
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rumours: More on the Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18

Well, this was bound to happen eventually:) Here are some pics from the proposed upcoming new Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18, as posted on Baidu by "Babysong". I think this is one where I think it's best to leave you guys to make your own assumptions up on it (readers always spot things I always miss!) , but I have to admit I am really impressed with this baby's design. The stock and the iron sight.. WOW.

More pics after the jump and I'm of course interested in your thoughts. Thanks to all those who emailed me through on this. As always, NO I don't have one- it's not mine nor are they my pics!


  1. Batteries in the front? Interesting. I wonder what that'll do for the balance of the blaster?

    1. I'm actualy likeing the forward battery tray. Thinking it will make for an easy batery upgrade & light set install all in one handy unit that could even be sealed out with the turn of a couple of screws for rather a stock tray or a differently configured tray.

    2. ...Even more reason the use 14500 trustfires!

  2. Replies
    1. I was thinking the same thing from its original picture.

  3. Strange thing is that the Rapidstrike has an ORANGE stripe on it, not a white stripe like the others. :(

  4. LOVE IT! Honestly, I'll probably buy 2 once it's released.

  5. The batteries are housed in the front, I wonder if that will create some weight issues. The adjustable stock looks awesome. If you look at the trigger, there seems to be a secondary trigger underneath (flywheel perhaps?) Also there seems to only be one clip release which is directly opposite the secondary trigger.

    1. More likely it's to fix the weight issue that you get with the stampede, where the D batteries at the back(assuming you haven't done battery mods) shift the weight to the rear and make it feel like you're holding a bullpup rifle.

  6. 1: why the orange stripe and not a white one?

    2: is that bandolier loop in the way of the sights?

    3: STILL no attachments?!? REALLY?!?

    Otherwise, one very nice blaster that I'd happily spend money on. Nice stock design and overall proportions, and very glad it's full auto. Hopefully the rate of fire can be ramped up in this thing.

    1. 1: Trying something different, in the original N-Strike line, once everything went Yellow, the Raider and Longstrike stayed blue.

      2: No that is part of the iron sight.

      3: the ONLY useful attachment Nerf ever came up or out with was the Pinpoint sight. Everything thing else is just Tacticool crap that does nothing. Paint some of the N-Strike stuff if your that hard up for Accessories.

    2. You'll notice in the first picture there are actually two loops on the back. So your strap might get in the way a little bit, depending on how it hangs when you lift the blaster to your shoulder... But with without a strap it should hopefully be mostly fine.

    3. No the loop isn't blocking the sight look closely at the second photo

    4. is that bandolier loop in the way of the sights?
      @ Rolley
      No, if you look at pic #1, you will see that there are dual attachment loops (points), so the bandolier can be attached either left or right side....
      I agree with Anonymous

    5. I think you guys missed the point of what triangle was saying, yes there dual strap loops at the back of the sight. BUT with a shoulder strap attached there the strap might get in the way of the sight.

    6. Ahh totally missed the double loop thing.

      @griever, heard of slydev? They make useful stuff for nerf rails. But still, nerf could make a better flashlight or magazine holder and include it with the blaster?

  7. Replies
    1. I'm going to hope that was a typo for yay...

  8. WOW! Does anyone think the iron sights look like rubber?

    1. Seems like the same material as the flip-up sight on the Recon/Retaliator barrel attachment.

    2. You're right... the lack of definition that happens whenever an object is made out of that plastic rubber stuff does show up in that sight! Yikes!
      I do hope the photographer was just accidentally using a really low F-stop and that it's just depth-of-field failing...

  9. I like the look. It almost reminds me of the M41a pulse rifle from aliens... It's got that nice beefy look to it. Just by looks I think the front sight can be flipped down. Other than that the clip release is damn near identical to the stryfe. I like the new battery location, should balance it fairly well.

  10. translucent jam door.. interesing...

  11. I like the stock adjustment latch. and semi-transparent access gate. Also the foregrip, although it may be a bit too far back for my tastes but it's good that they're thinking about it. That paint on the stripe I think is the same as the front of the Scout, it doesn't look so great in pictures but IRL it's great. I'll definately be interested in picking this up when it's out. And yeah, gotta love them iron sights. :-)

  12. A few things:

    #1-it appears the iron sight is a flip up because the bottom looks like a hinge joint

    #2 The gun supposedly is 75% lighter. if so, then how does it have, um... maybe 4 C batteries, which are HEAVY

    #3 The batteries are located in the front barrel. This is a letdown to people who wish to minimize the blaster

    1. 75% the weight of the stampede, stampede used 6 D batteries.

