
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thanks for reading:)

Well it's that time. Rather than just let this fizzle and look like another un-maintained blog without reason, I just wanted to let you all know after a lot of thought, I've decided to call it a day and finish up Urban Taggers.  Much has changed over the past 3 yrs in toy blaster land- when we started out in 2010, toy stores in Australia would dedicate a shelf and a half to toy blasters and the intel was barely trickling in down under at the best of times; since then its been amazing how the market has changed so much and how stores have taken notice with whole walls now dedicated to these awesome toys.

I've done my best to bring you all everything I know about toy blasters from any source I could find on the internet. We hunted and searched, negotiated and paid sometimes ridiculously high prices just to get them and review them open and honestly first so you guys would be able to decide for yourselves if they were a goer or not. We scrutinised official leads and looked for unofficial ones (perhaps not always the smartest idea!) but in light of all of this, I think there's evidence now to suggest things have changed and there's no longer a need to do this anymore. Toy companies are engaging more than ever with their customers, and that's awesome. Information is becoming more readily available and I think that's a good thing and if we were in any way shape or form responsible for influencing even a LITTLE bit of that, then I'm two thumbs up winning right there:)

I've had a few offers to take over the reigns of UT but for now.. I just don't want that to happen. It's been my heart and soul for the past few years and I guess even though I don't have the capacity to continue anymore, I probably am a little too close to my little blog to let it go to someone else just yet.

SO what happens now? There's no reason to "remove" the blog, I just won't really be updating it anymore. (I probably will still admin the comments but that might take a bit of time)  I still love the gear and I still use social media a LOT so I'll probably still keep the Facebook page going too if any of you wanna still say hey. There are plenty of good sources of info out there for this sorta thing, so no doubt you'll be in good hands.

Thank you so much for reading. This really was an amazing experience and I'm chuffed to think I could have been a part of this awesome toy blaster world.

"we don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing."


  1. But.... But.... you were my favorite... I love you... You can't go. I'll miss you...

  2. Thank you so much for all you've done! I have thoroughly enjoyed the ride and wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

  3. Goodbye Pocket I'll miss you because of this blog I really got excited about nerf and nerf collecting

  4. Good luck on your future prospects pocket. UT has been my blaster source for a long time now. Youre leaving some big shoes to fill

    1. Noone ever will fill them. His writing style and take on blasters was always so different from everyone elses. Such a sad night.

    2. Joe these boots can't be filled, and won't be filled, Urban Taggers got a special place in all our foam hearts :)

    3. Pocket was my favorite. Got the news as quick as possible. He won't be replaced, and that is that.

  5. Well I guess have a good one in whatever you do next. Your blog has been something I checked pretty much daily and it will be sad to see you go.

  6. Everyone here appreciates all that you've done. Aside from covering news, having great stuff to read, and contributing and helping the community in general, you've been a tremendous inspiration to many. I consider you a good friend, despite the fact that I have not been lucky enough to actually meet you. You have my deepest thanks for all that you've given.

  7. Thanks for everything, and as much it might hurt to loose the best blog I know for nerf news, I understand, thank you and good luck. :3

  8. Will definitely be sad to see you go. Only been in the NIC since about August of last year and your blog has become a semi-religious daily check for me. You and My Last Dart have been the best so at least I'll still have one site to check.

    1. I can't read My Last Dart. That guy's a spamming nutjob.

    2. My last dart has all the leads though. he works pretty hard getting all the info that pocket can't anymore because of the hasbro incident.

  9. I understand I think. I would have lost heart after the whole hasbro lawyer BS but you stuck with it longer than I would have.
    I am really sad though that i wont have a local source in my country anymore for info on nerf guns. This blog has helped me know whats going on in Australia in relation to nerf news. You will be missed as a trusted blogger.

    1. I dont think it as cos of the hasbro lawyers. I reckon its because he promised to not buy the unreleased blasters anymore and was always getting beaten to the leads by other blogs.

  10. We never really got to talk much different continents and such, but man this is one of the best nerf bogs out there. To be completely honest, don't pass the reigns, because it would be nearly impossible to replace the great pocket Esq.
    I wish you luck as you continue on in life, and hopefully you may find time to nerf still.

    1. Agreed. Anyone can set up a blog and just ride on UTs awesome rep but its Pocket who made UT as good as it was. Seen what happened after Jerm left Nerf Mods + Reviews? Don't let that happen to UT!

