
Friday, April 5, 2013

Rant: Why Retaliator?

Other than the awkward “we don’t talk about him at parties” Hailfire, I’d have to say my least favourite Nerf N-Strike Elite series blaster is the Retaliator. It’s not that it’s bad per se, it’s just I never really liked the Recon in the first instance, so regardless of how much better it performs, for me it’s still a Recon. It’s still got the awkward top sliding cocking mechanism. Ugh.

The Retaliator DOES come with much needed ‘bits’ in a rather somewhat stark accessories market for the Elite series, giving us a barrel extension  (albeit repainted one from a recon), all new stock (that’s kinda too short to be of use to anyone over the age of 8) and a front grip (ok I love this grip and use it for my Stryfe) but I found this was all a kind of ‘smoke and mirrors’ approach to the fact that the first Elite series blaster was really a revamped older one. That being said it does seem to be pretty popular with Nerfers from the pics I’ve been seeing. I mean it’s even the only blaster in the Elite range so far that Orange Mod Works have created a kit for. And yet to me.. it's still a Recon.
The Recon was actually the blaster that almost got me OUT of Nerf. After all the mad fun office wars we were having with Nitefinders and Mavericks, the office arms race suggested we needed something that was going to bring more grunt to the table, and so I went out and bought the Recon. You have to understand from the point of view of the total newbie, (which we all were at the time) the Recon looked totally BOSS. And in those days, it was 50 bucks, so it was some serious kit.. or so I thought. The fact we found it was easily outclassed by the Maverick and Nitefinder and had an uncomfortable cocking mechanism just had us sorely disappointed and delegated it to the back of a cupboard for quite a while. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to disassociate that negative experience from my mind.

Interestingly enough, after this episode, it was the N-Strike Raider that got me back into Nerf and while it too at the time was revamped in the Elite series (as the Rampage) it seems to be almost forgotten and unmentioned in Nerf circles. While the Retaliator still gets quite a fair bit of press and play, buzz on the Rampage are surprisingly quiet. On my trip to LA last year, I had an opportunity to potentially have an impromptu Nerf war and given I normally don’t carry Nerf guns with me on holiday, I had to pick one up- I chose the Rampage given at the time there was only the choice between it and the Retaliator (and the yokel loud cousin we don’t talk about at parties). I thought it was an obvious choice. Wouldn’t anyone? But apparently not. Retaliator for the win for most. Which I just think is weird:P

SO what IS the Elite blaster of choice for you these days? If it was purely on functionality, I still would go with the Rampage. If it was for cool factor, probably the Stryfe. If it was for poser factor? The Roughcut. But I really wouldn’t choose the Retaliator.

But I am interested to hear your views why you WOULD. :D


  1. There are three blasters I have that I hate but Nerf is still my favorite thing in the world.

  2. I think Retaliator is best for looks, Firestike is best for performance, and Roughcut is best for functionality.

  3. i love the strongarm and i was kind of disappointed that they didn't hybridize the alpha trooper and raider into the rampage, i love the prime on the raider but i can't stand the side mag well which gets in the way and is slow to reload.

  4. retaliator works wonders its rifle barrel makes it accurate, it has a good clip size and is easy to prime as well as having great range

    1. I hope I never have to say this again, but the rifling doesn't affect accuracy, and the barrel only serves to hinder range.

    2. He didn't say the riflING affected accuracy, he said the rifle BARREL did. W/o the barrel it's a carbine, with it it's a full rifle.

    3. Oh, okay, misread the post. Still, I don't think the barrel helps that much. And I actually own one, don't think I am talking without any experience.

    4. I have two Aus spec retals, and from my experience their barrels make both of them more accurate. I'll say that the rifling doesn't make much of a difference, because I've found recon vs retal barrel produces te same results.
      Maybe for US spec retals the barrels don't work as well, but for the weakling Aus spec retals they do drastically improve accuracy without removing much range.

