
Friday, March 15, 2013

Rumours: Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18

As seen.. well pretty much everywhere:) That much anticipated automatic N-Strike Elite blaster has been spotted on another one of those European sites for preorder. The N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18 is looking the bomb with what looks like an integrated stock, boot loads of tactical rail goodness and a very spunky looking 18 round clip. I'm guessing it's flywheel given the secondary 'trigger' but anyone who's seen one can prove me otherwise!

Thanks to all the people who sent in the intel!

Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18 via


  1. I am going to lay down the ground work for this blaster.
    the fact that it is on a store not just a picture suggests that it is real, however mylastdart said we would not get an elite stampede, also the low quality of the picture and the resemblance to the stryfe/stampede/rayven suggest that it is fake, also why would nerf bring out another stryfe because this is for sure flywheel. If you think this is an elite stampede (which that term is more specific than what i think when it comes to Mylastdart) it isn't because there is no room for any kind of electronic plunger system and note the forward bulges that look like they are for flywheels plus the acceleration trigger. This may be an automatic flywheel gun perhaps if it is real. The clip looks like the one seen earlier on NM&R which helps hint that it is real. On a personal note this looks like a great candidate for making an aliens m41a pulse rifle.

    1. They didn't say "there will be no elite Stampede", but simply stated that they can't comment on that topic.

      ...because THIS blaster is now coming out!

    2. Yeah, about that harpuia. You are right that it's not a stampede but I think it's real and my only doubt on how it may perform isnt speed but distance. We've all seen the effect of firing a semi auto flywheel too fast. It loses distance. It would need a powerful motor(loud) to keep distance.

    3. My hope is that the sub-trigger is a tac-light as on the night finder. Based on compacted stampedes I have used I think there is plenty of room for the same electronic loading system that the current Stampede has. It makes no sense to produce another POS flywheel gun.

  2. It will be a missed opportunity if it is not an remodeled version of the Stampede - We've already got enough elite flywheel blasters.

    Who knows, maybe it is an updated stampede style blaster, and that second button is for a laser target similar to the Firestrike.

    1. Though one can also say that we've got enough plunger-based blasters as well. :/

  3. finally! been waiting for this for too long...

    1. 1.5 years is "too long" the original stampede didnt come out till N-Strikes 8th or 9th year, and i didnt hear anyone say this should have been done years ago when it came out.

  4. This thing looks beast! the bump above the side rail does make it appear to be a flywheel blaster.

    Also, the thin 'slit' down the length of the silver stock looks like a track, which means the stock should function somewhat like the longshot stock system does. Its fixed, but collapsable :D.

  5. I hope that tactical rail on the side is one both sides. The rayven having supported only righties pissed me off...

    1. load a drumb mag into ur rayven now its a lefty gun

  6. So is this meant to be the Elite answer to the Stampede or some new beast entirely?

  7. Hear is the Original Sellers Website with the listing.

  8. There's a couple of things that rub me the wrong way with this blaster and I think its a fake; but I've been surprised before...

    Lets just start with the elephant in the room; The coloring scheme.
    All Elite blasters that I know of use blue with white striping and orange/grey/black for details.
    - This guy goes the other way by making the striping orange and only having a bit of white in the stock...which Looks foldable rather then removable - folding the stock fully would I beleive eliminate white completely from the blaster.

    Asfar as I know none of the Elite blasters have tactical rails colored differently from their main bodies.
    - This guy has top, side and bottom tactical rails in that same orange color that confuses me with the striping.

    The picture shown of the clear clip a few weeks ago shows that the clear clip has an orange bar on which the darts rest; unless the ammo is photoshopped in this picture we see that resting bar through the clear plastic being grey rather then orange.
    - Ofcourse the clip could be a fake or they could recolor the resting bar - but I rather think the clip is real - this blaster isnt.

    All elite blasters have a grey plate with the name of the blaster on the right side (And some on the left too) in this picture I cannot find such plate - I CAN find something that resembles a plate on the orange stripe (With a bit of its tip colored in blue)
    Its however too small to make out what it says -I'm not CSI afterall-
    - It however doesn't match the rest of the N-Strike Elite color schemes present on all other blasters.

    All Nerf blasters have an N-Strike or N-Strike Elite logo painted on either the handle or the body (Sometimes both).
    - I can't find a logo anywhere on the body or the handle, thats like a dead giveaway that something is not correct.

    The last thing that confuses me is the history - Mylastdart mentioned that there would be no Elite Stampede in the pipeline and if there was he'd have hinted at it differently.
    You'd say "But Stompy it has an acceleration trigger so its Flywheel and not a Stampede remake"
    - It certainly looks like that but would you really think they'd make ANOTHER flywheel blaster?
    If anything I think IF it were real that it would be an on/off button rather then trigger to allow it to be operated ambidextrously.


