
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Vortex will meet expectations; N-Strike continues: Nerf Nation

Just a lil tidbit from Nerf's official Facebook page:

"Hey Nerf Nation, we'll be revealing more Vortex collection details & pics here soon! Just know, the performance and power you look for from Nerf blasters holds true with the Vortex line and the N-Strike line isn't going anywhere (get ready for the ultimate Nerf collection). Can't wait for you to test out the Vortex line firsthand, in action! Hope you'll keep up the hype with us until the chance arrives on 9.10.11."

Sooo.. as we said, N-Strike'll still be around.. which makes sense with that whole "N-Strike vs Vortex" thing they were plugging at the Toy Fair..


  1. I just can't keep up with this, more blasters. I realy gotta sell my old ones now for new n-strike an vortex. Nerf is sucking me dry.

  2. On nerf facebook go to pics to find a grey vortex. This makes me happy I don't have to live with puke green if I get a vortex gun.

  3. Oh, thank goodness! I know I was one of the prime advocates for the idea that N-Strike would continue, and although I presented plenty of evidence, it's good to know that my old favorite will continue! Phew...!

  4. It oughta be interesting, what they come out with... what they need is a burst-fire rifle and a pump-action shotgun (that shoot 3 bullets at a time). THAT would be awesome

  5. "On nerf facebook go to pics to find a grey vortex. This makes me happy I don't have to live with puke green if I get a vortex gun."

    It's not real m'fraid, the guy who posted it changed the colour to reflect his personal preference.

  6. nerf is probably making something like a nerf halo. n strike is like the human weapons, and vortex is like the alien. im assuming that their next video game and marketing campaign will be based on this

  7. How will Nstrike compete with Vortex in a stock war? =/ Did you see the range on that thing? =O Unless of course, they're finally coming to terms with the fact that 90% of the population modifies their blasters.

  8. um.. they are easy to dodge and in-acurate, they may not be that effective after all.

  9. pocket, the thundershot jerm got dosent jam! and you said it did...why???

  10. um.. it's annoying hearing people already bitch about these blasters. First of all, I can guarantee you haven't used any of them, and i'll bet you didn't even know what they even were until yesterday, so how in the hell can you say that they're inaccurate or too slow. Same goes to the people who claim to be 'disappointed' with vortex. Im not sure what you were expecting, but if these blasters don't interest you, I don't want to hear/read your complaining. Instead of recognizing that nerf is trying to be innovative, and approaching it with an open mind, your already bitching about how the wind will blow up your skirts, and move the discs. Lastly, anyone who was mad because they thought that vortex was replacing n-strike is an idiot.

    O and thanks for the news UT

  11. Cool! This is off subject but today I just got the swarmfire and I modded it and when I was testing it out I aimed it at my sisters face and it hit her right in the eye. My dad saw and took it away for a month. Oh well. It gets great ranges and it's sooo accurate! The swarmfire I'm guessing is going to own all of these vortex blasters.

  12. Hi there, just wanted to let you guys know that I have started a blog called Simply Nerf and the URL is

  13. Lol I shot my sister in the back of the neck and my dad smashed my gun up with a friggin HAMMER!