    5. My retaliator is a Canadian model orange trigger and all that good stuff I do notice a great difference in accuracy between barrel and no barrel and just because you say the trifling doesn't help doesn't mean it doesn't it just means the difference is minimal plush would nerd continue trifling their barrels if it didn't work

  5. The bolt sled in the Recon/Retaliator is less prone to breaking than the Raider/Rampage. Becomes a legitimate issue when talking about beefier springs though.

    The Raider was my favourite back in the day though so there's always going to be a soft spot for the Rampage.

  6. WTF? The Retaliator is probably the best Nerf gun I have ever put hands on. Works great for me. You must have gotten a bad apple in the bunch.

  7. Triad is top of the elites for me here is why.

    I can see less and less people using Clips in the future I think most optimal load out of the future is this

    Sidearm = 2 Triads or a wildshot
    slamfire = Revonix
    Primary = Longshot or Centurion or home made.

    Not only being optimal The good thing about this is you only need Clipsystem if you use a longshot (which im hoping is outclassed soon). Which honestly is good because all the clip makers rip you off big time.

    Flywheels really are the heavy machine guns of nerf.. even if they come in small packages I really want a belt fed flywheel I have 2 photonstorms one of them cut down like a styfe and with the right motors they are cool but I feel like I should put a tripod on all my flywheels to simulate the noise they make setting up/revving up like a heavy weapon would when you set it up... Flywheels don't work with out team or distractions but they are very cool. I would really like nerf to make a flywheel hybrid that you can 'cock' for the first shot with a plunger like a M4 but then after the first shot it engages flywheels. If they do that flywheel problem is solved.

    Also the stampede is useless more so than a flywheel imo it has all the same problems but lower rate of fire. and it brakes. horrible blaster glad nerf are forgetting its design.

    1. My 480 dart per minute stampede that has never given me a single problem says otherwise.

  8. I bought 2 retaliators. 1st one to get acceseries for my Stryfe & the 2nd one to get a barrel for a Strongarm Masterkey. In my openion the only real selling point of the retaliator are the acceseries. In this day & age a non slam fire capable blaster on it's own just kind of found wanting. Also the thing that realy didn't do it for me with both the recon & the retaliator is the top accessory being mounted on slide. If you were to try to use any real scopes or sights on a retaliator or recon without bolt moding the slide & removing the top of the slide you would waste your time zeroing them as your alignment would change with each cocking of the blaster.

  9. So... You hate the awkward cocking mech? Time you should do the Bolt action mod!

  10. The Recon was my very first blaster and must say I didn't like the awkward prime either. While the Retaliator is only an improved Recon it is a much better blaster. Stick an OMW spring in it and it gets decent range without any other mods at all.

    The Retaliator would have to be my favourite Elite blaster (have 4 currently) but once I get my hands on an Elite Alpha trooper the Retaliator will sit on the shelf gathering dust. :-)

  11. I can only see the Rataliator mainly as accessory parts for other blasters and its main blaster as only for secondary or last ditch use during a HvZ or Nerf War game. I really wish Nerf would offer an accessory pack for those wanting to upgrade their blasters. Offer two different packs with two different stocks (a revamped folding stock based on the Spectre and a longer stock that can store two clips), two different grips (the Retaliator's stock and a new stock grip based on the Rough Cut's grip minus the pump action), two or more different sized clips (either 12 round or the beefy 25 drum from the Rampage), a revamped pinpoint sight, and a better flashlight. I'm pretty sure plenty of Nerf fans would go for that.

  12. poser factor! Oh come on its not that bad.

  13. I don't actually own a retaliator but it's definitely because I can't see any reason it's better than the rampage in any way. It's basically the same exact thing with a worse clip and no slam-fire. Plus the priming handle is weird.