    All in all I think its a good looking blaster but the color scheme inconsistencies with the rest of the Elite line make me say one of these two things:

    1) Its a fake; Only picked up by one site and mistakingly seen as real. (Highly Likely)
    2) Its real, but we're looking at an protype painted/fan painted blaster. (Extremely Unlikely)

    But again; I've been wrong before...

    1. The N-Strike Elite logo is present on the forward section of the carry handle.

      The color-scheme change is chronologically consistent within some NERF lines. The Stampede color scheme was originally much different than other yellow-painted N-Strike blasters, adding a gun-metal gray finish. We are also seeing an entirely different red color-scheme for the NERF MEGA Elite line hinted by the Centurion.

      MyLastDart reported that there would be no Stampede Elite/re-shell, but rather an entirely different blaster with new internals and performance. Just as MyLastDart reported no Longshot/Longstrike Elite release, the Centurion succeeds them spiritually. The "Rapid Strike" looks to be the spiritual successor to the Stampede.

      It is safe to assume that this may be a fake, but it looks incredibly interesting to say the least.

    2. would it be like the hail-fire not looking or working anything like the vulcan but still filling the same role?

      That said I still want an elite vulcan... maybe they could do it in the MEGA series ooh

    3. i believe the stock wraps around the plunger tube like a raider stock does only the whole stock moves and leaves the plunger untouched along tracks built into the interior of the blassters frame, do note that retaliator plunger tubes are relativley small, and even with the protruding bit sticking out when primed is still small , and i believe the batteries go under the barrel cuz that area does look kind of square, and that the black grip looking thing is part of the piece you would unscrew in a similar manner to a nitron, leaving the econdary trigger as a fire selector or on/off switch, because i did hear this had both burst and auto, however unlikely my theory is (I dont even believe i) I think this is a very concievable, and realistic way this blaster could be internaly buit

  9. Bummer, trying to order it but it's only shipped in Switzerland. There's another german site that's much cheaper (search by EAN), but the delivery time is unknown there...

  10. The second trigger is prob for a lazer under the barrel notice the hole for a lazer or light. .Also I think the weird curve in the stock would only exist due to a plunger tube slot.. the frame does seem to suggest some indentations that could mean flywheel but they look to small to hold motors + wheels with easy.
    I think the black part of the stock with the curve that stops then starts again is clearly it dodging a plunger tube.

    1. That weird curve could be a battery compartment..

  11. that looks like the elite stampede without shield+bipod. look at the amount of tactical rails on that thing. I'm seeing 5 on this side alone. And don't forget the 18 round clip, as the original stampede came with 3 18 rounds and one 6 round clip. This has to be the Stampede we've all been waiting for.

  12. This looks a lot like the stryfe, with the same rev switch and clip release, and the magwell. that stock looks collapsible too, as you can clearly see grooves in the stock. I'm not sure I like all that orange, but there's the clear clip we saw earlier. Intergrations look easy, and I love that front iron sight.

  13. That thing is sexy. I want it instantly. I want to put my red dot sight all over it. And my noob tube.

  14. It's been awhile since I posted anything at this blog. I must say the Rapidstrike CS-18 looks incredible. I hope that its stock is collapsible. This would be a great primary weapon in someone's Nerf collection, especially if they're playing HvZ.

  15. I thought that the Rayven was the CS-18.

    1. CS-18 refers to the firing mech and ammo cap of the blaster, and they are not unique. The Alpha Trooper is also CS-18. There are at least four CS-6 blasters too, the Recon, Deploy, Longshot and Longstrike.

    2. Technically, this should be labeled ECS-18.
      ECS stands for Electric Clip System.
      Hey, there are many ECS-series blasters, some not properly labeled.
      Stampede ECS-50 = Stampede ECS
      Rayven CS-18 (N-Strike) = Rayven ECS-18 (N-Strike)
      Rayven CS-18 (N-Strike Elite) = Rayven ECS-18 (N-Strike Elite)
      Strife = Strife ECS-6
      Rapidstrike CS-18 = Rapidstrike ECS-18


    3. the stampede was ecs cuz it had a motorized plunger system the rayven and stryfe just use batteries to power the flywheels u just pull a trigger with a spring from there the clip system is not using a motorized firing mech

  16. Kind of reminds me of the stampede...

  17. The Alpha Trooper was a CS-18 as well, As far as every one saying fake, there is a chance but why would a store post these up for sale. Makes no sense to post and item you found a picture of. Also the original site selling these, is a music, video store simular to Hastings or Borders book store. Wouldnt make sense for them to post an item they just happen to find a picture of.

