
Friday, April 22, 2011

Amazon Japan: images of the Gear Up series

Brought to our attention by 'Mr Racoon'- Some promo images of the upcoming Gear Up N-Strike line- the Recon CS-6 and the Maverick REV-6 on the Japanese Amazon. I am a lil' over the Maverick and Recon and personally think they should rotate the limited edition blaster lines (I mean seriously, HOW many Mavericks do you really want!) but at least there will be a Barricade and Raider as well.

Recon CS-6 on
Maverick REV-6 on


  1. Tell me about it! I mean, what is it, 6 repaints now? Blue, Yellow, Clear, Sonic, White, and now Gear Up Orange. Pitch in if I missed one (or more!)

  2. I don't understand why recoloring the N-Strike line was necessary? And even if you did... why go with the older blasters? Barricade and Raider, sure. But the Maverick is one of the oldest N-Strike Blasters and the Recon is up there too. What about the Longstrike?

    Personally, I don't care for this move for the color choice either. They look more suited for a construction site than a Nerf Battle.

  3. i saw these in the vortex vid the one u put up if u pause at the beggining they are on the right of the camera

  4. The truth is, they can get away with it.

    I'm sure the guys at Hashbro in the accounting and marketing departments know that it will sell, and I'm sure that there are plenty out there who will fork out their money to buy a repaint (eg. I have not seen Clear or Sonic ones stay on the shelves for long).

    No need to spend time, money and effort for development and manufacturing setup costs.

    I'm not interested either, however, some other customer might, and if it continues to sell, they'll keep doing it.

    And speaking of Japan, they can get away with selling a single 30-minute episode of anime on DVD for 7,000 yen (AU$80), and still make money (because the accounting fellows are so good at maximising profits).

  5. It's certainly not necessary, more like greedy. "Gear up for vortex" doesn't make any sense, to me it's more like "save up".

  6. the recon and maverick are the most common Nerf guns around that's why there's so may paint schemes
    not to mention how many comic books, movies, video, clips have the maverick been in ???

  7. I'm thinking that the way they always intended to market vortex and n-strike together was the "n-strike V vortex", because they knew not everyone would like vortex. so, to support the die-hard n-strike fans they created this new paintjob to help keep the n-strike line selling. it is business after all, if they didn't know how to sell toy guns and make a profit then nerf wouldn't exist.

  8. Repainted Nerf = Fail. This is only good for people who are new to Nerf, or have never owned a Maverick or Recon before. If I want a new paint job, I'll rather paint it myself. My steampunked Maverick pawned all over those 6 different colours offered by Hasbro :P steampunk&order=9&offset=72#/d3c0fly

  9. WTF? Give us new N-Strike guns in the yellow-black-orange scheme. I've bought every single N-Strike gun released thus far. Need new ones! Considering how dirt cheap they make these guns at and the probable insane mark up at retail, we should at least see more than a handful of new guns.

  10. A Halo repaint would be the most welcome repaint ever IMHO. Even so, some blasters tend to break beyond repair after some time and a replacement would look better with a cool repaint.

  11. If Vortex is Nerf's answer to the community begging for more range out of a blaster, then the repaints are their answer to a community begging for customization. Modding takes care of both, but for those who really don't care to paint or mod (or don't have the skill or desire to learn like myself), there's this. Nerf is attacking the demand in the market perfectly while also trying to limit the liability that comes from people modifying or painting their products. Its not going to stop it, nor would I really want it to stop as I feel its a great complement towards the quality products they put out, but if they can discourage one idiot from shooting his eye out with a poorly modified blaster or a citation issued to someone who painted their blaster black without leaving the orange parts colored, then I think they've done their job. Besides, think of the market to little kids. These aren't so much for the teenage or adult community that battle, but rather to the little kids who want the "new one" or the adults who's collection can never be complete. Respectively, its like any customizable card game or like a new car model year; there's barely any noticeable difference, but some neither care nor want to care.

    Besides, given the striped styling of Vortex, Gear Up looks to emulate that style, bridging N-Strike into the new lineup.

  12. We need guns, lots of guns..... (neo)
    there can be never enough mavericks!!!!

  13. the black accents on the recon look nice, but the mav def looked better in blue or even yellow. but i'd prefer that urban taggers paint scheme over this anyday.

  14. I liked the NERF yellow, this shade of orange just looks like a bad fake tan

  15. just saw this on nerf website today, didnt see any mention of it here so i figured i'd pass it along. unfortunately im too damn old but maybe theres some youngin's out there who read this and are eligible.

    ps- any time u wanna post pics of hot chicks with nerf guns is fine with me! ;) keep up the good work pocket!



  17. I have no intention of buying a recon or maverick ever. I don't care how they color it. The blaster has to be something I'm interested in first, then the color scheme is second, and neither of those are interesting. I thought they were doing the barricade also, I'll buy another one of those, and I'll probably wait for the recolored line instead of buying it sooner, if its going to happen.

  18. Can someone plz tell me

  19. they should do a gun metal color seires

  20. @ Samza:

    On 9-10-11, Nerf will release their new Vortex blaster series. These blasters fire disks instead of darts, and from the promotional videos we've seen, these blasters will be very interesting... especially performance-wise!
