazing, there are just some kinks I would work out...

    Overall, I just wish they would make more guns with this color scheme, because it looks awesome, and the bipod looks sweet!


    1. The bigger darts are for saftey reasons if u saw MLDs post on theis before it was removed he stated MEGA darts are used to achieve the 100ft FLAT ranges it claims whith out harm to the human target, aparently if they used regular elite darts it would be inacurate and potentialy break skin, yes BREAK SKIN, and no one cares that actual weapons even of the same type, assault rifles, pistols, smgs, have varying callibers that some cannot use while another 1 can, im not even going to mention the difference of sniper rifles, but egxample AK47 takes 7.62x39mm cartriges,AN94 takes 7.54x39mm cartriges, M14 takes 7.62x51mm cartriges, M16 takes 5.56x45mm cartriges, and QBZ95 takes wierd 5.8mm cartriges, yet i dont hear gun nuts complain why should nerf be too different think of it as a 50cal of nerf.

    2. you only fire a real bullet once

    3. not the pont no gun owner complains they have to buy a different calliber 4 thier pistol than thier rifle, why should we again mega darts are to solve a saftey and reliability issue.

    4. not the point

    5. Well, here's food for thought: why not mod it to take regular Elite Darts and clips; that way, you can use what stockpile you already have and dominate the game

  6. @darkdragon.

    idk i am an indoor an i feel i would use alot. 2 allies with roughcuts for close range and me picking people off across the hall. little issues i would have to deel with except the unique ammo.

    barrel 1 piece is odd but i understand. to push a dart 100 feet going to need ALOT of air sealing and control, swapable barrels will seriously affect this. not to mention big darts wont work on small barrels.

  7. [Alex] I tend to think that the barrel is fixed on - I thought I read somewhere on MLD's blog before it got taken down that it was all one solid blaster, no detachable barrel.

    The "half prime" would be anyone's guess as to why it is like that, but my 2cents worth is it could be a two-stage priming system; pulled back half-way opens the breech and loads the dart, but pulling it all the way back completes the cocking of the blaster.

    I reckon there would be a clip release placed behind where the clip feed is, kind of like the Rayven / Stryfe, but due to camera angle we can't see it at the moment.

    Indoor or outdoor I'll so be grabbing one or two of these >:D

  8. Hey if you search for EAN 5010994716950,
    you fidn the follozing info:
    Some sites are strangely calling it the "Mega Javelin"
    It seems set for an August 31 release!

    1. That website also had something called a nerf counterstrike elite. Could this be a new line or just a misnamed firestrike or something?

    2. It's been confirmed back in February by My Last Dart (I think). It's just a misnamed Firestrike.

    3. i like counter strike better

  9. Fixed or non-fixed barrel, modders will always be able to minimize it. What I find interesting is that the prime will go back far beyond the trigger and handle. That would be an awkward prime...

  10. Looking at the photo, I'm 95% sure this thing is solid. Which is going to make it a pain in the ass to haul around if the dimensions originally listed are true. It may have a clip release on the other side of it. I mean most N-Strike stuff has ambidextrous clip releases, except the LS, which I hate because I am a lefty... And for everyone complaining about the giant MEGA on the blaster... come on... most of us are Modders... like we are not going to be painting this beast....

  11. They need to get rid of that stupid clip and give it a revolving cylinder, to make it more accurate, reliable etc.

    1. Think about how large the dart is. Now think how large the cylinder needs to be. Cool concept, but not very effective in wars.

    2. i had the idea of the vengance rev8 from the N-strike game being made real by makeing it fire mega darts from a 5dart chamber

    3. Then again, if if only holds 6 darts anyhow then a revolver would probably be better than worrying about clips.

  12. You know what gets me about this blaster? The sheer length of it with the absence of a carry handle. Just wondering if anyone else made the same observation?

  13. if yall agree reply to me i think there should be a different model stampede(auto gun)the raven should be remade to be full auto

    1. Haven't you seen the rapidstrike BRO. What your asking for is being created.

    2. the rayven is fine automatic fire would require makeing it bigger defeating the purpose of its bullpup deisghn though i do want another bullpup gun, maybe a sniper or assault rifle

  14. Soundmedia said their centurion is 89.00 CHF, but Ex Libris says their Mega Javelin is 79.00 CHF. Are they completely different Nerf guns?

    1. m.l.d. doesn't think so, check out his blog post on it.

    2. i heard they are

    3. I know they are. Sorry must have been a typo.

  15. The Javelin and Centurion have the same EAN numbers, so does that mean they are the same but mistranslated?

    1. M.l.d. thinks it is the second of the three mega guns.

    2. 3? youve peaked my interest

    3. Yes, three! Interesting enough I actually predicted what the three were BEFORE any news was released! I predicted the third secret mega blaster to be a clip Fed x-crossbow! FINGERS CROSSED BROS! :{D. So far I've been dead on!

  16. you know that 1.5 meters of solid cant be in a box. if there is no way to make it more compact, its box wouldnt fit shhelves which means there WİLL be a way to shorten this

    1. Wow dude you did some thinking on this one! Everyone has been complaining about how they're going to use this long thing and none of them considered the box! With this stated fact I deduce one of two options for this to actually work. One would be that it would be separated in the box and upon attachment it would be permanent. Or option two (my preferred choice, would be awesome, and very profitable for nerf) would be a collapsible barrel extension that pulled out when firing and you could push it in when on you back or carrying thus reducing the ridiculous length when user is mobile!!!! THAT WOULD BE BOSS NERF, YOU HEAR THAT NERF? THAT'S THE SOUND OF POTENTIAL MONEY!

    2. i think thats cool i still dont think it should be able to be fired when shortened though ITS A SNIPER RIFLE NOT AN SMG

    3. It better be able to shoot when shortened.I aint carrying dis crap when full length.It should be like the longstrike.

    4. It better shoot.>:(

  17. Telescoping outward and inward! GENIUS.

  18. I analyzed the picture and this looks very possible!!!! The long red shell parts have a hinge near the mega symbol and look at the Orange barrel, notice each piece is smaller than the first. So the long red prices fold back on a hinge and the Orange barrel telescopes inward to create a compact and mobile mode! Reverse for firing!

  19. The barrel is solid, but detachable like the Longstrike stock. I can prove this because the box is too small for the whole 1.5 meter which means the barrel will be permanently attached "after" unboxing it. People are probably gonna do a mod like the Longstrike stock removal mod. ALSO: nerf should make a mega revolver even if it has like only 3-4 darts. the huge bullet should give the "Hellboy" mood.

    1. vengance REV8 anyone?

    2. Bro look at my posts above, I think it will make you interested.

  20. Screw the barrel. Im just gonna use the shortened version.

  21. I hope it doesnt go out of stock in a few secs once its released. :'(

  22. I hope it doesnt go out of stock too fast. ='(

  23. this gun doesnt telescope, and kyle you were right ou put it together and it is permenently there. look at this link, i know its just pics to music but it does show it both together and apart
