
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Random: My favourite Dart Tag dude

Charlie was definitely a lover, not a fighter.
Of all the Dart Tag promo images, this one is DEFINITELY my favourite. Of all the blasters in the Dart Tag 2011 range, the Quick 16 is one the LEAST likely to be used single handed. His Ray Charles-style happy expression while gazing up into the clouds, taking three, soon to be four darts in quick succession to the chest and making NO attempt to dodge (Swarmfire is quick..but not that quick!) is gold.

It just shows you don't have to be any good at shooting to enjoy Nerf. Even though he royally sucks, will forever be known as the only guy in the promo who ever got shot (not just once but four times), didn't fight back and probably just cost his team the match, he doesn't care. He's still. JUST. LOVING IT.

This guy just wins. Awesomeness.


  1. Even though he loses, he just convinced me that he still won.

  2. ^that was incredibly surreal- I was JUST reading a post on the new Wowee Light Strike range from someone named Bazookafied... :P

  3. As far as I know, I'm the only Bazookafied lurking about the 'net... and if the reaction to said Light Strike was not favorable, it was definitely me. Even though I'm a LT enthusiast, I'm not a fan of what I've seen of that system so far.

  4. i love how easy it is to see that these guys were photoshoped in, lol

  5. They should make a movie about this man,

  6. When I grow up, I want to be him. Especially if it includes the Quick 16! :)

  7. ohhh i love it do it again it feels soo goood--That's what she said lol

  8. Someone said he looks like he is having an orgasm XD

  9. why are his hands smooth blue?

  10. kind of reminds me of that kid in the yellow shirt from that oozinator commercial xD

  11. he embraces the velcro!
