
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tactical Tag: New LTX Accessories!

 If you're a Phoenix LTX fan you'll have known a few years ago there were plans to develop additional attachments (such as the much coveted Rapid Fire unit above), but it never happened and alas we were all left begging.

What they DID provide many of us who bought the blasters brand new is a somewhat useless TV game attachment- I say useless mainly due to 1) most people at this point owned 100hz Flatscreen, Plasma or LCD televisions which it didn't work on, and 2) the game was crap. I am a tad bummed that my gf (admittedly with my blessing) threw these out given I thought I'd never need them ever.. until now.

News from Tactical Tag that the designer of our much loved Phoenix LTX laser tag blasters is now in the process of developing new attachments! Words from the actual developer of these blasters:

"I am completing the design of a PCB that can be easily soldered together by hobbyists and will convert the LTX TV Game into a new weapon barrel. Initially there will be two models, RapidBlast (same function as the RapidFire) and SniperShot (self explanatory). "

That's AWESOME. If I still had my TV game attachments:( That being said,I'm not really a hobbiest- more of a goober at this sorta thing; so I'm also pleased to learn they will be producing ready to play attachments with the same capabilities, eventually from these good people at 1 Source Laser Tag.

Learn more below:)

Tactical Tag: New LTX Accessories!:

1 comment:

  1. This is cool, I wish that they would bring back LTTO though. I think that they needed to expand or bring them back just for one more christmas. Maybe they will expand on the LTX and make a LTTO attachment or a missile attachment!
