
Friday, April 8, 2011

Vortex Series to be revealed: Nerf Nation

Nerf have definitely done a fantastic job in hiding information on their new upcoming Vortex series of blasters; there've been rumours and speculations but actual leaks have been pretty slim. Speculation time is over soon- one of the most heavily guarded secrets in the Nerf world is to be revealed on Monday, 11 April 2011(assume this is US time) on Nerf's official Facebook Page. Today they announced:

"Listen up, Nerf Nation, we know you’re anxious to find out everything you can about the new Nerf Vortex. 9.10.11 is just too far away, and we don’t want to keep you waiting.

Here’s the deal. On Monday April 11th we will reveal information, photos and a video of the entire all-new Nerf Vortex line – exclusive to fans of the Official Nerf Facebook page. Think of it as a huge “THANK YOU” to each and every member of Nerf Nation. RSVP now to get all the latest updates, and be sure to tell all your friends to “Like” the page so they don’t miss out!

Once you see what we have up our sleeves, you’ll be counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds til you can Gear Up for 9.10.11. The latest in Nerf evolution has arrived."

So there you have it folks. Are u pumped? Intrigued? Don't care? Waiting for them to reveal so you can then ask"so when's the next blaster coming out?" :P


  1. yes! I check this site every day looking for info on the vortex series! finally I will check this site then for sure! im sure youll have info!

  2. sounds interesting, i am kind of surprised how early they will release info, we didn't find any official stuff on the stampede till what... June, July? and they have been preventing leaks pretty well, odd, less leaks = soon official info?

  3. Their smug official statement, the suspicious lack of leaks... I'm beginning to wonder if all the information any Nerf blog has ever gotten is because Nerf has LET us have it, has purposely leaked it to keep us salivating and use us as free advertising (not that I mind, of course!) And now they've decided to take it into their own hands, and wave Vortex over us tantalizingly. Just something to think about...

    P.S.: Check out that symbol- Just more evidence connecting Vortex with green and black!...

  4. As an afterthought... I just realized, what with the new Dart Tag blasters and the lack of N-Strike for a while, I'd completely forgotten about Vortex! Shameful, I know. But... Perhaps Nerf intentionally leaked much of this information purposefully to keep our minds Vortex, and set such a far off date to induce us to reason that we won't get intelligence until closer to September. This would therefore lead us to wait longer until using less passive intel gathering methods... letting them hold all the cards, which is exactly what they want (and exactly what they seem to be exploiting now!)

  5. That green sphere in the logo makes me think this will be a ball blaster series....

  6. I'm just glad they finally confirmed that "Gear Up" is their promotion to launch the Vortex line. That'll shut up all the "when will the Gear Up blasters come out? The Nerf Vortex fires rubber rings" rumors. I already assumed how it would turn out, but you know how kids can run to conclusions/think they know everything.

  7. I just hope there is a nerf shotgun (pump action)

  8. pocket, for all the non facebook people out there, would you be able to post all info on new blasters. cheers


  9. whats the AT Samza?

  10. Ever noticed that green circle looks like a flying disk? (hint hint)

  11. So it turns out the information I was given was accurate, that they would be released mid-year, be aesthetically pleasing, and are disc shooters.

  12. gunna be TO if they turn out to be disc shooters.

  13. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. ALL RIGHT!!!!! >:D

  15. I'm going to guess that the pictures are totally inadequate or hard to see. There's no way that Nerf would just give this stuff away so early. I mean, they did an awful job of preventing leaks with the new Dart Tag line, the Barricade, and the newer N-Strike blasters. However, these were probably flukes, and it's completely impossible to find anything on the Vortex line (I can only get pictures of Nerf footballs). So this must be a conspiracy...

  16. Arghhhh! I just leave for THREE FREAKING DAYS and the disk blaster rumors start popping up again! The whole disk thing was just some random idea spat out by a commenter, and now everyone has accepted it as fact! Until tomorrow, everything is speculation and we don't know anything for sure, so don't start that routine again!

  17. Anonymouse

    the AT stands 4 alpha trooper
    I didn't know I said AT on any of my comments
    cood u plz tell me where u saw it
