
Friday, November 26, 2010

Preview: Unreleased 'Dart Tag 20' single shot test fire

It's all good and well to have a fully automatic blaster that can pump out the rounds quickly, but when it comes to dart tag, it's the single shot fire that'll get the win every time. So we figured we'd test the unreleased '20' out for single shot mode to see how it fares. 

This is where the jams occur; I'm not sure the motor is really designed to be SO stop -and- start. So whereas with full burst automatic fire we experienced very little dart jams, in single shot mode we probably ended up with on average 3-4 darts misfiring or jamming. Anyone have this experience with their Stampedes or Vulcans?


  1. This is actually pretty impressive. If this really is a prerelease model, it's not bad. Perhaps they might polish is some more before they release it. Still wouldn't buy it though =)

  2. How Much do you think it will cost???

  3. My guess would it wouldn't cost MORE than a Stampede; in Australia ECS's are going for around 80 bucks, so I'd be assuming this pup will go for around that 50- 60 dollar mark. Much will depend on how they promote/package it- darts, goggles, etc etc.

  4. My bet is a two pack with vests and goggles for about $100 in Target and $120 in TRU.

    Might be about $60 for the same pack in the US. Not sure though.

  5. Thanks for the heads up on this. Hopefully they fix this issue. If not, it looks like it's gonna be burst fire mode and full auto.

    Also love how, unlike the Barricade, it's silent when the motor is on. You can use it in Indoor/Urban Combat.

  6. That's because it's not a flywheel driven blaster. For a plunger-based blaster, the motor would only be used to turn the chamber and prime the blaster, versus flinging them out like with the Barricade.

  7. i know it is, but it doesnt look like nerf with all the curves and such

  8. Check out what Nerf looked like 6-7 years ago. Even the older blasters like the Hornet and the Rapid Fire don't look anything like the styling of current Nerf. Things move on, designers evolve, it's all ok, change isn't a bad thing:)

  9. By 'jam', do you actually mean 'misfire' in that the dart doesn't fire? To me, jam means that another damn streamline has gotten caught in the 'breech' and needs to be cleared out by opening the damn jam door.