    2. Yeah I live in Hawaii and yet still prefered Urban Taggers over any blog in the USA no offense to them but Urban Taggers as just the best

    3. I live in Germany and Urban Taggers is the choice for me for Nerf information. Bye Pocket you are missed.

    4. I am in Singapore and even though we have some great Nerf intel in our backyard, we still always check out Urban Taggers. It wasn't just for reviews, it was just a cool and funny place to read about Nerf and other stuff. Bye UT!

  11. Sorry to see that you have to go. We'll miss you UT! We love you!

  12. crap, this is like when jerm left us :'(

    1. Yeah. When SGNerf shuts down it's all over for me. Those where the big three.

    2. Yeah, they all sit on my favorites bar in order I found them; SGNerf, Urban Taggers, NM&R, MLD, and Basic Nerf

  13. Definitely the most intelligent blog out there, and one that didn't care about kissing Nerf's ass all the time, unlike some lesser sites and message boards. Respected this place the most. Feel free to keep your unbelievably attractive buff girls holding Nerf guns pics coming! Can we settle for that?

    1. Mmm the girls. He hadn't done that for a while. Miss those!

  14. You have to wonder why this is happening. I agree things have changed on the most part for the better with more Nerf available in toy stores in Australia than ever, but blogs these days are, to be honest, boring. They rehash the same content and all just suck up to Hasbro all for their own personal gain. I always remembered a comment Pocket made where he said even after Nerf were sending him freebies, he still made sure he bought the blasters anyway so he could never be accused of selling out. It might just be a 'Nerf' blog, but I really appreciated that type of journalistic integrity.

    I wanted to throw my hat in the ring and ask if you wanted someone to take over, but I could never do Urban Taggers justice. Like no other, Pocket. Like no other. Thanks man for all the work you've done.

    1. I sent you an email Pocket, I know you said you dont want anyone else taking over Urban Taggers but I think my views are exactly like yours so I think I could help you keep your legacy going. Write me back. I'm Aussie too!

    2. No way Pocket, if Urban Taggers isn't Pocket on the lead, it's not Urban Taggers. I like what the other guy said- LIKE NO OTHER .

  15. I'm a real fan of Urban Taggers and remember finding your posts on the new Vortex series and since have been checking your blog every day.

    I am also a real fan of comic books, and in comic books, even though heroes die, the always come back.

    I will be awaiting that day you return, Pocket!

    1. I'm a Trekkie and I'm thinking more like Spock. He came back better than ever...

      We'll be waiting!

  16. That was all very sudden.

    I also am very curious as to why this came about. You made no mention of what motivated you to finish things up. Urban Taggers is probably one of the most, if not most respected blogs on Nerf blasters out there. It's such an integral part of the community so it makes very little sense to just end things like that. What happened? There was no competition really for Urban Taggers in the space it was playing in so it wouldn't have been it was losing traffic. It didn't sound like it was due to personal or health issues (and I really hope not!). So what makes a blogger who's on top of their game decide to just stop?

    1. You're probably just reading too much into it. He probably just got sick of it. Can't imagine its the only thing in his life

    2. Have you noticed all the other blogs like FFA, Basic Nerf, AFON, My Last Dart all get free shit from Nerf earlier than the general public, but UT never does? I believe he probably just couldn't compete anymore with all of the official news and being shunned by Hasbro. They finally got to him. So sad.

    3. So stupid too. Urban Taggers did more for Nerf than anyone else. Hasbro were dicks and still are. Did you read his about UT page? He's a marketing proffesonal and you can tell. every other blog is amateurville by comparison.

    4. UT doesnt want any free stuff from Hasbro, it comes with lawyers;) He also gets to be honest and say whats really good or bad about a blaster than just going with the offical press statements. Thats the problem if you get free stuff you are owned by the companies. Its why Urban Taggers said he didn't want to do that and bought every blaster himself.

  17. Shame to see you go, Pocket. Best part about Urban Taggers was the honest insight and the way you wrote about things. Noone else writes like you.

    These days any new Nerf blaster info, I just hit Google. It's all the same intel anyway. Urban Taggers was different. I still go back and read your old posts and enjoy them. Best of luck dude. Come back any time.

  18. Wow.... I don't know what to say!
    Gonna miss this blog and reading what you have to say, Pocket. Didn't think I'd be this down about it :\

    1. Yeah I've been reading old posts for the last half hour. Some of the early stuff was hilarious. Wart Hog!!! Feel like I've lost a friend:-(

    2. Its not like he's dead or anything. So he didn't want to write anymore. Deal with it.

    3. You're a real hero.

    4. I am really going to miss UT

  19. Thanks for all your work Pocket. Love the "End of the Road" pic, its fitting. But, just like with that song

    "still I can't let go" !!

