
Friday, November 26, 2010

Sonic Series now available in Australia!

Oh yes.. I couldn't resist..
Green with envy I was.. :P
A stroll past my local Toys R Us (Belconnen, ACT) had me spot the new Sonic Series on shelves. Lots of them. So far they've got Recons, Mavericks and Vulcans. Funnily enough, NO Deploys. Wonder what it is with Deploys and Australia:P

Vulcan EBF 25 for $89, Recon for $49.95. Sorta over priced, but it IS Toys R Us and given the fact it's exclusive.. I guess they can do what they want with the prices.


  1. Hasbro refuses to... deploy... it in Australia.

    Hur hur hur.


  2. Hey we have deploys in Victoria at toyworld seems to be one store but we do have them they are $40

  3. Deploys are in Toyworld in the ACT too, but have only just made it in the past few weeks. I just find it interesting how the Deploy just never seems to get much presence in Australia:)

  4. Frankly, I don't miss Deploys. But I might snatch me a new Green Maverick if I can get my hands on one.

  5. What is so great about the green coloration? It doesn't enhance performance and is a hinderance to camoflauge in my perspective…

  6. Bright yellow doesn't help either. Just sayin'

  7. True, nothing in my apartment is translucent green OR yellow and orange.

    Well ok, I'm Asian, arguably I'M yellow. Just not.. Nerf yellow.

  8. Don't suppose theres any release listings for the UK?