    Elite Alpha Trooper was also called fake until released from a store.

  18. I'm really hoping its not flywheel. We had enough of them already

  19. i really hope its not flywheel.

  20. The stock looks like it is collapsible so there is no room for a plunger tube.. looks like another flywheel blaster to me. :-(

  21. I think I was one of the first people to see this and it looks awesome. I really don't think it's fake. It is probably in development or in a working prototype stage. I also don't think it looks like the stampede (other than the tactical rail/handle I don't see a resemblance). I have a stampede so I compared them. However I do think it looks a lot like the peacekeeper s.m.g. though, seriously go and compare them. The system in which this blaster fires I think would be a stick plunger like in most flywheel blasters but it would be electronic and fast upon trigger pull and the fly wheels would just propel the darts forward so there wouldn't be a severe jam (just to get the darts out fast enough so the next one won't collide and cause jamming). I don't think there is a plunger tube at all. Also did anyone notice the darts? Those aren't normal they are a lighter blue with a black tip. Maybe they're designed to go faster or have a whistle tip.........

    1. I'd say it's fully automatic flywheel (which is similar to what you described or I'm reading it wrong and that actually is exactly what you described).
      And the dart colouring is because of the transparent blue plastic of the clip.

    2. thats exactly what iv been thinking. the black part of the stock would only be so wavy of a shape so that it could house internals, probably some sort of 3-round burst / auto dart pusher rod. itd be simple enuff, a roller on the bottom of the pusher rod would stop it from jamming up. also, anyone with a stampede flip them over so the barrel is facing to the left. theres some small white darts painted on, 3 when the safety is off and one crossed out selected when the safety is on.
      now examine the 'rapidstrike's shell, it appears to have one bar of coloured darts, and beneath it, a single, followed by a large gap, and another single.

      im really starting to think its either gonna be single shot and full auto, or single and burst.

      burst shot and auto? i dont care that its flywheel. shutup and take my money.

    3. I see what you saying, if you zoom in a lot on the clip the base of the tip of the darts Is orange!!!

    4. nice Kyle i didn't notice that before, definitely look like different elite darts than normal. i don't wanna deter anyone from UT, this place is the holy grail for nerf news, but iv seen some new 95% clear clips that i feel need mentioning, they might be similar to this clip we are seeing now. again im just spreading information for other nerf fans.

      pocket should do a post on these potential new darts/clear clips imo :)

  22. I love flywheel blasters, this looks incredible. I was skeptical about this at first but the more I think about it, the possibility of this being real grows on me. MLD's hints seem to match up with this completely. Also, the french website with details revealed about its firing modes (100% full auto with burst fire option) seems to give this blaster more credibility. Those iron sights look awesome!

  23. I compared this to my stampede, and it looks very similar.

    First, it looks as if they simply cut off a little bit of the front barrel of the stampede. The tactical rail on the bottom, and the plastic around the barrel are pretty similar.

    Second, it appears that the battery compartment was cut off and replaced with a collapsible stock. This leads to the question of where the batteries would be... Maybe that accounts for the bulge on the blaster? If you look closely at the stock, it seems as if a piece was supposed to be sticking out towards the front, but was cut off (near the bottom of the stock). This could have been the space for a shoulder strap to attach.

    Also, the handle part that sticks up from the top looks exactly the same as the one on the stampede, and I have never seen this on any other blaster.

    I hope that, if this is a real blaster, that the secondary trigger is just for a laser or to replace the on/off switch. I hate flywheel blasters, because they always seem to be completely innacurate...

    Overall, I believe this is simply a Photoshopped stampede, but I hope I am wrong. I hope it is not a flywheel blaster (too many of those already) and it has some form of change to the firing. The name seems to say that it will have a ridiculously fast rate of fire...

    Hopefully I am wrong about it being a Photoshopped stampede, but if it isn't I hope it is not flywheel...


  24. If you translate the website it states that it is full auto sooooooo. Maybe its like the nitron or something completely new or different.

  25. I wonder what the deal is with the new darts?

  26. its flywheel and the MEGA dart range will be impossible to mod and the rebelle line will be the only thing left for mod scene to play with. even thou the rebellle line has no clip system forces you to use standard rebelle/eliet streamlines due to "smart"dart detention like in the Triad and rough cut.. WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD OF NERF with 0 mods.

    1. If they do go all fly wheel it won't be a world with no mods, just trustfire & RV shops(for upscale electric motors) will see a boost in business.

  27. I AM SO GETTING THIS i want the centurion but it takes a new kind of dart :( but with this i can re-enact scar face :P

  28. Is it just me or does the front look like a barrel attachment would fit. The angle is hard to tell, but maybe just to make things interesting.

