
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rumours: More Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike internals AND voltage mod vids?

A few more Rapidstrike internals pics have surfaced- ie "pics of things I have no idea about but figured you the readers might make more sense out of them" :P  More after the jump.

Also after the jump are links to some pretty interesting videos where it sounds like the owner has voltage modded his Rapidstrike AND using it with a rather swanky looking grey drum..

Cheers to all who provided the intel this morning!



  1. And my excitement level just went up a bit more for the Rapidstrike.

    1. I now require that dual drum that never came out

    2. Upon closer inspection it appears to just be a painted rampage drum. either that or its a special release version for the rapidstrike.

    3. boom nitron+ rapidstrike= this!!!

      i can see myself just mowing zombies down in hvz with this

      The Nerf Nerd

    4. Then being eaten after running out of ammo.

  2. And people called this bad because it uses flywheels, lol

  3. And there is the dart pusher which seemed like a hundred people could not realize.

  4. this looks awesome! a motorized dart pusher. Let's call it MDP!

  5. ROF is freaking insane! Still just put off by the continual scream of motors...

  6. And the numbers say.... 550 Round Per Minute.
    Also, all of those who insisted that it was a rack and pinion setup, I've ordered your humble pies.

    1. Eating it with pleasure. I have a second fork if you'd care to join me, as humility is hard to retain when you're saying "I told you so" ;P nice job on the numbers, that's pretty promising!

    2. I do think I'll have a share, if only to keep my accuracy in prediction from clouding my judgement down the road.

      I'm maintaining a graph of the performance of various modded and unmodded blasters over at my blog, but for right now i'm working on writing articles related to a player's field gear. Feel free to drop by and tell me how you carry your spare ammo and what other things you carry on you for a game. Link is on my name.

  7. The best mod you could do is swap out the motors for high quality, high RPM motors and lower the gear ratio. That would give a LOT more torque making spin-up times much faster and decrease the loss of momentum when a dart is launched. You could get some pretty insane rates of fire with that, while still holding respectable ranges.

    1. great idea, aside the whole lack of a gear train to the flywheels....

    2. Well, the solarbotics motors are turning out piss-poor, the brushes give up the ghost real quick. I'm going to be experimenting with Tamiya Plasma Dashes once they come in, but ultimately I want to figure out what's up with the brushless motors in the RC world and if there's a pre-packaged solution that doesn't need like four electrical boxes to get one motor to spin.

    3. Careful with the Plasma's, they've been known to chew darts due to insane RPMs. Most people who've experimented with Tamiya's tend towards the Hyper Dash or Torque Tuned. Since most of those motors run around the same RPM, you'd wanna opt for more torque so that there's less of a drop in RPM when under load (dart passing through flywheels)

    4. Yeah, I'll have to work out some way to govern the PD's. It's why I'm getting really fascinated by the brushless motors; Apparently with the right gear, I can just dial in the RPM I want and they'll just sit there. Get a set of Outrunners, where it's the bell that spins, that're the right size, and I can replace the flywheels directly; With the torque and inertia from that setup, I doubt there'd be any speed drop between shots at all.

    5. Potentimeters (pots) are a good way to go, dial in that exact voltage for the precise speed. Should be easy enough to factor in. Also look into either external power sources (vest/belt mounted battery pack) or LiPo's, for better and longer performance.

  8. Making ammo counters for this should be fairly straightforward thanks to this system.

  9. Nice. Very nice. I guess practicing the quick mag change will be required...
