
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rumours: Nerf Elite Rapidstrike box art

Surfacing on Chinese website Baidu (and Reddit too it seems!) are a few images of the upcoming Nerf Rapidstrike's box art. Unfortunately the photographer has "cut corners" (literally!:P) so it's not complete, but it does at least confirm most of our predictions and assumptions on this new blaster. More pics after the jump. Thanks to everyone who emailed us about this this morning:)


  1. WOW! Just when things were quieting down, this is dropped in the Nerf world! I WANT ONE!!!

  2. Im sure its for the photo, but theres no spring in that mag.

    1. The spring is probably just really thin, springy plastic or is too thin to be seen in the pic. (I see a few random pixels of... something... in the place where a spring would go on a clip. It's there, just no idea on what it is. Perhaps the same stuff they used on the Clear series blaster clips?

  3. Replies
    1. It's actually more of an upgrade of the previous version; the Stampede.

    2. You have got to be kidding right? The stampede is nothing on this. Its an auto *flywheel* blaster.

      The stampede has quite a bit more impressive guts than this stryfe upgrade, however it will be a nice addition.

  4. Hmm, so it's not the elite stampede everyone was hoping for :(

    Somewhat disappointed that it's just a rifle version of the rayven/stryfe.
    But I guess we've now got the full range of SMG, Bullpup and Rifle.

  5. Wow. The nerf model is actually smiling.

    1. You're right. It does seem to be the only time he's smiled in a picture of him shooting the Nerf gun... It's a message from the Nerf gods!!!

  6. Guess I was even more wrong then I thought I was.

    It unfortunatly looks like simply a flywheel blaster with awesome looks and a nice new clip - but less practicality then the Stryfe and Rayven.

    I would figure to get this "Rapid Strike" they put in faster revving engines ... but how would that still only be 75ft then ... mmmhm questions questions.

    1. Engines are hydrocarbon-based liquid-fuel motivating implements. This uses electric motors. Motors are motivating implements in general which include the definition of engines; however electric motors do not, and that's what this uses. Unless this turns up on shelves and the box says "requires 8 oz. gasoline (min. 87 octane)" stop calling electric motors "engines".

    2. So you're saying the Warp Engines in Star Trek aren't engines because they don't use 'hydrocarbon-based liquid-fuel'

      What about the human heart? Thats called the engine too or are you going out correcting everyone that says that too?

      Honestly I am very well aware that they are electic motors but motors are engines too in my book.

    3. Sorry, but Star Trek is fictional and if you're going to continue on about it, it's set in the future.

      Human heart, sure. But that has little-to-nothing to do with it.

      And as he already said, motors are engines, but electric motors are not.

  7. this just made my day and is so sexy, the batteries are for sure at the front, in the pictures you can see 2 screws that are pointed forward and are not on the side which you would take out to get to the batteries like the stampede.

  8. It also looks like the stock is fully collapsed in the box art, also it has the sights in the carry handle like the stampede but how are you suppose to use them with the strap hook right there?

  9. It's actually a spitting image of a Scar. The sights, and overall body mirror it. I'm in

    1. Please stop comparing toys to real weapons.

    2. Are you saying it doesn't?! Check your fire before shooting blanks mate. lol!

  10. having trouble reading with the new color sceme black on grey on mobile

  11. @Nerd-nerf, if they used faster motors, smaller wheels, with less spacing, they could keep the 75 foot range, AND reduce spin-up both from the motors, both through high rev and lower rotational mass.

    1. I would figure it was a post aimed towards me (And not Nerd-Nerf :P)

      But yeah; I certainly hope that that is the case; Although it looks amazing and I'll still buy one or a dozen I'm not too sure about its practicality and versitality compared to the Stryfe if its got the same internals.

  12. That looks awesome! hopefully it's really fast!

  13. ...I'm really getting tired of these flywheels... I was really hoping for something that doesn't rev up (personal preference, don't hate me)

  14. Personally I quite like the design, if anything else.
    The carry handle like structure is very similar to the Rayven, with the main difference I can see being the hole for the iron sights through it. I'm liking the front iron sight design, if not just for tacticoolness since we can't see it clearly.
    I don't know why they put a barrel extension accepting muzzle, considering it's a somewhat large-ish blaster, but meh, more stupidly fun tacticool.
    I personally don't like the clear clip, because to me having a fully clear clip doesn't match the colour of the blasters, besides the clear series blasters which are gone now. I would have preferred an Elite clip or an orange full trans, like those in the N-Strike Tac Vest.
    The Rapid Strike seemingly has one less tac rail than the Stampede (one less on bottom), but seeing as very few, if any, people used all 6 tac rails, so the loss of one rail is no real problem.
    The handle and magwell sections look pretty much identical to a Stryfe, which considering how much I like the Stryfe's design, is a good thing.
    As for general aesthetic design, I quite like it, but I would have liked a barrel that stuck out slightly from the front, like a section of the inner barrel of the Recon barrel, but that's easy to mod on, even for non-modders.
    Based on info gotten from that website (was it swiss or something?) with pics of all sorts of upcoming stuff, the Rapid Strike will be full auto, which means that with the traditional voltage mod, you'll be boosting not only range but also ROF, and because the Rapid Strike is flywheel you can get a really good ROF without jamming.

    I personally probably won't get one, since I prefer semi auto and manual over full auto due to firing delay of full auto blasters (Nitron and Stampede, and likely also this), but I'm sure the Rapid Strike will have at least some fans, assuming it's not terrible.

    1. Don't lose all hope man. The rapidstrike probably has flywheel in it to make the darts come out faster. Thus reducing the one major problem with the Stampede-slow rate of fire!

  15. This is a stryfe and stampede baby named rapidstrike I like both guns so ill probably get it if it comes out.

  16. I'm so excited about this blaster, I hope it is released this year!

  17. It seems like that's it was taken in a store because in the first pic, above the box, you can see part of an N-Strike logo for an N-Strike Blaster.

  18. I just leave this here

    1. Did you notice the kid on the box isn't smiling like he is in the other picture? Guess he only likes the 20m ranges. lol

  19. Actually, you were right in the first place if you thought it was epic. It is. It's practically an Elite Stampede, and it can shoot up to 3.6 darts per second (you can empty the clip in 5 seconds) in BURST FIRE.

  20. I can't wait to own this kit, does anyone have any idea what ETA we may be looking at? If we are seeing full pictures of the boxes in people's possession, surely the launch can't be that far away? I'm personally hoping to see this stateside this fall.

  21. Ppl the box said nothing about burst fire the blaster has an acceleration trigger it even said it on the back and has no apparent other switches so it's just automatic but technically could be burst fired like the stampede. But there is no separate setting for exclusive burst fire so please stop claiming it has burst fire if u readvthat it's probably a translation error like the one about the revonix firing 3disks at once.

  22. Is it just me or does the grip look small? It almost looks like a Switch Shot grip with an acceleration trigger.

  23. This looks like it could be awesome. I assume it is like a semi-auto flywheel because of the acceleration trigger. I also love the design
