
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The mystery white Maverick REV-6: A photo essay:)


Several months ago, we received a mysterious Nerf Maverick REV-6 in an all new white + grey colour scheme. At the time, we had no intel on it, and we were hoping we'd eventually learn more.. but nope.. nada.  We loved it because it was pretty much our signature colours and drooled at the possibility of other blaster variants in the same white and grey finish. There was speculation that MAYBE this was the new 'gear-up' line, but images of the orange and black striped blasters smashed that theory.

Flash forward a few months and still we're just as in the dark as we were when we got it. What it is/was for, I do not know. I can confirm this ISN'T just a custom paint job- the plastic is actually white and it looks very much factory painted rather than after market enamels.

In any case, it's a good looking design, and just for funsies, I decided to get all arty with my new camera on it. More weird angles after the jump:)


  1. last year nerf released clear series then several months later when the new blasters were released released sonic series maybe they will do that again

  2. Figure it took us ages to figure out what the clear Vulcan belt actually went to.

    We didn't get our clear Vulcan until a long time after that picture surfaced.

    I figure it won't be long after Vortex is released that we'll begin seeing these on shelves. It would be the right time for a complete recolor of the line too. Though I admit I still miss the only yellow and blue scheme of the original release.

  3. I bought so many mav's when they came out in that lame purpleish/blue and yellow color, then they came out with the much more hip yellow black and i had to buy one, i passed on the lime green and clear versions but if this turns out to be a real blaster I am def getting back on that train! this paint job is killer!

  4. i really like the color scheme on this maverick over the gear up.

  5. yea i wish this was the gear up and they did the paint job for every single n strike blaster, not just 4 of the same old ones

  6. Once again Germany's got more information- while only your blog entrys are linked there on the first view, there is also a screenshot available of Muller's (large German drug store) internal order system spotting "exclusive NERF N-Strike White Blasters". Deploy, Nitefinder and Maverick.

  7. "where does he get those wonderful toys?" BB

  8. hey! I found this lil guy and a longstrike in the same style on sgnerf's blog!

  9. FACT: Ive been achieving better ranges on my WO than my standard yellow mav. These things look awesome. I repainted the barrel, cock and trigger and it looks amazing. Def looking forward to picking up the WO nitefinder. Now we just need the WO spectre and...