  29. Hey guys I just thought of something, what if the hole under the barrel is not a later or light but the new master key/grenade launcher a.f.o.n./m.l.d. we're talking about!!!! That would make sense for the slanted "handle" under the barrel. Plus that bottom tactical rail and blue panel with the diagonal slits looks like it would slide back to load it!

    1. That would be beast, but that would be obstructed by my masterkey. You know, the Longshot barrel extension, or as I call it, the "Shortstop IX-1".
      I'm thinkin' flywheel. Actually, that's the way to go for fast-firing action. And regarding the noise concern, the ECS makes lots of racket, especially when you're dumping the ammo out quickly. It's a **** of a lot louder than a flywheel gun, and it lets them know what you have. With this, they hear the revvin', and they think you've got a wimpy-*** semi-auto gun.

    2. Many guns, you can ID by ear if you're payin' attention. But not flywheel.

    3. Komodo here.
      Hate to crash your party, Kyle, but there needs to be space for 4 batteries, probably "C" cells. Although, it could have 4 "AA" batteries, hidden on the left side. That would be pretty sweet, having a masterkey that fires Mega darts.
      I'm hopin' it uses "AA"s, although it would burn through them quicker than a Hummer burns through a tank of gasoline.

  30. Love how they have all of those rails on it but only 1 (2 if you count the pinpoint)attachment so far for the series. Hope they get some more released in the near future. If not there are always airsoft acceseries.

  31. The iron sight line up is wrong... Yes the stampede had iron sights in front of the carry handle, but it didn't have a belt strap on the end of the carrying handle. That strap attachment point would obscure the iron sight viewing.

    1. Or, it could be dual loops. That wouldn't **** around with your sight picture.

  32. Hey guys, I can't remember where but I heard a rumor about a new nerf mini gun that holds 300 rounds and shoots New ammo. The ammo is ball shaped and foam (like everything else). Tell me if any of you have heard this and your opinions please :D.

    1. Well I doubt Nerf would make yet another new ammo since people have been complaining about the new MEGA series having new darts, but it is a possibility. However I think you might be talking about this: which I'm pretty sure had the slight problem of tear up it's ammo as the barrels rotate. But hey, it's a possibility.

  33. I bought the triad ex-3 and it is EXTREMELY powerful! I shot my hand with it and it left a quarter sized wept from it! OUCH!!!!!!!! Also it is twice as big as I thought it would be.

  34. "Do you theyd make another flywheel blaster"


    if youve noticed the trend NERF seems to have stopped makeing the complex awsome automatic plunger mechanisms as seen in the vulcan and stampede in favor of the flywheel system, this disapoints me, nerf was the best to me because they didnt compromise with flywheels to make automatic blasters they scratched thier heads and put it together with a plunger system no matter how complex it had to be I miss thaat nerf.

    1. Have you seen the DartTag Swarmfire?
      I think that this will be a mix of Swarmfire and Stampede, with a few parts from the Stryfe thrown in for good measure. Swarmfire because it uses "C" batteries and they are in a holder up front; Stampede because it's full-auto, clip-fed, direct plunger; and Stryfe because of its on/off switch, clip-release lever, magwell, and muzzle.

      The concern has been raised that since the slits in the magwell show orange, while the rest of the clip is clear, it is probably photoshopped.
      I think it was photoshopped, but by Nerf. They wanted to include the clear clip, but didn't have the gun handy, so they photoshopped it in.
      It's no concern.

      It could be flywheel, but probably not. The back part (curvy chunk and forward) looks longer and deeper than the back part of a Retaliator, so they could have easily inserted some sort of automated Retaliator internals. The secondary trigger is just an ambidextrous improvement on the on/off switch for the Stampede.


      P.S. The nice thing about flywheel, though, is that all of them have the same annoying whine. They all sound the same, and you can use this to play with your enemies' minds.

  35. Anyone else motice the holes in the side of the magwell are orange but the clip is clear

    And to answer ur question "do u seriously believe they'd make another flywheel blast?"


  36. Yeah, but that could be simply one layer of the gun showing through another layer. Almost all the internals of nerf guns are orange.


    1. but the slits in the mag well would be clear if the clip was out as shown by the stryfe (same style magwell)

  37. Komodo here.
    with that massive wave of leaked photos, the following is clear:
    The RapidStrike is real
    It will be full-auto flywheel
    its clip will be clear
    The image we got was a back-of-the-box-type pic
    It will use 4 C-cell batteries
    the batteries will be in the boxy area below the barrel
    there will be no grenade launcher

    And finally,
