
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

'That' yellow Raider stock..

A few months ago, Nerf brought out the Barricade RV-10 in the US with a bonus removable stock attachment. Unusual choice of blaster to include a stock with, (although it makes sense as it definitely helps accuracy with the Barricade's semi automatic firing) but what made it all that little bit more exciting was it was a repaint of the Nerf Raider CS-35 stock. Yup, the stock everyone likes..and finally, in yellow and black. If you hadn't bought a Barricade already, chances are many people bought one just for the stock. Like me. Sort of:)

There isn't a WHOLE lot else I can say about the stock- it came with specially marked Barricade RV-10's and is yellow, which means you can now coordinate with most of your N-Strike blasters happily:)

Compared to the original Raider CS-35 stock. 
 One thing I did notice, and think was more out of laziness more than anything else, is the lack of detailing on the stock where the logo sits. You can see below on a traditional Raider stock, they've coloured the logo in with orange paint so it stands out:

The Raider stock's N-Strike logo
 Whereas with this new yellow stock, they seem to have not bothered.

No N-Strike here:) Well.. in a covert sorta way:P
 It's not a biggie, but I do find the stock looks a little naked and unfinished without it.

And now, we can coordinate without clashing. Here it is on the popular Alpha Trooper CS-18.

If you're a completionist, into aesthetics and could do with another Barricade, I'd recommend getting one, but all and all, for those of you who aesthetically mod your blasters anyway, this is hardly a big deal. I like it though:)


  1. Oh, yes! Now I can use the best stock and not feel guilty about using blue with yellow! Of course, I'll need another arm to triple wield... but still...

    Amazing, isn't it, how Nerf manages to own our wallets? I, for one, wish they just would sell such things on their own - along with the 18-drum and standard clips.

  2. did dave give it to you?


  3. The more I think about this, the more I want to buy a Barricade just for the stock. I would pay up to $10 for the stock, but $5 more and I get another blaster!

  4. i think you should put that on the recon and the recon stock on the barricade

  5. I got a Value Barricade with the stock and I use the stock on the Alpha Trooper I have.

  6. what does the stock do