    2. Re: #2 structural changes through out, combined with the fact that it's 4 C-cells not 6 D-cells.

    3. It's lighter than the stampede by being smaller and the stampede tok 6D batteries t his uses 4C batteriesand has a higher ROF interesting

    4. Re: #2, an alkaline C cell weighs about half of a D.

      Re: #3, why is that a letdown? Most nerfer who would want to minimize in the first place do not need such a large battery box anyway and it will get chopped off and the batteries put somewhere more favorable.

  13. Is the front iron(plastic) sight able to flip down?

  14. Looks far more interesting now than it did before. Adjustable stock = cool (even if it isn't removeable). Can take barrel extensions = cool (depending on how current ones look with it). I don't particularly like the clear clip, but hey, I've got tons of clips and drums around to replace it. I doubt it will replace my Ultimate Stryfe though (Stryfe with the accessories from the Retaliator and the drum from the Rampage).

  15. If you look closely at the first picture, there is a little "bump" in the plastic to accommodate flywheels just under the elite logo

  16. Wow! O_O

    This is getting better and better with each reveal. I've seen a couple concerns among the comments section (including my own) so I'll address each one.

    1) I love the idea of putting the battery storage in the front of the gun but a lot are wondering if this will cause a weight issue. Upon looking at the photo where the clear ammo clip is present, it looks to be properly balanced since its standing on said clip. It might change if the folding stock (fan-flipping-tastice idea, Nerf) is extended but we shall see.

    2) I'm not too sure about the orange stripe myself but, hopefully, its still in the prototype phase and it is likely to change (especially if you let Nerf know about it).

    3) Rolley mentioned that the bandolier loop may be in the way of the iron sights. However, if you look closely at the photo with the clear ammo clip again, you'll notice that there are two loops. So I'm guessing that there is a clear gap between the loops, allowing the iron sights to be used properly.

    Overall, the Rapidstrike CS-18 is a highly impressive evolution of the Stampede. This is definitely going to be a hot item for Nerf fans this fall.

    And, yes, I'm pretty sure a lot of folks will customize this to look like the space marines pulse rifle from Aliens. Now, if we could just convince Nerf to make a flame thrower with roll of duct tape to complement it. ;P

    1. I don't really think it's an EVOLUTION of the "Stampede". It's first of no EVOLUTION at all, because flywheel blasters sucked already 2 years ago.
      And just because it's rifle shaped doesn't me it has anything to do with the Stampede.

    2. for flywheels sucking, I bet you this blaster out performs the stampede on so many levels, first it is easier to mod, has a faster ROF and a higher capable max ROF, is 75% lighter than a stamoede, uses 4 C batteries not 6 D, and it is smaller.

    3. Please do not feed the trolls. Thank you.

  17. I am guessing that it will be easy to make it get this ROF since a stryfe could and this and the stryfe probably have relatively the same jamming chance. Which making a overhauled nitron version of this could be possible and giving this the highest ROF clip system gun.

  18. i don't think balance will be an issue ,after all the swarmfire has front battery compartments ,and that has an almost perfect balance when held in both hands.

    my question tho,is if its a flywheel blaster ,why does it need all those batteries?
    either its using some really ,really powerful motors ,or its some sort of plunger flywheel hybrid system.

    1. I don't know why so many people are confused with the idea of an automatic flywheel blaster. For crying out load we had one 2 years ago called the nitron. This probably uses the same wheel turning dart pusher that the nitron did just more efficient.

    2. And while not in the same league as nerf realy, the Tommy 20 wich has been out for quite a while now.

  19. another look at automatic stryfe internals

  20. hey!!!
    i just noticed a desighne chabge from the original pic the stock from the orignal picture had so0me sort of mekanisum whih what looked like small metal or plastic rods, but this one has more of solid peice of plastic im liken it cuz the other version from the original wa svery cheap lokin XP

  21. I was thinking...

    How would full auto flywheel work?
    If there was something that pushed the dart into the flywheel, it would annoy me because I HATE FLYWHEELS.

    They are just way too overused, and seem to make the dart take crazy paths, making it inaccurate.

    Honestly, Nerf seems to be making only flywheel blasters nowadays...

    Overall though, if it is not flywheel, I will definitely get one! I just wish they made one in the same colors as the whiteout series or the mega series, because I feel like those would look awesome on this blaster.


    1. It is confirmed at this point that it uses flywheels, and it maybe better than you expect, wait for it to come out and look at the reviews, then decide.

  22. I would most definitely would get two of these as well.... one for outdoor battle and the other for more moderate play. This would now become my prime as maybe the stryfe would become my secondary as a pistol. The Stryfe combined with LongStrike barrel is currently my prime with my back-up is either Strongarm of RoughCut.
    It's always fun to read what would be another person's prime/2nd in a battle, it helps spawn new ideas.

  23. Man this looks good. I was kinda hoping it came with some sort of drum magazine but that's not a deal breaker in the least. Hope it hits shelves soon.
