
Monday, April 11, 2011

Vortex Series revealed: Nerf Nation First look

Interesting stuff eh? What do you reckon? "Featuring never before seen XLR Disc Technology?" I'm more impressed by their 'Progressive styles" :P I'm a progressive kinda guy..

Vortex Series via Nerf Nation/Facebook


  1. Well... seems that all those rumors I rebutted were right! (For the record, I only shot them down because they were unconfirmed! I never said that they WEREN'T disk blasters, I only cautioned against speculation becoming fact!) Disk launchers - seems like interesting technology, I'd love to see the internals on one of these...
    Looks like a lot of us got our wishes, that last one (the Praxus, someone in the background said) definitely had a shotgun-style pump handle! And that range was pretty impressive...
    The little, handgun-sized one had what seemed to be a pop-out internal clip! Interesting stuff - and disks should be easier to load than darts, too, I'd think...
    All in all, a very interesting teaser! Thanks, Pocket!

  2. These look very impressive. My only qualm is that they probably do not have much practical mod potential.

  3. You need to these from your contact lol

  4. Also, at several points (0:15 most notably) you can see a stock and stock connection mechanism that look remarkably similar to N-Strike's! I wonder...

  5. Since the name "Praxus" was mentioned, and the box at the very end said "Nitron", it seems the bit of intel we got before was right!

    Also, check out that barrel! I never really thought about it, but to fire disks requires something much flatter than an N-Strike barrel. And it is! Though no less stylish, if you ask me...

  6. They're gonna have to convince me how their disks earn the "never-before-seen" title compared to other disk blasters I've been seeing for ages. While the blasters look cool and look to get impressive range, I also worry that these blasters would be tough to use in Nerf Wars. They're the only blasters to use disks, as opposed to all the darts we're used to seeing, so picking up ammo once you've run out will be tough to keep these new Vortex blasters running in those games.

  7. I will be fully adopting this line for our Zombie games. The discs look like they get better speed and ranges(from the one shot in the video) than the streamlines. Plus the flatter trajectory of the disc vs. darts = more survivability against a zombie hoard!

  8. Cool beans. Looks like they've got the equivalent's of a maverick,stampede, and alpha trooper.

  9. I agree with bluefire. Those stocks look pretty sick!

  10. damn !that thing shoots far

  11. I think XLR stands for extra long range. Thats why they shot it at the end to show the long range.

    In summary, I spotted 3 blasters:
    I think the Nitron which looks like a Stampede.
    The shotgun-like one with the recon-like stock.
    The pistol-like one with an internal magzine.

  12. I don't like to brag, but I was so right with the whole disc shooter thing. Haha, take that doubters! And those things look beast!

  13. Yeah Bluefire I posted the same thing on nerf's facebook wall as well about the 0:15. Also if you look at 0:17 do you see a tactical rail??? Because that is what I think I am seeing.

  14. Its probaly gonna be the enemy of n strike lol... Longshot snipe while 20 disks go flying through the air at a 45 percent curve... I need to finish moding my longshot.

  15. Did anyone else see Vortex then under it "Nitron"? I think this series is definitely one to watch. The pistol one looked pretty cool. A pop-out internal clip. Now that is

    --That One Dude--

  16. At the very end you can see that the box says Nitron, and the edge of the one that looks almost like a stampede can be seen. So the blaster they show at the very beginning is definitely the Nitron.

  17. I'm... a little disappointed in the choice of ammo, honestly. (I was hoping for a return of the Mega Dart). Thinking back to the disc launchers of yesteryear, I'm not sure if I'm willing to invest in these the same way I did the N-Strike line. However, I can't help but praise what looks like sniper-class Nerf blasters.

    I'm interested and curious.

  18. LOL that WAS a (repainted) raider stock!
    k' i think that the "disks" are going to be inaccurate. what do you guys think?
    also do you think w/ the clip opening thingy you could reload on the fly?
    Dude! i bet these things can hold a ton of ammo! Bring it on zombies!

  19. the name of the gun that was fired is called the vortex nitron at 0:21


  20. so the last one was spring powered? sick! modding potential ftw

    I dont think theres any type of breech to these guns, which means no messing around with air seal, and you see the "recon" stock? theres no plunger cover that hasbro had to put on all reverse plungered guns as of 2008 when they recalled the recon.

    Also, the first gun is going to be fully automatic, it has no priming handle, a switch on the top and its really big with loads of ammo. The estimated price for the nitron blaster is also ridiculous

  21. at 0:03 you can clearly se the flywheels. I am kinda bummered about that. I just don't think the disks are going to have enough umpfh to them to really feel like your hit too. I might get one or two of the small or medium pistol style blasters though.

