
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Review: Nerf N-Strike Mission Kit Pinpoint Sight

Nerf Mission Kit Pinpoint Sight. Actually works:)
I don't normally review accessories on their own, but I do have to admit I'm pretty chuffed by the Nerf Mission Kit Pinpoint Sight. Personally I find tactical rail accessories (scopes for instance) more for show than anything else- they look cool but don't really do a whole lot. The Pinpoint sight ACTUALLY proved me wrong..

The Pinpoint Sight comes in a small blister pack along with 10 suction cap micro darts. It takes 2 AAA batteries (not included as always) which slide in behind a panel, held together by a small phillips head screw. It is made to fit all N-Strike tactical rails so it pretty much fits on most current generation Nerf blasters (including dart tag).

Pinpoint sight on the Alpha Trooper. Sweeeeet.
Once you've slid it and locked it into place, you're ready to go. The pinpoint sight differs from the normal scopes in that it is made to resemble a reflex style sight- essentially the idea is to reflect a dot against the cross hairs, matching your point to the target. If everything lines up correctly, then arguably, your shot should hit the target pretty accurately. I was skeptical (also because I'm a sucky shot) but I have to admit, it worked pretty well:)
Pinpoint sight with the red dot on. Terminator style:)
The red dot is pretty subtle but clear; the switch is on the right hand side of the sight and is a simple on/off slider. I've seen many a kid slide the pinpoint sight on backwards- cool..but then it DOESN'T do a whole lot:)

Compared to other N-Strike tactical rail scopes, the Pinpoint Sight actually does what it's supposed to. It's relatively compact and looks pretty cool, and in general compliments most of the N-Strike range nicely.

They're not that common; having been out for several years you'll normally find them in older toy stores where they haven't updated their stock. I haven't seen one locally for over a year, but occasionally you can find them from online e-tailers and ebay. They do go for anywhere between 10-25 dollars AUS depending on who you get them from, but if you can get your hands on one for cheap, I'd recommend it- I'm a big fan of it in my Alpha Trooper:)

Usability: 8/10
Out of the box performance: 9/10
Cool factor: 7/10
Price point: 7/10


  1. I got mine the other day. It is awesome. I've suddenly started using my Recon again because of it haha. Mostly because the other guns I have don't really work with it... especially the magstrike... I'll let you figure out why it doesn't work...

  2. Wish Hasbro would step up with their targeting scopes. Some of them have been rather lame. Thankfully, the pinpoint sight is a step above its cheaper constructed brothers.

    We might wanna tell Hasbro to make actual working targeting sights for their weapons. One functional sight and many duds are not gonna fly.

  3. Actually I'd been through three pinpoint sights before I found one that worked; But a bit of al foil did the trick. Since then they're all fine- but I think it had something to do with the batch.

  4. what's al foil? Not familiar with the term. ^^;

  5. is there anywhere that you can get them within australia?

  6. The only place I've seen them sold was but they seem to be out of stock atm. Otherwise ebay or overseas from places like

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What exactly was the problem with your first two Pinpoints?

  9. I loaded the batteries and it just didn't work. It turned out the connectors weren't touching the batteries, hence I slid some aluminium foil in between the batteries and the connectors and they worked fine after that. Just quality control I guess.

  10. Funnily enough, I had the same problem when I got mine (today). Luckily your solution worked, otherwise I would've been pretty disappointed...
    Nerf really should improve the contacts.

  11. I'm fine with just half of a cheap pair of binoculars taped to my longshot, cheap but effective.

  12. Hi Pocket. Esq. You said you went through three pinpoint sights? I know its a long shot, but do you still happen to have them? Are you willing to sell one? I've just recently gotten into Nerf and discovered that these are out of production. I would love to pick one up..


  13. Im looking for one. can someone give me a sight to go to to get one

  14. just so ya know they don't sell these anymore.

  15. Y wont hasbro bring it back in stock or make a new version? the new version can b better than the pinpoint sight w/ technoligy in 2012

    1. maybe they will do infrared or something, so you can see in the dark
