
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dart Tag Swarm Fire: Streamline Dart fail!

Swarmfire armed with Streamlines,Whistlers + Dart Tag ammo. Not all of them are gonna fire though,
Neil, from the Canberra and Southern NSW Dart Tag crew popped in this afternoon for a test fire of our much hyped Nerf Dart Tag Swarm Fire blaster. It's a great fully automatic piece with a 20 round capacity, but the interesting thing we discovered today is it DOESN'T shoot Clip System Streamline darts. Nada. Zip.

The darts don't seem to slide in all the way; they  seem to jut out more than the whistlers or sucker darts. When we tried them, all that happened was a whole lot of noise as the barrel rotated and nothing came out.

It's not a big deal for me, but just something to consider when this bad boy is eventually released.


  1. That'll be the barrel pegs - same issue as your Nitefinder, Barrel Break, Furyfire, Stormfire, etc., etc.
    Nerf doesn't seem to want us using some of the non-clip system blasters with Streamlines, for some reason.

  2. If you just remove the barrel pegs, (along with the AR's :) streamlines fit right in. When you take darts apart (I know, it's a waist of darts) you find that sucker, dart tag, and whistler darts have a shorter "glued stick" (the rubber part at the tip of the dart that extends down into the foam) than streamlines.


  3. Conspiracy theory timez! Nerf may just want to sell more of the other types of Ammo. I mean it does make good business sense to limit the type of darts that work with different blasters. Although it would be simple enough to modify, for stock players i imagine this could be frustrating. Having to stock up on streamlines for Clip-system blasters, then now having to stock up on whistlers, taggers, and sticky darts.

  4. 'Tis so we buy more darts. If players could use streamlines for everything, there'd be no reason to buy taggers and whistlers.

  5. Like Thorn said, it's the design. The tip of the streamline darts extends down into the foam so the dart wont go over the peg far enough to release the air restrictor. If the gun is modifiable enough to remove the air restrictors, it will shoot the streamlines......sorta.

  6. It's not like this is the first blaster that doesn't shoot streamline darts. It's easy enough for folks to fix this problem, just take out the AR assembly.

  7. Wow, you haven't posted in two days! That must be a record...

  8. The rubber part of the streamline goes down through the the foam further than regular darts. You can feel where it ends. I think the streamlines are like that for more weight, however I could be wrong... I don't claim to be a genius, atleast not all the time! :P

  9. It's not that it's a new thing, it's just something we wanted to point out that the Swarmfire can't shoot Streamline darts, as I constantly DO get emails about this topic.

  10. Streamlines kinda suck anyway. Taggers and whistlers, in my experience, fly FAR better and more predictably.