  22. The enemy of these guns is......WIND! just think of a windy day and you shoot it and it just curves in the direction you didnt want it to or in the other direction of your target. LOL WIND.

  23. look at 8 sec in, you can see the back part of the green stock which is similar to the recon's, it looks like it can't hold a clip.

    also at the 6 it shows a 4th blaster that looks like a tech target

  24. So it had began? Darts I mean disks, that actually go far, go fast and go where you aim it. Well done Hasbro. Cheers. Oh and btw the 'Disks' were a proto type, expect more from them.

  25. So, it looks like there are a total of 4 blasters if you look carefully.

    At 0:06-0:08, you see the "Maverick"-level gun; the pistol with the internal clip.

    At 0:03 and 0:10, there is the "Stampede"-level gun, which looks like it has flywheels and a fore-grip similar to the Stampede.

    At 0:14-0:23 we see the "Raider/Recon/Alpha Trooper"-level weapon, which has a shotgun style pump-action. It looks like this one might be called the "Nitro"

    And finally, as Harpuia alluded to, if you look closely at 0:12-0:13, you can see the box that all the vortex series were packed in. It looks like there are two of the "Maverick"-level blasters sitting on the floor. Directly to the left of these is a smaller handgun, which looks to be on the level of a "Nightfire/Sharp Shot"

  26. funny, I knew what they were going to be way before this came out.

  27. Reply to anonymous above wanna-be's post:
    I think he said "Vortex Praxis" just before the range test.
    But who cares about names, I want these NOW!! :)

  28. I'm not a COD addict but I've got to say, how cool would it be if there was a sniper rifle Vortex gun. It would be EPIC! Also that Nitron (big one) looks like it's full-auto. Yippee! It would also be pretty cool if that Praxus gun (the one they did the range test with) had slamfire. I'm so pumped! Hope they come out in Aus.

  29. I am digging the look of that pistol-like one.

  30. i dont know how i feel about the discs. I was impressed with the range but i have no idea how accurate this is going to be

  31. To be honest I'm kinda disappointed about the vortex blasters
    Shooting discs and not darts. what am I gonna do with all of
    Those darts??!! I might just buy one blaster to try it out but
    Seriously didn't Hasbro think about the incredible
    Inaccuracy in the wind. I think that the blasters look awesome
    But again maybe they should make em shoot darts

  32. Maybe with this they could actually have a gun that actually has a spread shot gun fire. like one slightly larger barrel with three disk exits that are only slightly angled away from each other so it spreads out like a shot gun. Its kinda unlikely but I reaaaally wish.

  33. wind yes, but these will go muuuuch farther cuz they actually ride the air, not just sail through it. indoors these will do much better. outdoors on a windy day... not so much. but then again the darts also get carried so yeah. first about 20 feet is ok, but after that I think both darts and discs will get carried off course by the wind.

  34. if u tilt the "blaster" we'll call it u might be able to curve the disks (corner shots!)
    i like the concept but i would only buy IFF (if and only if) the disks are literally a dime a dozen or something like that. else, i'll stick with darts

  35. All this crap about "they should make them shoot darts" is stupid. If they wanted to do that they'd make more Dart Tag or N-Strike guns. The whole point of Vortex was to fire a new type of ammo and that type of ammo is discs.

    I think that the disc guns are awesome, they have crazy ranges and they look awesome. I would definitely use one in a nerf war.

  36. Maybe they made the disks heavier than in the past line of disk shooters. Might help cut through the wind better. And also I agree with the comment earlier that both disks and darts can be affected by wind. I'm all for better ranges and if they have to use disks to achieve that then so be it.

  37. Every blaster in the video has an auto-switch on it. I just did print screens of every second of the video to look at them. Check it out. That's a whole lot of machine gun.


  38. i only have one concern with this ammo type which was mentioned already as a positive. If the gun is at an angle the discs will curve ruining range and accuracy so i'm not sure how effective these will be in wars. but regardless i still think they will be a a big improvement on the current streamline darts which are always inaccurate.

  39. (Joe) those are the mag releases.
    I'm curious to see what the method of propulsion is in these guns this video leads me to believe that they use a plunger like the n-strike guns but it seems an actual firing pin would be more effective. (like a K-nex gun)

  40. yes i did notice some guy saying "praxis test 1"
    I don't really care about the new vortex as much, I just wanna see what the new N-strike line has in store 4 us

  41. yea who needs the longshot when you can get 60 feet or more disc shooters! and the nitron has 20 shots and is semi auto and has an electronic tracking scope.