  20. Pocket, you have done a marvelous job with this blog. You managed it with the perfect mix of facets from the blaster world and were always the first to go to for info and your very informative and entertaining rants.

    I hope of course that your interest in the hobby remains. Keep playing.

    Those of us in the States appreciate your work.

    1. Same for the UK. Please reconsider.

    2. Same here, seconded for the UK. The most insightful, impartial, complete and original blaster blog still active on the web. Thanks for all your hard work on the community's behalf, good luck with whatever comes next.
      It is better to stop than sell out, something other bloggers would do well to remember now we won't have you as an example to follow.

    3. 3rd from United Kingdom. Urban Taggers may have been from Australia but it felt very global. I always visited it above all others but I do check BritNerf though to be patriotic!

    4. I am in Hong Kong and I've been a fan of Urban Tagger for a very long time. I hope he come back because he is the best.

    5. I'm in Finland and I do love urban taggers so much. I am sad it is now finished. Good luck to you my dear friend pocket!

  21. Can I have all your blasters now?

    1. Other than the ridiculously insensitive way of asking, it does pose the question of "are you still going to be Nerfing?" Pocket?

  22. That's a massive gap now that I doubt will ever be filled. It's a real shame seeing the old guard leave. Makes me want to start my own blog in tribute but I know I just wouldn't see the world in the same way UT did. Thanks for all your posts over the years Pocket!

  23. As long as there's a Nerf blaster still in your hands... I still believe you will return to the NIC one way or another!

    1. Sorry to see you go Pocket, your blog was the best one out there. Hasbro were assholes to not acknowledge it.

  24. Man, I wasn't expecting that when I logged on today! Sad day for the community to see you finish up. You really are an inspiration to we adults who still felt the need to shoot up darts!

  25. It's hard to believe it has only been three years. It seems silly to say there were glory days, but I still remember how exciting things were when you first posted that image of the Dart Tag Swarmfire which we were all speculating on what the hell it was. Remember the whiteout Maverick? or the videos you and Neil did with the new Vortex line? My favorite is still the video where you guys got your hands on a Rayven and voltage modded it.

    Good times all round Pocket. You brought something new and different to the scene every time you posted. Hope this isn't the end and you change your mind soon.

  26. Iron Man masks. That's a legacy right there. We still use them in our games. UT forever!

    1. These comments are starting to sound remarkably like a bad TV sitcom christmas special :-P

    2. The Iron Man masks were hilarious. I heard a rumour the story behind them was Pocket was a mad fan of the EA game Army of Two so he got them and spray painted them to look like them!

    3. How is that even a rumor? duh.

  27. Hot chick on the yellow motorbike with the Speedload 6. Remember all the controversy and comments that pic got? Fucking hilarious.

    1. That chick was sexy. It had a girl and it had a bike and it had a Speedload 6. So much awesome.

  28. It's too late for April Fools.

    Man, this sucks.

  29. It's really sad to see you go, I've been reading since day one... But nevertheless, best of luck Pocket, to whatever you may be up to :)

  30. Now who am I going to copy!? Don't go, we need you!

  31. You changed the game of the Nerf blog considerably. Things that you did, things that you said were always taken on and others copied. The way you lay your posts out and even the way you took such sharp detailed photos of the blasters was something new blogs took on as how it's done correctly.

    I even felt like I got to watch your blog almost mature and grow up over the years too. I felt like I was a part of it from the first few posts till now. I feel sad to think you're done with the Nerf community, but am glad I got to go along with it with you. It has been great.

  32. I don't know if you remember me but I was one of the very first people who visited your blog back when you were still selling blasters as "Bruce the Arms Dealer". I bought an Alpha Trooper and a Deploy off you. Mate, if anyone has ever met Pocket in real life you'll know the guy is such a good bloke and it's a real shame you're not doing this anymore because my kids are only just starting to get into Nerf and have been reading your posts regularly. Good luck in whatever else it is you do and no doubt I might bump into you around town sometime. Cheers mate.

    1. I bought a deploy too! Pocket was da man, so friendly and not what I was expecting.

    2. What were u expecting?

  33. I had withdrawal symptoms during all that legal shenanigans, what will happen to me now that your stopping permanently.
    Seriously though thank you so much for all you've done, I respect that you finished it like this and not allowed UT to trail of and die, all the best to you in the future.

  34. "So what happens now?"

    We're left with a massive gap and stuck reading garbage with no heart and just puppets of Hasbro.

