
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Nerf N-Strike Elite Sonic Ice Retaliator: Toys R Us HK

That translucent blue stock we've all been speculating on that was spotted on Baidu now has an official home; as we thought, the Retaliator is coming out in Sonic Ice finish, and by the looks of it complete with a clear clip! Spotted on the official Hong Kong Toys R Us website; Thanks to Ash from My Last Dart for the lead!

Sonic Ice Retaliator via Toys R Us (HK)


  1. not really interested, I don't a lot of people will go out to buy these since most have already bought the normal of these and others have put elite internals into clear line blasters.

  2. I've never picked up a Retaliator, so I'll probably have to buy one of these. The color is perfection.

  3. i am going to return my retaliator and get this version of it
