
Monday, February 7, 2011

Rant: XPloderz distribution and customs. Boo.

Jerm's got one. In his house. Right now!! 
We brought you a whole lot of info on the X-ploderz range a while back, but alas because they're not planning on an Australian release for some time, we haven't been able to get our hands on one. I've been liaising with the manufacturer who were incredibly helpful with press release info, but given we're NOT a part of the distribution chain for this year, we couldn't score ourselves one to review. (so, admittedly we're a TAD jealous that they sent a couple to Nerf Mods + Reviews to check out!!)

Finally, I did try to import one, but Customs ACTUALLY seized it; I was sent a rather harsh letter informing me "things you CAN bring into the country" and they've at this stage classed this as a projectile/ BB gun style blaster for now. Admittedly this is a whole new "thing" to shoot so they're probably unaware of what it is so maybe in the future if they do EVER come out here it'll be ALL ok...

That being said, Customs also seized one of these too:

A kids "paintball"  blaster which is from the same people (with the same ammo) as the "Supa Splat" blasters domestically available in all Australian toystores (and.. Rebel Sport?!) . It's spring powered, nothing THAT powerful, but for some reason the Supa Splat syringe looking thing makes it into Australia but these don't?!

Anyway, dear Xploderz- please bring your product to Australia through the proper channels so I don't have to keep losing money on Customs seizing my gear:(


  1. same in singapore too :(

  2. stupid customs!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  3. omg, why cant they just have a fricken look at what they take before they take it. or they could at least have the courtesy to give your money. stupid customs.

  4. I'm sorry you cant get it, what do they think your gona do with it, hold up a bank?!

  5. thats so gay. i mean come on really

  6. it looks cool but dose act cool

  7. Customs must be concerned your "wet ballz" blaster is going to kill someone meanwhile you can buy real guns other places?! WTF?!?

  8. hey pocket guess what

    i just opened a pack of CC's corn chips and got a free aussie tatoo inside woohoo!!!!

    im a aussie by the way =P

  9. You should have someone bring it in through the airport as a present.

  10. Not cool customs. What are you going to do, SPLAT someone to death. Geez.

  11. I brought one back from the US last week

  12. urban taggers how bout I send you one

  13. dear santa...
    give australia xploderz guns so i can have one too! ps. if your wondering which xploderz gun i want i want the xground pounder 2500.