  14. Sooo... I have lost of old N-Strike stuff (Rayven, Alpha Trooper, Magstrike, Stampede, Vulcan, Maverick, Recon, SSPB) but want another Elite blaster. So far the only elite I have is the Hail-Fire, and contrary to most people, I actually kinda like it. I was thinking of getting a Retaliator, but now I"m not so sure? What do you guys think? Rough Cut? Rampage? I don't need another primary exactly, so any good performing elite would be great.

    1. It sounds like you have lots of accessories already, so I would definitely recommend you try the Stryfe. It has a stock attachment point and several rails so you can play with a lot of different loadouts to create the perfect blaster for any situation. It has great distance and accuracy, high rate of fire, and Fierce looks. My favorite loadout is with a front grip and a high capacity drum, and sometimes the Raider stock. Add the Recon barrel and a sight for long range suppression fire. The possibilities are endless...

  15. The recon was my second favorite gun, barricade wins my heart. When it first was leaked, obviously I was super excited. When I got it I was not disappointed. The grip was very comfortable. The barrel, does hinder range, can be modified to increase accuracy with ease. The stock, while it is short, I love on the rampage and alpha trooper. The twelve round mag is my personal favorite mag. It has lots of modding potential. My goal is when it's done is to have it hit 90 ft flat easily. It's probably my favorite elite blaster. I say give the stock a chance and try a few mods to it, then decide wether or not you like it.

  16. I agree with Pocket completely regarding the Retaliator, it was my first Elite blaster, but has become my least favorite. Its fantastic accessories made it worth a purchase, however, and are its only saving grace. The Firestrike and Rough Cut are far more compelling and useful in my opinion.

    I'm surprised not to see more love for the Stryfe here! It's far and away the class of the Elite line so far. Great performance andextremely versatile with its myriad of available loadouts. Also, it just looks incredible! It's become my blaster of choice.

  17. I'm sticking with my Retaliator- My recon I always liked, especially after I put on side rails and added an extended barrel/silencer. My Retaliator I painted black with shiny gold detailing and I added an extended barrel (also shiny gold). Looks like a Mk. 17 STD now.

  18. My Retaliator became a shelf queen when I bought the Roughcut, but now I've grown attatched to it. I find the Retaliator and Stryfe to compliment each other very well as you can swap their parts on the go... having a silent long range primary with a semi-auto pistol, or a semi-auto rifle with a powerful pistol for those stealth kills. The Retaliator, to me, feels like the Desert Eagle of nerf side arms. It's the underdog that shakes things up. "You had two Stryfes, and he took you out with a Retaliator?"

    1. Well said, man. The Stryfe and Retaliator do indeed compliment each other nicely, each makes up for the other's weaknesses. This is going to be a class I will heavily consider now for CQB: Stryfe with a 25 drum, grip and Retal stock as primary, with the Retal pistol as a secondary. Versatile enough for any situation!

    2. EzPeezy, that is exactly my setup! Works great.

  19. strangely people went for the retaliator which i did not expect

  20. The Recon/Retal often gets hated on but still remains popular, and that is because it fills a necessary role: cheap mag-fed springer in pistol form factor.

    Just a few notes:

    - That pistol form factor essentially necessitates the charging handle being where it is. There are currently 2 other variants of the same action with pump grips and slamfire, just as in the bad old days of reverse plunger CS. If you want a pump grip, get one of those. If you want a pistol or extremely short carbine, get a Retal and put up with the tradeoff in comfort/ROF. Simple.

    - OMW was first to put out parts for this variant of both RP and DP platforms, because the Recon/Retal action is the original, simplest variant with the lowest cost and fewest complications. The more souped-up derivatives get worked on after the basics are conquered.

    - Why are people trollishly flaming on in the comments about how people are going to move away from magazines* in the future? Think again.

    - My NSE guns of choice: Overall/Stock player recommendation, Rampage/EAT. Modder recommendation: Stryfe.

