
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nerf Dart Tag: Possible 10 shot blaster?

I received this in my email but noticed Nerf Mods + Reviews have it up too- a mysterious Swarmfire looking blaster but streamlined to 10 rounds and as a pistol. I'll throw down a "it's legit" mainly on the grounds the photo of the unit has "Not for sale" etched into the side of the blaster.. sorta doesn't make sense to be etching that into a fake, don't you think?:)

 I'm sure we'll find out more over the following months, but my initial responses is the blaster looks kinda ugly. While the Swarmfire seemed to make lots of sense in design and functionality, this looks sort of rushed and an ergonomic fail as a pistol style blaster given the size and probably weight. Or perhaps they're going after a more "submachine gun" plan for it.


  1. Oh, no. No, no, no. Finally, something to compete with the Vigilon for the least aesthetic (read: ugliest) Nerf blaster made. I'd expect this sort of thing from BuzzBee or Lanard, but Nerf? No... (I do like that carbon-fiber-y finish on the barrel, though.)

    I notice it has a blue trigger, as well. Same design as the rest of Dart Tag, but even less aesthetically matching. I don't know, Pocket...

    On the other hand, if this IS a legit Dart Tag blaster, it is presumably not an AS (air system) blaster, and I see no way for it to be flywheel. However, if it is as similar to the Swarmfire as it seems, then it is a landmark in that it is the smallest dart-capacity plunger-automatic that Nerf has ever produced, and the only battery-powered full-auto pistol. Personally, I was hoping for a semi-auto flywheel blaster if an addition to Dart Tag was made (the noise wouldn't matter in that kind of a scenario, and the Nitron's 'wheels are quite efficient), but this "Dart Tag 10" may signal intriguing possibilities in the future, for a new generation of lightweight and compact C-class automatics.

  2. i see a flipside to this. i feel it would be pretty cool to repaint this into earthworm jim's gun. haha.

  3. Yuck. That said, think of this for integrations- assuming they downgraded the SF internals it's a compact and self contained secondary begging to be stuck under a LS.

  4. It might be plunger-powered. Maybe that ring on the back is something you pull. If so, it'd probably be direct-plungered. :D

  5. It apears to be battery powered, noting it's size. But I am paying attention to that loop on the back, which may be some sort of pull-back cocking mechanism. Not sure. Kinda looks 8-shot though.

  6. Anybody spot the,"Not for sale" writing above the shooter's thumb?

  7. @ Anonymous #3:

    Anybody actually READ Pocket's post? :)

  8. Anyone else getting a Ratchet & Clank vibe from this? Looks like the starting blaster you get in A Crack in Time. I can't wait to hear more on this, maybe it'll be announced in November/December, to hype up Dart Tag sales in Chistmas alongside vortex? i honestly forgot the new dart tag blasters came out this year, so it would be a good refresher for those with bad memories (Me), and those who aren't as informed as we are (I.E. Children, Parents)

  9. Um I'm getting the strange feeling that this is not automatic, If that loop is what I think it is, it'll be the next step for a Nightfinder.
    I seriously hope I'm wrong. For me though that tab is the main "Red" flag for this blaster, if its not a pull tab, its for a key chain. lets hope it's so.
