
Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Nerf Dart Tag Promos: Sigh..

Another nifty promo vid for Nerf's new "Action Sport". To be honest, it is a little bit of a slap in the face for Australian Nerf fans to see this amount of promotion and coverage for Nerf's new Dart Tag gear and to not be able to officially get their hands on the stuff. We've known of the new blasters for months now, we've seen all of the promo imagery and updated website (vs the Australian Nerf site that's still flogging off the Raider...).. but the official channels for Australian distribution would suggest "what? Dart Tag? Try the 'New' Furyfire!". Just a 8 hr flight away and you could end up in Singapore, and be greeted with this amazing sight:
Wow. Image courtesy of SG Nerf
Ahhh well. One day, folks!


  1. hah. that must suck because i got my quick 16 and i love austrailian kids are like "we want the new furyfire!" and my brother and i want the vortex series.

  2. Yeah but Urban Taggers did get the new Dart Tag blasters before anyone else in the world so as you always say you can get them if you want them like from amazon and ebay and stuff.

  3. I quite liked the music in that commercial. And the lack of words. None of that stupid "THIS IS THE NERF BARRICADE. IT HAS SEMI-AUTO FIRING POWER. OWN THE NERF BARRICADE TODAY!"

    It's a shame that Hasbro doesn't seem to think we're worth sending the Dart Tag stuff to, but hey... we might even receive the Vortex line first (HAHA FAT CHANCE! But here's to hoping)

    I wouldn't mind if they officially released the Furyfire here actually. I believe the Furyfire is a great blaster.

  4. Pocket,

    Like all the new Dart Tag blasters, the Speedload 6 has the number of rounds imprinted on its side - a "6", of course. Looking at it now, I just realized: though looking quite 6-like, the character also bears a strong resemblance to a... "G". So, in a way, you did get your wish - "Fly like a G6!"

  5. ^Anonymous above me
    Well, it's still hard to get the blasters. Shipping is a pain. You have unreliable sellers. Tax prices seem a lot higher in other countries. In general, it's a lot simpler to buy it from your stores. And Nerf seems to simply "forget" Australia every time they come out with something new.

  6. poor Australia, maybe you can get out a petition to send to nerf with as many signatures as possible to get them to send more nerf blasters there, if nerf sees that they want them they may sell more, this thing does work you just need people who aren't "oh that never works, my signature does nothing"

  7. Ex-prime minister Paul Keating used to say Australia belongs to the arse-end of the world. So we are the last to get new products and we only get the remaining crap.

  8. it's a bit annoying, seeing what we did for the rest of the world (google ANZACs if you don't know what I'm on about)

  9. I asked Hasbro about the Dart Tag series earlier in the year and they said it'll be out in summer. Only JUST saw it on the shelves in North QLD in Toys R Us in November (in time for xmas?). Townsville had a Dart Tag League style event too just last weekend.