    You started this Pocket, you can't just go!

    1. That's a little harsh but I hear what you're saying. crap like NDAs and all that rubbish. Its stupid how such a small market as Nerf gun blogs can become so commercialized and everyone starts one just so they can get free blasters. I like the smaller blogs that dont have Hasbro's support. they're the ones who try harder and care about real information.

    2. Anon2 I get what you're saying about the whole NDA saga and drama. I've been on the brunt of it first hand. But not all blogs that work with Hasbro are in their pocket. Just a majority of them.

      That was something about Pocket that stood out, something I stand by myself. Opinion and honesty is king. If you stop that, what are you? A mindless spam machine imho.

  35. Sad to see you go Pocket, appreciate all the work you did. I always come here first for my Nerf news. Now, I guess I'll just google?

  36. Sad day for the NIC but good luck Pocket! You're a legend!

  37. OMG I just came here and read THAT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. This is the worst news! We'll miss you! How could this happen? Please reconsider.

  38. Nice seeing other blogs writing up about UT

    It's good to see Tactical Tag acknowledging a fellow blog outside of the US. The other US blogs are all in it for themselves.

    1. Go on instagram and post your vid for Pocket under #threedartsalute

    2. In "what' for themselves? I don't think you can say My last Dart is exactly in it for the good of the community- he's all in it for himself, look at his post, its still like hes the wind beneath pockets fucking wings. Vas the stampede and AFoN have been doing this longer than UT has been around and are great guys who created the NIC from the beginning. Quit bashing our American blogs

    3. Jesus. Time and place guys, this is about the sad day that Pocket decided it best to stop blogging. Not about other blogs and not about who's better.

      Sad to see you go Pocket, thanks for all the interesting posts.


      This one's at least from another aussie blog.

    5. I don't think US blogs are in it for themselves, I think it's a mix of not knowing better or simply they are just afraid of losing that support - which in turn means they are kinda like drones.


  40. Thanks for introducing a Nerf noob to the NIC. Oh and for being Aussie. Being Aussie is awesome. =D

  41. UT, if you ever come back, we'll be here with you. :)

  42. Farewell pocket, I wish you luck in all your future endeavors! You brought me back into nerf and I can't thank you enough for that. I am sad to see you go but this is probably the right thing for you. Keep nerfing! *cries in silence*

  43. Pocket, all the best in future endeavours.

    Tried to keep you ticking over, but sometimes you gotta back off and let someone do what they got to do. You went out on top, and that can't be taken from you.

    I will sincerely miss your rants, you led the blog your way from day 1, and you leave a big hole in the Nerf blog scene. You did it your way.

    You changed the attitude of Nerf in Australia, and opened those shelves up to massive stock ranges. It continues to grow, and Aussie fans appreciate it man.

    You have been my Yoda and taught me a lot, and with your wise words I will continue to beat out my own path.

    I agree your decision that you shouldn't hand UT over to anyone who hasn't got the experience and passion as you did to grow that baby from day 1. Even if you find someone with the same passion, they will always be overshadowed by you, and that's not fair on them or the site you built up in a sense. One thing that can't be denied to you is an awesome legacy you leave behind. I would hate to see it go the way of NMR, so good call.

    Speaking of legacy, you leave behind a source of inspiration for others to take up the keyboard and notepad.txt to start writing and sharing their thoughts with the NIC.

    It's odd how someone can have an impact on you as a person that you have never met. But that's just another one of the webs mysteries :) Good health, stay strong and keep rockin it bro :)

    Take it easy, stay safe and don't be a stranger my friend.


    1. That brought a tear to my eye. Wow.

    2. Dramaqueen. TL;DR

    3. @Taylor that's a pretty sweet message dude, and if that is Jak D response to it, shows you how much Pocket meant to us all! I don't think that is fair of you to say that dude.

    4. @Taylor hate people like you.

  44. Boo hoo another blogger calls it a day. Happens all the time.

    This time, perhaps its different. Urban Taggers was really something else. Nothing else was like it, nothing else will be.

    So. Boo hoo I think is justified. :(

  45. Thank you for your many efforts and the trials that the blog has put you through. All the best.

  46. It's a sad day. It's weird how we've all just grown accustomed to having Urban Taggers around. I don't know any other blog that has that sort of reputation these days. I don't want to pour shit on the other blogs because they're all good in their own right but Urban Taggers really was the benchmark. I also am puzzled as to where to go now.

    Best wishes buddy. Hope this end was for a good cause and not due to something more sinister.

