
Monday, May 16, 2011

Nerf Vortex: Nitron instruction manual

I guess this was bound to happen; a mad tip from Joshrox123 has us getting our hands on the user manual of the upcoming Nerf Vortex Nitron. All that speculation of what is that "thing" on top of the blaster is now revealed. Rest of the manual is after the jump-Thanks Joshrox123 (and a gentleman called 'Crazycon')

SO what have we learned?  It's an electronic "Center Fire Tech" scope attachment that seems to have "slow tracking", "fast tracking" and "all on" functionality. The blaster has a 20 round capacity. It takes 6 C cell batteries to run the blaster and 2 AAA's for the scope.

The second "trigger" switch is an acceleration switch that essentially 'turns on' the blaster. This suggests it's a flywheel mechanism that seems to take it's cues from those modded N-Strike Barricade RV-10's that SGNerf originally came up with.

The front grip doesn't look like it's detachable like the Nerf N-Strike Stampede's bipod. There's storage for another magazine in the stock. Said magazines are round tubes:) Discs are definitely like lil' frisbees.

Anything I missed worth noting? Other than yes, it IS a massive stock:P


  1. Wierd... Electronic scope? The clips look like n-strike but i didnt think it would be motorized. Whats with the second triger???

  2. Could you explain this Electric scope? cheers

  3. One trigger gets the flywheels going, the other launches the disc. At least that what the manual seems to say.

  4. looks very bad ass. thanks joshrox and ut

  5. hmm electronic scope guys, i suspect since it uses batteries, there may be some zoom (like a camera) or a laser shining a red dot.

  6. I am liking that it looks like Nerf is paying attention to some of the mods done on the auto dart blasters. A second trigger for the "accelerator" is much like what sgnerf did to the Barricade. Looks like you won't be running around with an annoying buzzing all the time.

  7. the scope sounds cool, wonder what exactly it means by "tracking"... maybe it measures the distance or something lol? that would be cool. I wanted a one shot attachment though.

  8. I like the look of that scope. I really hope they sell it separately in a mission pack or something because the only guns I want are the Proton and Praxis.

    And what's this slow/fast tracking?! It doesn't tell you anything.

  9. My guess is that the scope has two sheets of plastic on either end. Each sheet has a reticle etched in the plastic and an array of LEDs around them. When the LEDs are on they shine through the plastic and illuminate the etching. The button just cycles through the LED banks.

  10. I'll expand a little on Dr Colossus' analysis.

    Since there are three distinct shapes in the scope, I'd assume three plastic sheets spaced evenly between the aperture and the viewer, with one printed reticle each. The LED banks would flash in sequence from largest shape to smallest shape, slowly in "slow tracking", quickly in "fast tracking", and all would stay on in "all on". I'd hope that it would have some sort of rangefinding device in it, to make the LEDs sequence and tighten the shapes when a target is sensed... however, I'm not hoping for much!

    Also, though the acceleration trigger is a good idea, won't it be awkward working two triggers with one hand? And I sure hope the startup is faster than the Barricade's....

  11. I think the sight has screens or pieces of plastic that it lights up, i may also have different light not lens, it probably doesn't do to much fancy, it probably is like the pinpoint sight. we now know why the stock is so long and now we know how the gun works, but i wounder is there a way to fire it faster? the barricade you fired fast by pulling the trigger faster. will this be like a good version of the buzz bee tommy 20's so modding will be similar?

  12. Did anyone notice that the manual say magazine, not clip, are they actually using appropriate terms now?

  13. Maybe the scope has an LED display with a reticule. The reticule probably lags behind with your movements in slow tracking, much like a real reflex. Fast is a little less laggy, and all on doesnt move.

  14. Hey guys the Nitron is fully automatic!
    And the 'acceleration trigger' is inside of the handle- all you do is squeeze.
    Lastly, the disks are made of rubber, not foam or plastic.
    And they shoot pretty far!

  15. Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don't modify disks or disk blasters! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahalol.

  16. What excites me is that the scope looks like it would be compatible with N-Strike tactical rails. That scope would like epic on a Raider or Alpha Trooper.

  17. The button they plan to use, should it use flywheels, is more like what they did with the old Motorized Ballzooka, with a pressure sensitive button on the side to power up the blaster. As much as I respect and acknowledge SGNerf's effort in creating much-needed improvement on the Barricade, Nerf did it first a long time ago. In fact, I remember how much it bugged me that they didn't make that switch in the first place with the Barricade.

    I also question whether or not they're calling it a magazine to differentiate it from the Clip System to avoid product confusion. Let's face it, you got to try to keep parents and kids as unconfused as possible.

  18. Anyone else notice just how low the loaded magazine sits? If you compare the magazine loaded in the blaster to the magazine held in the stock, there's no way the one in the blaster is lining up with the barrel.

  19. maybe the 2 magazines are different sizes, i noticed the same thing, but the mag in the gun is as far as it will go, it isn't just hanging out or something, and maybe the clip doesn't need to go up as far into the blaster as it can in the back. this is an interesting thing considering the longshot the only other gun with a stock that holds a clip like this, that the one in the back of the longshot comes out farther than the one in the the chamber

  20. read the fine print under magazine storage. It says additional magazine and disks sold separately. The size difference then makes sense. Nerf doesn't sell 18 clips that go with the stampede as additional clips, they sell six clips. Anyways it would be obviously be hard to hold the gun with a twenty clip on the back.

  21. Is it automatic?
