
Friday, December 10, 2010

More info on the 2011 Dart Tag series

Swarmfire in full graphic designed font! Official:)
Swarmfire and a new looking blaster. Sorta raider-ish.. but not..
Our man in Taiwan (I'm gonna have to give him a name soon!) has sent through some pretty interesting information on the upcoming Dart Tag series. First up, for the doubters, you can clearly see "SWARMFIRE" in the corner, so that's about as official as we can get for now.

Secondly, check out the blaster wielded by our dude in the barrel.. Looks like that's a new blaster right there waiting to happen...

"Dart Tag line is going to be very different than the N-strike line. When N-stirke went for military and modular and standard clip fed, dart tag thrives on making the most different blasters. Therefore the new dart tag blasters look like clip-fed, but the clip is built-in, so no fast reload, but firing mechanism actually works like clip system."

More to come as we find out more!


  1. The second blaster looks like a Raider, without the drum magazine.

  2. Hmmm... Interesting, to me, the gun the guy in the barrel is using looks like a raider but more sleek - ie dart tag like.

    And it looks like the new sytem will be similar to the Powerclip in the sense the clips are built in.

  3. Nice gun and all... but what is he doing IN the barrel. There are certain implications of hiding in barrels... like being rushed and not being able to move or hide anywhere else.

  4. Maybe... it's not really a barrel, but a glimpse of a turret of a new Nerf TANK.. oh yes.. kids have been asking for months for this sorta thing..

    Or maybe it's the new Nerf Hot Tub..

  5. Mmm... Nerf Hot Tub... Maybe you should get your hands on one of those and put it up as a prize in your competition

    "A one hour hot tub session with me, Pocket. What the girl doesn't know won't hurt her"

  6. nerf tank sound good.
    make for interesting matches.
    what do you have to hit it with. the bomb/flag?

  7. The guy in the trap, what the heck is he holding? A Raider with a 6-shot clip and no stock???


  8. Hahahahahaha... you're funny, Pocket. I need a Nerf Hot Tub...

  9. ... I will get the Barricade and the Element for Chistmas... but if the Swaarmfire will be aviable soon I tink than I get it...

  10. looks like its similar to alpha trooper but with the front handle of a raider and a large bore clip to handle the dart tag rounds

  11. it is hard to tell, i wonder how the clip feed one loads, i also wonder if it is a non streamline dart clip

  12. I think it's actually a rotating touret like the barricade. Hard to tell from the pic.

  13. Let's call your contact 'Eric'. It's as good a name as any.

    With regards to the built-in clip, perhaps it's something like the Powerclip, or maybe, something similar to the mechanism of the Mauser c96 pistol or M1 Garand rifle (fixed magazines, but you loaded them from the top and a spring pushed the rounds up into the firing position).

  14. LOL Nerf tank. I wonder how much is the shipping cost if I buy it from USA? $10,000?

  15. Balstic ball clip???

  16. Hopefully the new one has a tactical rail, I wanna put a tactical scope on it! If it does, it'll be my new primary.

  17. If the Swarmfire poster is official, why did you put a watermark on it?

  18. Nerf tank? HOLY JEEBUS!!!!!!!!!! That would definitely be insane. What if Nerf and Power wheels teamed up and made some kind of APC or Humvee or something?

    Anyway, looks pretty awesome.