    1. Pocket affiliated with Basic Nerf and MyLastDart, guess we go there!

      I hope you come back Pocket, you have been a big part of my Nerf life growing up. I mean heck you showed me what it was all about!

      It's kind of like understanding what that bad dream in a movie is all about now, and they wish they'd wake up.

      Damn the reason behind this!

    2. Anyone sense that Jake D is My Last Dart? I never got any sense of any affiliation going on, whatever that meant anyway. I wouldn't go to either of those blogs. You'd follow Tactical Tag or even S.O.F.T before you'd go to Hasbro sell outs.

    3. Sorry Anon, there is only one MyLastDart :)

      In regards to the affiliate thing, it doesn't really mean anything now, but means something to me :) Pocket agreed to it but never got round to re hashing stuff on the front page.

      And about being a sell out, I think you will find despite my NDA, I'm still one of the few sponsored blogs that speak their mind on a variety of subjects that others won't. In fact I was at a Hasbro event just yesterday and it was commented by high management that my articles are hard hitting and people wouldn't think I was working with them. When I become an all out fanboi then it's time to reassess or quit :)

      Legally due to the NDA I might not be able to talk about specific blasters, but I cover a lot more, and support way more other start up blogs than other sites :) Someone mentioned something about ego, and yeah it's there, people just forget they started from no where and have put themselves up high for no real reason.

      Speaking of other sites which you should watch for Neder-Nerf, he will be the next big thing, maybe bigger than anyone in the NIC :)

      End of the day, blaster fans will go where the news is. It doesn't matter if they come to my site or any other, as long as the news is there, the coverage is decent we should all be making sure it's seen and heard - that's what matters.

    4. " In fact I was at a Hasbro event just yesterday and it was commented by high management that my articles are hard hitting and people wouldn't think I was working with them. "

      Blah blah blah me me me

    5. Anon- MLD was just explaining his position, don't be so rude and negative. MLD is an excellent resource and will take on where UT left off.

    6. I hate these NDA things. I have noticed all the big blogs now are Hasbro endorsed and serve as puppets or you get the lawyers after you. That shouldnt be the case. How is that helping readers if all the blogs can only say what Nerf want them to say?

    7. "" In fact I was at a Hasbro event just yesterday and it was commented by high management that my articles are hard hitting and people wouldn't think I was working with them. "

      Blah blah blah me me me"

      Hey Anon, think you got the wrong end of the stick here - they actually commented why are they even working with me if I put them down or cover things they don't want me to cover (profit loss, lawsuits vs them, articles on Nerf vs Gun crime, etc).

      @Ricochet: I agree with you, the NDA is becoming something more prevalent but not everywhere. We still have Independent bloggers which is a good thing. I think Pocket has influenced many people to pick up a keyboard and start voicing their own thoughts. That is his legacy. Ain't no one filling his boots but him.

      It is tough being under NDA, but at least those sites that aren't under one can cover it and speculate on rumours.

  47. you're all acting like he's dead or something. He probably just got bored and decided to move on. There HAS to be more to his life than Nerf, and if you check out his instagram @pocketesq he's got a pretty active social life with hot women a plenty. He's probably chasing tail as we speak. Enough already. He wanted to quit. Move on.

    1. In a way its the same. it IS like death- UT is no more which makes us all feel sad. You however sound like an insensitive dick, and im surprised Pocket allowed your msg through given you've publicized his instagram and been a jerk about it.

  48. Flashback to the first few months of Urban Taggers................

    I remember a post he made on Oz Nerf introducing himself and promoting his review on his freshly imported Alpha Trooper where he subsequently got slammed for daring to say it was a pretty darn good blaster and he should just shut up and stop feeding people false intel.

    From my recollection I never saw another post from Pocket ever again on Oz Nerf, and he rarely posted links to his reviews on any other forum ever again.

    Flash forward, and the Alpha Trooper has been widely accepted as one of the most successful and popular Nerf blasters ever. And Oz Nerf no longer exists.

    Love it. Loved UT always.

    1. Yeah Oz Nerf were dicks. I remember that post well, was also the first time I saw an iron man mask painted and thought [ who is this guy? ]

      who'd have thought, huh!

  49. We had good times, we had success...*sing*
    Thanks for all and thanks for all the fish. ;)

  50. Holy crap, nearly 100 comments on this. Guess it's a big deal. It's been awesome Pocket, UT has been an amazing resource. Sad to see you go. Take care man.

