
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sonic Series confirmed: Toys R Us (US)

What makes something Sonic? Regardless.. cool:)
We brought it up a few weeks ago that we believe the Nerf's Sonic Series exist; however to date the only pics I've seen were from the leaked images floating about which has had me shy of wanting to make a big deal out of it. Now on they've got actual pics of the units and confirmed pricing and availability, albeit only for pre-order at this stage. It IS going to be a Toys R Us exclusive as we guessed. More pics after the jump (images from US's website- thanks to all who emailed me throughout the night with this info)
Recon CS-6 Sonic Series box. Gotta love Photoshop:)
The Sonic Series will be translucent green reshells of popular N-Strike blasters; the Recon CS-6, Maverick REV-6, Nitefinder EX-3, Deploy CS-6 and the Vulcan EBF-25. I've been very interested in the rumours of a clear Vulcan; I guess this is the next best thing?

Recon CS-6 Sonic Series. The 4th variant:)
Prices on the website have them very similar in price to their traditional N-Strike paint scheme brothers, so it is just a reshell; the clear series had many people suggest they were more powerful and perhaps these sonic series will be the same, but it's a pure aesthetics thing more than anything else. They're scheduled to be shipped on the 10th December.. which isn't that far away:)
Maverick REV-6 in
I'm not sure what translucent green has to do with 'Sonic' and why Nerf chose this particular colour; I think you'll either love it or hate it. For the collectors in us, we'll probably pick some up, but for the serious Nerfer, they might give it a miss. (The clear series was already considered a bit of a gimmick.. I love gimmicks of course)
Maverick REV-6 Sonic variant. Also the 4th guise of the classic Mav.

Nitefinder EX-3 in Sonic variant.

Nitefinder EX-3 out of the box.
Deploy CS-6 Sonic variant. 

Sonic Series Deploy CS-6
The designer in me would have preferred something like translucent blue; that would have looked fantastic against the orange internals. Or, perhaps even sticking with the original clear shells but changing the colours of the internals to, red or blue. Either way, green it the colour of choice, and these bad boys will be out in the US pretty soon and hopefully in other parts of the world soon. 
Sonic Series Vulcan EBF-25. Awesome.

Vulcan EBF-25. Hulk Smash! :)
To view or purchase, try here (if the link doesn't work, just go to the site and enter "Nerf Sonic" as your search term:)

So what do you reckon? Will you pick one up? If so, which ones (if not all of them?) What do you think about the translucent green?


  1. I think I'll pick some of these up for sure!

  2. I'm not a fan of the green translucent plastic at all, but the Vulcan would be cool in clear. If it was in the non-colored clear, I'd be all over it, but I'll have to pass on this one.

    FYI, if you want one, Pocket, don't pay some big amount on eBay for one. I'd be happy to pick you up one and mail it for its actual cost (although at 8 lbs, the Vulcan will definitely be pricey going from the U.S. to Australia, since they are the furthest shipping zones apart).

  3. Do you know whether these will be available in Australia.

  4. I'm with you, can't wait to get a new Vulcan!

  5. Neon green, it's different but I don't like it. What's next? Clear blue, clear red, clear yellow etc. Just recycling the old guns :(

  6. @Dave thanks for the offer! I might just take you up on that; let me know when you start seeing them in stores:)

  7. I think i will just get a sonic series nite finder and possibly a maverick. This is because these blaster a cheap, and are also great collectors items. I for one, am not a fan of mavericks, so we will have to see :D

  8. I'll shoot you a msg on Facebook when I see them pop up. =) We just had an awesome sale on Nerf here last week - Buy 1, Get 1 50% off, plus an extra 20% off the entire order on top of that. I managed to snag two Raiders with bonus drums for a total price of $47 out the door, and managed to work the deal just right to get a Vulcan for $18. I'm hoping some good promotions will come out around the same time the Sonic series gets released to really sweeten the deal.

  9. Where did you find the guns on, I can't find it anywhere?
    Can you give me the link for where to find them?

  10. Listed above in the last paragraph- but here it is again:

  11. im gonna get the maverick, but just because i have a thing for mavericks, i decided i would collect them a while back. other than that reason i think the green is a little weird. . plus i already have a vulcan, and its way to cumbersome to be anything but just cool looking. . .

  12. Check out what I saw yesterday at my local Toys R Us, Pocket. =)
