
Monday, May 16, 2011

Nerf Vortex: Proton instruction manual

The Proton. Looks priddy. Mechanism revealed!
And another hot lead from Joshrox123- here's the user manual for the Nerf Vortex Proton. We've only got two pages for this one though:)


  1. Here's hoping for the instruction manual for the Viglion.

  2. So apparently the thing that looked kind of like a magazone doesn't do anything... Might as well saw it off.

  3. @ Anonymous #1:

    I second that! Despite the fact that I'm more inclined toward the Praxis, the first video made it more than clear how THAT worked. (Pump handle, pull trigger, repeat.) And I'm quite curious to see whether Pinky's theory on comparisons in the second video was correct, and whether the Vigilon will be semi-automatic.

  4. and i still have no idea how it is suppose to work, lol, i still am guessing at some kind of plunger infront of the handle

  5. i doubt the vigilon is semi, it looks like a maverick lay out, plus i don't see any great places for flywheels on it, i think the nitron has flywheels, the vigilon and praxis have plungers and the proton has some kind of plunger or something, defiantly not a flywheel.

  6. I don't think the Viglion is semi-automatic, it looks like it primes in a similar way to the Maverick.
    (It is entirely possible that I am mistaken about what semi-automatic means.)

  7. did u guys know theres a new video out?...