  51. Farewell Pocket :(

    I must say, you seriously defined the way that Nerf blogs write, with your rants, rumours, all of it. I sent in that Stampede ECS 50 instruction manual to you at 3:00 in the morning (at least where I lived) and you had it posted no less than ten minutes later, thanks for that, my friends were quite jealous :D. You really kept me involved with Nerf and the goings of the company, with all the new products and lines. Wow, only three years. It seems longer because you were always posting new information so often and no other blog I think has really put their all into giving the fans what they want, even if required valiantly fighting Hasbro lawyers back with a swarmfire you got sent in before release :). I think that's what happened... We'll go with it.
    I'm still gonna check this blog everyday, what a huge impact you've made on the NIC. It seems that everyone used to reblog what you posted with all your new you could get that no one else could. It is a sad day, I felt a few tears while reading your final post. I wouldn't give the reins to anybody else, no one can do what you do with your words, they're powerful, meaningful, and most importantly, enjoyable. I was looking forward to a rapidstrike review and comparison to the stampede, I'll have to go somewhere else now. This will always be my favorite blog, reading old posts brings back memories...

    "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2010

    Welcome to Urban Taggers.

    Welcome to Urban Taggers ; a blog dedicated to the gentle art of running around your friendly neighbourhood and frantically shooting at your friends without causing any injuries or pain:) On the whole we'll be covering all things to do with out-of-the-box Nerf, Super Soaker and Lazer Tag and anything else we can think of that involves toy shooting goodness!
    Posted by Pocket. Esq. at 17:06 4 comments:
    Labels: Welcome"

    You really fufilled that first post,the definition of why people read and love this blog, Pocket. And I thank you and wish you farewell. Even if you're not blogging, keep nerfing because...


    1. Is it really nerf or nothin' A classic pocket nerf rant.

  52. There was the first post, then a whopping 1,005 posts later, we are here, at the last post. This blog stands above all others, and still will because I still need to read all the posts:)

    Thanks for everything Pocket Esq., and contibuters (don't forget the Man in Taiwan!)
    "Heroes are remembered, but legends never die..."

  53. Nooo, don't make me go back to NerfHaven, they're anal about discussing new releases! D:

  54. I've always loved reading your posts. I check this website several times a day. I also wear my urban taggers shirt with pride daily!! Thank you Pocket for everything you've done for the toy blaster community!

    1. I want a UT shirt...

    2. Wait. There were Urban Taggers SHIRTS?!

    3. Damn, jelly! I want a UT shirt! How can I get one?

  55. no please you are the best blog for nerf ever plz don't go plzplzplz.

  56. *standing ovation*

    UrbanTaggers, your witty rants will be missed.

  57. Good luck pocket! Thank you for everything you have done for the community. This reminds me of the day Jerm781 left us for good... Have fun pocket!

    1. Yeah nerf mods is just not the same so i am glad in a way UT isn't handing the reign over to anyone else

  58. From: Campeche, México.

    (Armando Sánchez)

    Nooooo! Please dont leave us! ): Im happy when I read your posts, and the unique way you do, its different to other blogs, I mean, your blog is the best in the Nerf world! Please dont go brother! Im Mexican and this english page is more than that for me, is a pleasure come to here and read all you write here... Don´t go Pocket):

  59. Why would you leave? Your blog is the best? Are you okay?

    1. I've been wondering the same thing. Hope you're ok Pocket.

    2. He seems OK. He still updates his instagram.

  60. I'm sad to see you go, pocket,but i guess you probably just want to move on with your life. good luck with your future and MAY YOUR BLADE ALWAYS STRIKE TRUE! and first :D

  61. What a sad thing to wake up to :/ but despite that I wish you best of luck pocket in whatever your future will be, I may have been a lurker but I enjoyed every post and it was what started me collecting nerf

  62. Your brilliant work will not go unmissed. Good luck Pocket, it has been awesome!

  63. I don't think you're blog is no longer needed Pocket! I always come here to get news! this blog is the best, please don't go! :(

  64. Farewell Pocket. Best wishes on all your future endeavors. UT was the first place I ever dropped anchor in the Nerf community, and sending you some grainy shelf pics of the yellow Scout twin pack was the first contribution I ever deigned to make anywhere. This blog was a mainstay/powerhouse/superstar for a reason. You will be missed.

  65. im in a state of trance, sadness, and disbelief.

  66. but but but but it makes me happy when i read this stuff

  67. With the Boyz 2 Men pic and everything, aw man. Thanks for many precious memories and days of checking up on the blog!

  68. Wow. Your comments all have been amazing and I so appreciate all the kind words said- it's both incredible and humbling as I guess I honestly didn't think it'd be that much of a big deal.

