
Monday, September 19, 2011

Orange Modworks: Longshot kits are coming...

Orange Modworks is definitely making waves in Nerf land, bringing the joys of modding to the masses. What started off as a kit for the tried and true Recon, has now grown to kits for the Alpha Trooper, Longstrike and Raider but there's always been that underlying thought on everyone's mind.. "What about the almighty Longshot?"

Well! Word has it from their newsletter that Longshot is getting the Orange Modworks treatment pretty damn soon, not to mention Polycarbonate stage 2 kits for the Recon, Alpha Trooper, Longstrike and Raider. I know, we at Urbantaggers aren't modders, but we're definitely a fan of innovators so we'll be getting ours cos I like keeping up with the cool kids:)

Check out their site if you haven't already; no doubt when these kits are released they'll sell out pretty quickly so here's the heads up that they're coming.. watch this space!

Orange Mod Works


  1. nerf mods and reviews said that OMW is making kits for the maverick. Hoping its true

  2. I'm psyched for this release, but more anxious for that Longstrike Stage 2 kit to complete my Longstrike. The Stage 1 gives the Lonstrike great power (finally!) but it's a bitch-and-a-half to prime because of the weak bolt sled. The Stage 2 kit should fix this.

    The Longshot is already a great blaster, even with some simple modifications... so I don't really know that a kit for it is needed.

  3. i would get one, but one of the screws on my recon are completely worn out so i cant unscrew it...~_~
