
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hex-Machina: Mind-controlled Nerf gun

Ommmm.. I sense..foam is in your path..
I admit, I have NO idea what this guy's on about in his blog, but for the more technically minded (hehe) this gentleman has worked out a way to fire off a Stampede ECS with the sheer power of his mind..

Hex Machina: Mind-controlled Nerf gun


  1. Alsome, so if he gets scared it auto fires darts!

  2. Since when did we get that far in technology, maybe he has telekanisis

  3. pocket,i think thats you!!! LOL!!!!!

  4. s.p.e.d.........................

  5. There's a game called Mind Flex where you move a ball with your mind. The more you concentrate, the higher the ball is lifted. This probably works in a similar way.

  6. seems like complicating things a bit, like how hard is it to pull one finger back to pull a trigger, yeah it is kind of cool but the question is how well does it actually work?

  7. sure its complicated but imagine making a nerf battle suit with two vulcans mounted on your shoulders with a stampede in each hand....have you followed my train of thought ;)
