
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rumours: Green Streamlines?

Our man Neil's brought this to our attention; spotted on eBay from a HK seller are some very schmick looking streamline darts. They're listed as "Nerf whistlers" but you can see they're very much streamlines. Only.. green:)


  1. Pocket, you're a bit late. I saw this last week. and yes they are for sonic series.

  2. Portal99: good for you, maybe you should write you're own blog then. I don't think all the news on HAS to be ground breaking and new, I come to Urban Taggers because I find it is the most comprehensive of all the blogs, not just the new info. I have to admit I hadn't seen green streamlines before, and Sonic Deploys and Recons have come out before with standard orange darts so I think it's fine to sit on the fence for now.

    Give the guy a break.

  3. Maybe they're for the sonic Stampede that I hope will be coming!

  4. those are for the sonic longstrikes, they need streamlines too.

  5. Could they be the glow-in-the-dark darts for the Rayven?

  6. @ Anonymous #3:

    My thoughts exactly. Initially, that is. While the Firefly's suction darts had glow-in-the-dark stickers wrapped around them to create the tracer effect, such extra material may interfere with the flywheels of the Rayven, so the foam will likely have some phosphorescent pigment in it. On the other hand, that would come out as more white than green, and the box art we saw had white tips on the darts...

  7. These are Sonic Series.

  8. Yeah we know that NOW.