    There are plenty of readily available info out there now from probably more blogs than ever so you're in good hands wherever you choose to read. I've always read many and referenced many blogs over the years and I encourage you all to do the same. No need to dispute who's better than the other or bag any out as that's just unnecessary and actually pretty rude. I respected everyone who made the move to create and maintain a blog regularly because to be honest it's hard work! Please do the same.

    I've also always been pretty free with the comments as I don't believe in censorship and you're free to speak your mind but some of the comments I've had to reject have been pretty nasty and kinda show you..don't have a mind!!:P Again, no need for that, at least on here.

    Thank you again everyone. It's been great.

    1. It doesn't explain why the sudden departure.

    2. I think a post on WHY you left would be good.

    3. "I think there's evidence now to suggest things have changed and there's no longer a need to do this anymore. "

      That's the line right there. He thinks we don't need him anymore.

    4. That's crazy. Check out the impact this post has made on the community! We want Pocket back!

    5. There are no other sites that write like urban taggers. Don't go!

  69. You were the best nerf blog ever. There is nothing i can smile about right now. Seeing you go just like that is... an unbearable thought. Now... im just going to... i dont know... this did not ruin my life. It ruined my day. However pocket, i wish you good luck with your life. May you be remembered through the the hearts of nerfers everywhere!!!

  70. where do we go now???

  71. Love the boyz II men pic. It's what I always loved about Urban Taggers, there was always this subtle witty fun tone to everything. Wish I met you in real life, you sound like you'd be a funny guy to have around. Peace out Pocket.

  72. Aw Pocket why did you have to go? It feels like I've lost a friend out of all of this.

  73. You could have waited.. So much good stuff coming out this year. I was really looking forward to urban taggers rants on zombie strike and rebelle. you'll still get them though, right?

  74. Such a good blog. Come back soon though mate.

  75. Will you still be Nerfing or will you be selling your gear off? Cos I've been searching for a Red Longshot forever...

  76. By Squadron of Foam Tasmania (S.O.F.T.)

    (Link) On behalf of Jack, Thomas, Alex and Crispy, I would like to sincerely like thank you for your amazing efforts and all the hard work he has done for us during the past three years. Pocket, you were the inspiration for this little 'ol blog that you see here right now called S.O.F.T. If all those years ago I didn't find UT, then I don't know if S.O.F.T. ever existed. For that, I humbly thank you.

    I remember the early days when I first got into Nerf. I was a beginner, no direction, no knowledge of what I was getting myself into. And then by chance, and I found UT on Google. And from that moment onwards, it became a religious habit to check UT every morning at the school library for any new posts. Because they were so professional, and fun to read. Your rants were AWESOME and caused many a laugh. Your exclusive reviews and pictures made me drooling over a blaster until we finally saw a release. :D So many pictures... And UT become the most popular Australian Nerfing blog thus far, maybe in the world. :P

    You have done Aussie proud. You've earned your retirement as far as I'm concerned. :)

    From us here at S.O.F.T., thanks mate. You're always welcome at the Squadron if you wanna pop by and say hi. :)

  77. But come clean, now you're done, you DO have a Rapidstrike and Centurion don't you?:-P

  78. Pocket, I would like to thanks you for your amazing efforts you have done for the NIC in the past three years.

    Urban Taggers was my first go-to blog. It always had fresh news, and pic spams of upcoming blasters that the rest of the world haven't had access to yet.

    Your reviews are AWESOME, covering all details and other bits you've noticed and with great blaster shots.

    Pocket, I think you deserve your retirement and you've done a great job for the NIC. I will alwyas remember you and good luck with your future endeavours.

    Nerffan, Outback Nerf.

  79. thank you urban taggers is my faverate site and will be sad to see you go

  80. Thanks for everything you've done for Nerf users out there man, we will miss you.

  81. Blog aside (which has been awesome), I've always loved how we really felt like we got to know Pocket. He wrote in a way that was very personable and friendly and he was always really nice when I emailed him about advice related to blasters. I don't know why he's decided to stop blogging but I wish him the best of luck. The Nerf community won't be the same.

    1. A real scholar and a gentleman. Pocket was always nice to everyone who wrote to him. Urban Taggers will be missed.

  82. The best blog and my main reference for everything Nerf and other blaster brands too. You have never let us down.good luck urban taggers. I will miss you.

  83. Let us know what else you have in store for the future.this can't be the end. You gotta have something in the pipeline. You're too good at this.

