
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Baidu- Rapidstrike /Strongarm integration

SO while we're all anxiously awaiting the upcoming Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike to make its way to our hot lil hands, those crazy kids in China are.. well doing this. Not the CLEANEST integration i've seen before, but still enough to make us somewhat envious that they're already doing mods. :)

While we're at it heres another one on Baidu that's been given a slight tacticool treatment..


  1. Cmon man, I'm dying over here. When will this baby get a release stateside? If it's already hit the shelves in the Far East, should we be expecting another month or two? End of summer, hopefully??

  2. Just wait for the US release, I have some awesome ideas.

  3. If the owner of the strongarm equiped rapidstrike is anything like me he probly just got the rapidstrike the very day he fill the pic. My stock blasters seem to only remain stock long enough to fire 1 or 2 magazine :)

  4. I want a UK release date sooo badly! guessing the price will be between £40-£50
