
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's Christmas! The Urban Taggers Xmas giveaway!

The haul: santa hat and faux green stuff not included:)
It's the festive season folks! That means a wish for peace on earth and good will to all, quality time with our nearest and dearest and of course, presents! We've had a mad few months setting up Urban Taggers, and to show our appreciation to our readers, we're gonna kick Santa off the top dog spot for a few weeks and give away some mad blaster goodness! SO how can you score yourself some awesome gear?

It's simple. On the 25th December, we'll be posting an e-card on our blog and official Facebook page to wish you all a Merry Christmas. The only thing is, our photographers are on holiday already, so we're sort of needing a photo to work with...

We need you to take a photo that you believe best represents AN URBAN TAGGERS CHRISTMAS. The photo must be your own original work and be your most creative interpretation behind the lens of a camera; no digital manipulation/ Photoshopping allowed! The photo must also stand alone without any explanatory text or captions. You can use whatever models or props you wish, as long as it's all physically in front of the camera.

Given we at Urban Taggers are a fan of Tropfest, we're going to make this competition just that little bit more fun by adding a random element that must occur in the photo, and that element is 'LOUNGE'. Interpret it as you will, be it literal or abstract but we must be able to see reference to the random element in the final photo.

Photos should be uploaded, on the 12 December, 2010 to our official Facebook page. Try not to do it before hand if you don't want to lose your competitive edge and have people steal your idea. Any photos uploaded after this date will not be eligible for consideration.

On the 13th December, our judges will decide on the top 5 submissions based on creativity, originality and quality of image. These top 5 will be posted on our blog and on our Facebook page. Once this happens, here's where the fun begins..

Get word out to all of your friends and get them onto our Facebook page because the photo with the most 'likes' as voted by our readers before 12am Christmas Eve (Eastern Daylight Saving time) will be crowned the winner and be used in our e-card for Christmas day. The successful photographer will not only receive the bragging rights to being responsible for the Urban Taggers Christmas message, but will also score for themselves this amazing prize:

1x Deploy CS-6 Blaster NIB
1x Barricade RV-10 Blaster NIB
1x Tactical Vest (as worn by Greg, the Mannequin) NWB
1x Mission Kit Pinpoint Sight NIB
1x exclusive comicon Nerf keyring

That's right! How generous are we? Take that Santa you old bum! And while we're at it, ok we'll keep it coming- Our runner up will receive:

1x Sonic Series Maverick RV-6
1x Secret Strike AS-1 

Boom baby! That's how we roll!  All prizes have been proudly donated by.. well me. Alas we're not big enough to attract endorsement or sponsorship just yet, so please understand this entire promo is all done out of my own pocket:) 

Now, the fine print. The prize giveaways for this competition are open to Australian residents only. This is merely because the ridiculous shipping costs to send packages overseas cannot be absorbed by us and it just wouldn't prove worth while. We will allow overseas entries should they want to only gain the bragging rights, or are willing to pay for the shipping costs, however we're doubtful this will happen. I've entered many a contest on US hosted blogs only to be told I am required to pay for the shipping costs; m'fraid I have to extend the same 'courtesy':(

This IS a game of skill and all entries will be judged on merit, taking into consideration creativity, originality and quality of photo. The judges' decision IS final on the top 5. No whinging and whining, or we'll never do another giveaway again!:P The winner will be selected by the readers; the entry with the most 'Likes' on our Facebook page will be crowned the winner. The entry with the second highest amount of 'Likes' will be acknowledged as the runner up. No 'Likes' will be accepted after 12am 24 December, 2010.

The winning entry will therefore be officially announced on the 24th December on our official Urban Taggers Facebook page. The winner and runner up will be contacted for their postal address details and prizes will be shipped out within the following week.

That's it folks.. get shooting and lets see your most creative pics of an Urban Taggers Christmas!


  1. I don't have facebook, can I email you the photo?

  2. dose it have to be a photo or can it be an artwork. that we have created?

  3. The problem is you'll need to have your image voted on on Facebook, which we can do for you. If that's what you want to do, sure. urbantaggers at

    It does have to be a photo, it's the great equaliser for those who aren't good with crayons:)

  4. will you pay shiping?

  5. Within Australia, we will pay for shipping,yes.

  6. well im in America how much will i have to pay for shipping?

  7. @ /k/yle its only open to australian residents..dude, read the whole thing

  8. Yeah always my weak point....:( aww wel merry Christmas anyway :D

  9. Does this mean Greg will be naked in the rest of your videos? =(

  10. We will allow overseas entries should they want to only gain the bragging rights, or are willing to pay for the shipping costs, however we're doubtful this will happen. I've entered many a contest on US hosted blogs only to be told I am required to pay for the shipping costs; m'fraid I have to extend the same 'courtesy':(

    You should follow what you say thenationalnerfgroup.

  11. Dang…only 21,874,900 Australia residents are eligible (and I am not one of them :( )

  12. I'M AN ASSIE...but I'm too late.:( ...But anyway merry Christmas to one and all!!!

  13. Wow. THat giveaway beat the other one. No offense but really. :)