  84. Mate, this is a massive blow to the Nerf community. You really were head and shoulders above everyone else. You seemed to genuinely love this stuff and want to share it with us all and it showed in your posts. I agree with what someone said before: LIKE NO OTHER. You look after yourself bro and be proud of what you achieved.

  85. You sir, are amazing. You have contributed to the NIC in so many ways, and everyone will be sad to see you go.
    Now ill have to find somethings else to do all day, everyday. :)
    Cheers (for the last time)

  86. You will be sorely missed, friend. Even though we live in different countries and have never met, your blog was always my favorite. I wish you the best of luck with all of your future endeavors.

  87. I promised i wouldn't cry,i broke that promise.

  88. You were the best! I can't believe it. For as long as I've been Nerfing there has been Urban Taggers.

  89. My son won one of your giveaways and was so happy for weeks on end afterwards when he received the Nerf toy gun you sent him. He would say "I never have to play with toys because Urban Taggers is a grown up and he still does every day!" I had no comeback!

    Your website was always talked about at the dinner table too.

  90. I always looked to Urban Taggers as the only blog willing to put his followers first. You could tell that from the way he wrote and if you were a reader from the beginning you would see how the posts gradually matured and adapted based around the comments we wrote to him. It felt like we were all a part of Urban Taggers too. I will never forgive Hasbro for sending their lawyers and their heavies around to try and bully Urban Taggers to stop. With all that massive publicity that came about it i noticed Urban Taggers did not use it for gain like he probably should of if hes a public relations and marketing professional. You could see he was pretty humble and dealt with it quietly and professionally and that says a lot about the guy. When all the other blogs get invited to cool events and sent early samples Urban Taggers gets shunned and he still goes about doing what he does best and still comes out on top. And he is still really nice to Hasbro even though he could easily tell them to get stuffed. Notice the leaks from China are still all over the internet but Urban Taggers says he doesnt buy the blasters anymore because of Hasbro but what has that really achieved? Other people get them anyway so really Hasbro were just stupid.

  91. You should do a guest post on another blog for the new gear when it comes out just as a nod to who you think we should go to and as a thanks to your loyal readers.

    Sad times. I love Urban Taggers.

  92. You're the best Pocket. You're the one I always came to when I wanted Nerf news. Gonna miss you bud.

  93. Man this really sucks, i feel empty insise, i check this blog on a daily basis and love reading new entries. Pocket, the hole you leave cannot be filled.

  94. Let us know what your next project is. I'm sure its gonna be cool and hopefully will still be blaster related.

  95. Good luck dude. You'll always be my favorite blog.

  96. I'll really miss the pic spams, Pocket is a great photographer and always had unique and intriguing angles to his pics. Honest and hard hitting reviews are getting harder to find, now. You will be missed.

  97. This was one of my go to sites for everything nerf and it really stuck out from the rest. So before I get all nostalgic thank you for you time and dedication to this blog. Its nerf or nothin.

  98. This is still going to be my home page.

  99. Noooo, I will miss this place. This was one of my go to daily blogs and the main site where I get my Nerf info. =(

    Best of luck on your next endeavor!

  100. Will definitely miss it. If anyone is interested in water blasters please visit my site at

    I hope you're able to bring UBT back in the future. Loved this site.

  101. Sad.. will miss seeing UT updates. I'll have to go out at soak someone in honor of Pocket.

  102. I still check Urban Taggers daily. :)

  103. You know, you don't have to just quit. We don't need updates every day, week, or hell, every month. We just still want to hear from you every once in a while. And of all times to quit, it had to be around Zombie Strike leaks.

  104. I still check everyday hoping this was all just a bad dream. Ill check again tomorrow.

    1. Been checkin in on a daily and everytime i see that same pic at the top i feel that emptiness all over again...

    2. the guy like quit let him rest in peace man for godsake

    3. I think he under estimates the cult following he has.

  105. That's really too bad. I checked it every day on updates. I'm going to miss it and I'm going to keep this site as a bookmark just in case something happens.....High hopes.

  106. I made a thingie:

    We could crowdsource new info faster that way.

  107. I love how every comment has the word blog in it :O

  108. 190+ comments, over 190 people who have checked this site and had their life impacted all by Pocket. Over 190 people who were willing to spend their time just to make a post for Pocket. Everyone who followed this blog thanking him for what he has done. For the many things terrible things humans have done one man who posted for 3 years dedicating time to inform has changed the lives of 190+ people.

  109. Still in this nightmare... Oh well, ill check next week to see if im just imagining this.

  110. This was my favorite site im going to miss this
