
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Preview: Stampede

It's almost here.. on the eve of 9-9-10, the biggest Nerf blaster launch is upon us. Some have already got theirs.. and I've done the sweep around town and alas, no store has blessed us with a pre-release just yet. Those who ordered from apparently have their blasters already dispatched and will possibly even have them by tomorrow. I unfortunately pre-ordered from ages ago who had claimed they'd get theirs first.. but won't probably deliver till October. 

I'll do a scout around town tomorrow.. but to those of you who'll get your hands on one before me... I have foam envy:P


  1. Was at work tonight (Target) and there was no sign of any stock to put out for tomorrow. So perhaps we can cross Target off the list... for now (There is a time difference from here to US... maybe it'll be here on Friday or something haha (if so I'm getting one before it hits the shelves! =D)

  2. I've seen early debuts of the Stampede at the local Wal-Marts in my area. No sign of the Spectre REV-5 so far. Hopefully, it will be on the shelves tomorrow.

  3. Spectre is supposed to hit in early October I think. But maybe they'll do an early release.

  4. Scouted out some of the Brisbane stores. No luck anywhere, though Mr Toys has a ton of ordinary Nerf stuff. My bet is it'll be here for pre-christmas shopping.

  5. if u want it now check online shops
