
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Rumours: Nerf Mega Centurion unboxed.. oooh

Our source for all things Nerf rumoured- Chinese site Baidu has images of an unboxed Mega Centurion. These images do answer many of the questions regarding size, both the blaster itself and the ammo. More images after the jump! (Once again.. it's not mine, I don't own them and the pics weren't taken by me!!)


  1. Looks so cool. The only thing I hope for right now is that when it comes out in the states the paint job looks more like the one on box. I think it looks better with the extra detailing on it.

  2. Judging by the comparison pic, it seems to be almost the same size as the LongShot

  3. I knew it was going to be about 4 inches larger than the longshot, but most importantly for me is that this finally answers the question of where the break in the gun would be for boxing purposes. Way sweet looking. I can't wait to get my hands on one.

  4. whoa! looking at the comparison with the Longshot, I don't think the size will be THAT bothersome as I expected. also, there being two range claims, I wonder if you can fire it after only half priming it.

    1. No dude, it's showing that 63% of the darts achieve the claimed ranges.IF YOU ACTUALLY READ IT!

  5. It doesn't look crazy long, more like 3-4 feet instead of 5. That just might make me buy it :D

  6. *shivers* me want

  7. ...I'm buying one of these as soon as I find one. Then I'm going to just hug it for a day or so.

  8. The length isn't actually that bad, I heard it was going to be 1.5 meters in length but this looks like just over 3 feet, but man that magazine and darts were ludicrous.
    AND SUPER IMPORTANTLY it comes with the barrel detached as speculated!

    1. Can't wait to see if my further speculations are correct.

  9. im gonna buy it and spray paint it, should look mad

  10. by the way someone should put a red longshot scope on this.

  11. They actually put performance test data on the box? At this point it's really, really hard to argue that this blaster is meant for a kid...

  12. I came blood. now that I can see comparison pics, I think it's magazines will be the perfect size for my jacket pockets. and now this means we can get our paws on some mega darts for old blasters, I am happy about that.

    1. I don't think these are the same "mega" darts that nerf made before, this are suppose to have a diameter of 1 inch while megas wher 5/8 inch so that means the only blaster that can use these darts in the centurion

    2. Also, you can order old-style mega darts directly, and have been able to for a long time... Not sure if they still have many, but it's worth checking out.

    3. Wait what? How?

    4. old mega darts are still available on ebay. modded a old gun to use em. those look a bit smaller than these when compared to an elite dart

  13. 1.5 m i don't think so

  14. HOLY FU*K!
    That is a huge plunger draw. Nerf certainly doesn't want little kids to operate Elites anymore, judging from the sheer range, size, weight and huge draw of the rod.

  15. wait... can you use it without the barrel?

    1. How do you know? It looks no different from a normal barrel attachment.

    2. Theres no twist lock thing on the back of the barrel and its just detached so it fits in the box. It's permanent upon attachment (like the long strikes stock) it locks in.

    3. except for the large orange parts that stick out meaning they could never attach to another gun.

    4. It still doesn't preclude the possibility that the dart could be fired from the blaster without the barrel extension being installed.

  16. Okay, I am most definitely going to practice being a team sniper now... this is simply too good to pass up, even for a CQB native like moi.

  17. At this point, the comparison size to the Longshot should equate the Centurion to about/more than the length of a Longstrike, considering the barrel only stretches inches past the Longshot's.

    1. i heard that the gun is 4 inches longer than the longshot and does anybody know how long the longstrike is

  18. if the barrel drops performance they should redesign it before release or els no one will use it.

  19. This might actually have the shortest barrel of the longshot and lonstrike with their barrels attached. (distance of magazine to end of barrel)Not sure but it might be the same as the LSK barrel length

  20. is it firing the range flat or angled, and no im not asking what whoever says it shoots because people have said that the rifling in it's barrel will actually WORK!

    (Hopefully there won't be any Nerf casualties in the paper) I bet that barrel is Longstrike-stock-style, where you put it on and try to pry it open again with not much use. That would explain why the gun looks friggin' ugly without it but bad with it because its like walking through a corridor with a metre long stick, and ready to point the tip at any intruders without making a single sound in the process. That would make sense too as there wouldn't be enough room to fit a metre long gun unassembled in abox, which is a waste of cardboard, and very inconvenient. Upon buying it, if the shop's doors are single, you probably wouldn't even be able to carry it out! That would also make sense because the box has no show of "Removable Barrel for Accuracy" etc. Overall it's an awesome looking blaster, with matchable range claims, but it's price is a lil' steep.
    In a few month's time after the release, Amazon will probably have them $40.00, not $49.99, but the shipping to Australia will be about $20.00, making it an expensive $60.00. I'll consider it. I bet either Australia doesn't have them, or has them at 75 feet.
    BTW, it would look stupid when you see one Triad and an Aus. Centurion next to each other. The Triad, size of a fist, would say 75 feet and the Cebturion would too, even though it's a huge box. People seeing this would probably think: "Wow...Mega Distances of 75 feet. That's just sarcasm and stupidity."

  22. i would have liked an elitified whiteout longstrike with useful sights but this a giant crimson longshot!!! Not coming to nz or australia no doubt. Hello Amazon?

  23. That's bigger than my ACTUAL rifle. Well it is a youth model. I want one of these!

  24. Long strike barrel is actually big enough for mega darts, do you think that was planned???

  25. Uh, how the heck did you get this?
