
Monday, November 22, 2010

Nerf Barrel Break vs BB Double Shot

Is the Barrel Break IX-2 any good? Personally we've stayed away from non-Nerf foam blasters, but the one blaster that is commonly mentioned as being on par if not better than the Nerf variety is the Buzz Bee Doubleshot. Nerf Mods + Reviews has a pretty tidy head to head comparison between the two, and while it's in the modded realm, it's still a great read.

Nerf Barrel Break vs BB Double Shot via Nerf Mods + Reviews


  1. What!? That stupid doubleshot is a piece of junk! (And I should know, I have one)

  2. i have a bb doubleshot. it sucks ass. breaks easily

  3. if u use the clip system darts on the double shot, it bloody rocks!!! the only set back is these darts don fit in the hidden compartment with the shells on so you might as well keep them in your pocket.

  4. the clip system darts are bloody awesome on almost any nerf gun, bar the the tek 10.(sometimes they're so weak they dont even leave the barrel!)

  5. its Nerf or Nothing

  6. The bumble bee double barrel shotty breaks so easily but if u mod it a bit u can fix it. im still going with the nerf. love nerf

  7. buzzbee is ok takes forever to reload

  8. buzz bee is better

    1. i agree, buzz bee is hard to reload and breaks easily

    2. Disagree. I the double shot looks better than the barrel break once painted. The shells are kinda cool too and removing the ARs would not need unscrewing the blaster (just remove the prong inside the shell using pliers)

  9. i think the buzzbee double barrel shot is better because 1 you can choose to shoot one bullet or two.

    2 once you shoot the bullets you open the gun and the shells pop out.

    3 there is a secret compartment for your bullets to go in and thats why i think the buzzbee is better then the nerf.

    1. 1 barrel break can do that

      2 shells make it harder because when reloading, you have to put the darts back in the shells

      3 barrel break has a top rack... easier than opening and closing a compartment all the time

  10. I would get get a nerf BB but the only place 2 get them in AU is toys r us & they havent had them since last year!!

  11. Your buzz bee breaks easily becuz you keep MODDING it!

  12. I prefer the Double shot, its better for moving around quickly, with the barrel break, the darts fall off the rail attachment WAY too easily. If you are into more realistic guns, I'd go with buzz bee since it has the shells.

  13. I have the double shot and the right barreal spring is broken, but a friend can replace it. But my motto is: it's nerf, or nothin'.

  14. i prefer the barrel break because its easy to use and buzzbee is hard to use

    1. Frankly I think that the barrel break and the double shot are just about pare

      I had a Double Shot and it was awsome... entile my brother broke it

      and i'v read alot of reveiws and The B.B. is probably awspme 2

  15. I have the barrel break and my friend has the bb shotgun the barrel breaks ammo rail works but not as it should. They do fall off ans somtimes I lose the darts. But my friens shotgun sucks because it taks forever to load and if you lose the shells when they eject your screwed.

  16. the buzzbee double shot is better in my opinion, (I've owned five) if you can be bothered to mod it well it usually turns out better than the barrel break and thats while using shells (don't do barrel replacement in shells, long run you can get better ranges without the barrel replacement).
    If you know what you're doing inside a blaster or outside then the DS wont break easy, and even if mjolnir itself was to hit it, it would still be an easy fix.

  17. I owned both Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 and the BB Double Shot.
    I compared the 2 in different aspects and here are my results.

    Range: +1 point to the Double Shot, mainly due to the lighter BB darts that it uses. The Barrel Break has a little less range but only because its darts are heavier. The Barrel Break can be better with the arced shots tending to be very useful.

    Accuracy: +1 point to the Double Shot, aided by its range. The Double Shot has more consistent grouping when fired straight. The Double Shot does however suffer more spread shots than the Barrel Break but again this is mainly by the darts utilized.

    Reload: +1 point to the Barrel Break, easily aided by the tactical rail made to hold the darts. Arguably the Double Shot is better with the shells being easy to insert within the blaster, but because of the shells, it takes more effort to have the same number of rounds loaded. Overall, the barrel Break is slightly faster in reloading.

    Ammo Cap: +1 point to the Barrel Breaker all thanks to the extra ammo tactical rail holding up to 8 darts. Both guns shoot 2 Darts at a single time, making it even, but the hidden compartment in the Double Shot is no match for the easily accessible tactical rail.

    Aesthetics: +1 point to the Barrel Break, this being UNMODIFIED, as we are comparing the guns unchanged. This may be personal preference, but the color scheme with the design is overall better.

    Portability: +1 point to the Barrel Break, as this blaster is significantly smaller and easier to store, whether in combat or storage. The Double Shot is longer and less bulkier, but still not as portable.

    Reliability: +1 point to the Double Shot, mainly being more simpler to operate, and not having as many steps as the Barrel Break. More often you may get into jams, especially with the barrel opening incorrectly. The Double Shot hardly jams, and can only jam due to human error.

    Durability: +1 point to the Barrel Break, being able to take way more usage than the Double Shot. The Double Shot does break easily, with time as the plastic deteriorates with usage.

    Final Scores:
    Nerf Barrel Break IX-2 = 5 Points
    BB Double Shot = 3 Points

    Overall the Barrel Break beats the the Double Shot in Portability, Durability and quicker reload. However, the Double Shot proves to be better in Range, Reliability and Accuracy. This is all based on how you would prefer to use your blaster. This all depends on how the gun is used. I personally would rather have a shotgun-like blaster as my secondary, and I would want to keep it compact and durable weapon like the Barrel Break over the Double Shot. I find that the Double Shot is more suited for being a primary, while the Barrel Break being more of a secondary weapon.

  18. I like both the Barrel Break and the Double Shot.

  19. I prefer the Barrel Break, the size of the Double Shot makes it a primary weapon while the BB is small enough to be a sidearm. It's durability is also much higher, and lack of shells is very good. I hate blasters with shells besides the Nerf Sledgefire, that has shells done right, shooting 3 darts a shell.

  20. im tryin to find out which is best coz im have a day where I get loads of presents (no, not my birthday) and I can only pick one and everyone keeps saying the barrel breaks best but then someone else sais the double shot s better and it goes on like that!!!

  21. In my opinion with a bit of modding knowledge and some time on your hands you can make the buzz bee shoot further and better because that's what I did. I removed the air restrictors from both the shells and the gun itself. I have also shortened the barrels so the dart leaves the gun quicker which makes it shoot a couple feet further. The buzz bee is also lighter which means it's easier to carry. To make it shoot even further than with short barrels and air restrictors removed I modified the nerf streamlines to fit the double shot shells and the results are great! A friend of mine owns the nerf barrel break in which he removed the air restrictors and the buzz bee shoots nearly twice as far as the modded barrel break.