    - Why Retaliator? Well, it's clean and simple. Basic works sometimes. Good built ones are a lot of fun to shoot, very responsive and solid guns with great performance and reliability.

  21. Id probabaly go with a elite alpha trooper, the rampage wpuld bemy second choice. I love any compact, slam-fire, clip system blaster, and the elite alpha trooper is like a rampage, but the slam-fire system has been improved, then the whole thing is copacted, its my obvious choice. It also is more comfortable to use with larger drims as its centered unlike the rampage

  22. Once my friend mods it, the Retaliator will probably be my second weapon of choice. Why?
    1) He's an excellent modder that has made an old Longshot we found on the side of the road (original range 25 feet) go at least eighty feet. Just think of what he could do with an Elite blaster.
    2) It's easy to break down for transport- most of the nerf games I play are just pick-up games where going home to get a Vulcan or a Stampede would just be plain awkward.
    3) The Recon, once you remove the barrel, is excellently maneuverable.

    First choice is probably going to be a highly modified Firestrike, because I've won whole games using only its unmodded Dart Tag cousin, the Firestrike. Or a Stryfe- that's light enough to one-hand once it's balanced out using a stock or something. And the Stryfe has no awkward ring priming mechanism.

  23. I bought the retaliator (literally) Right after I bought the stryfe. Why? because of the accessories. a stryfe with the grip and stock from this elite blaster make it a great primary in my opinion.
    M friend and I talked long about why 2 of the first wave of elites were copies and it was simply that Hasbro wanted to take a gentle step into the elite line to sort of test the waters. I mean, I'm sure the Raider and Recon were both still selling reasonably well. So they chose to remake them. It's the sort of "If it ain't broke don't fix it" motif. so that way if the new one on the block is a flop (like the blaster who shall not be named) They still have 2 others that work great.

    Since I bought the retaliator during christmas time I have yet to use it in combat so I might actually use it in the coming months as a clip fed sidearm. maybe if I run something that does not use clips like my swarmie or the pyragon.

  24. since there is no elite longstrike, the mod conversion for one is probably better than the retaliator, the priming bar is so much more comfortable and easier to use than the priming slide. also the stock is pretty awesome.

  25. it seems that the retaliator only serves purpose as addons for the stryfe, but w/e.

  26. Agreed, when I got my retaliator, I fired it a few times, then imediately gutted it for the internals to put into my longstrike. I subsequently used the barrel extension with my elite longstrike, and the mag and for-grip with my stampede, which looks awesome :)

  27. I love my retal. It's really pretty fast if you have skill and hold it at your hip and prime with your left hand, and doing that saved me in a war one time. It also kinda looks like an AR-15. I <3 the retal.

  28. Stryfe. Even thought it goes against my believe that flywheels are all useless, I find myself drawn to it constantly when kitting up.

  29. Check the FB page, i installed a longstrike bolt handle to the priming mech of the retaliator. makes a world of difference with the blaster, and now you can actually use that top rail for optics.

    Have to agree though, the stock priming of a retaliator is basically an oversized pistol. For a rifle.

  30. My blaster of choice is what I call the Ultimate Stryfe. It's a Stryfe with all of the accessories from the Retaliator and the drum from the Rampage.

  31. I like the retaliator.

    though i agree about the stock. its not a good resign for a rifle sized blaster. so i just put the extendable raider stcok on mine and it works great. i stick the retaliator stock nto my rampage where it works better.

  32. Right now, the Retaliator is my second choice, first being the Diatron (I don't know what it is; I use the Diatron and it's super effective!). The Retaliator's primer is hard to get used to, but slap a Raider stock on it and carry with your off-hand on the priming slider. Once you get used to the style of carry, I'm sure you'll enjoy your Retaliator more- it's a beefy blaster, and carrying carbine style I'm firing accurately at forty to fifty feet. And the cherry on the cake? I'm consistently playing the Retaliator over the Praxis AND the Pyragon.
