
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

More Nerf Zombiestrike Hammershot pics on Baidu

 A few more pics surfaced on Baidu of the upcoming Nerf Zombiestrike Hammershot. Just in case you wanted to see more..  so here's more! After the jump:)


  1. This seems to be a rule of Nerf: whenever you think the new blaster rumour mill has calmed down, the internet will explode precisely one hour after the thought enters your mind.

  2. hey just compared a nerf rebelle wildshot to this hammershot they are completely different molds !!!!

  3. The only disappointing thing I can associate with this blaster is its 5 dart barrel capacity. I would prefer the typical 6-dart capacity like the Strongarm & Maverick.

    1. It may only be 5 darts... but when you can fire two of the blasters at a time.. you're looking at an effective capacity of 10 darts :)

    2. Which I can do one handle with a barricade. :/

    3. But wouldn't an effective capacity of twelve be at least two darts better? Just saying...

    4. Well, here's the difference compared to the barricade. This is silent until you fire, and even then it's fairly quiet judging by the video.
      As far as five shots or six, it's a minor difference. Yes, an extra shot per blaster would be nice, but you'd be making the blaster quite a bit bulkier in the process. Five seems like a good option to me.

    5. You can't dualie two Strongarms unless you lube the slide area and attach a carabiner to the back of the slide (or so I've heard, have yet to try it for myself), so it would still be an effective capacity of 10 vs. 6. Additionally, with a Barricade, your effective capacity is 20 darts, and with a Stryfe (and some really massive muscles) your effective capacity could even be 70 rounds. Or, saying with revolvers, you could dual wield a couple of the old Furyfires (the ten round Dart Tag weapon) for 20, or the Snapfire 8 (if it is ever released) for 16- this would get you the highest ROF if not range, depending on your shooting style.
      Sorry about the wall o' text.

    6. Just as an FYI, you can use two strongarms if you wear a belt. The sights on the handle double as an area that can be dragged against a belt to prime. It's hard to explain, but you can.

  4. Hammer prime. > Dual wield. > Awesome!


  5. I want this gun so bad!!! :>

  6. apparently this is coming out in oct my birth day is in oct I know what I want
