
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rumours: Rayven CS-18 first look!

Sent to us from a reader known as "Clu", this looks like a first look at the much speculated Rayven CS-18. The image was TINY and unfortunately quite poor quality but I've done everything I can with it to enhance the detail;  it might look different in the end but it at least gives you more of an idea of what the upcoming blaster is going to look like.

Still rockin' the lime green, you can still see the N-Strike logos and the use of the orange and grey accents. By the looks of the button under the trigger, it will be a similar mechanism as the Vortex Nitron to activate/operate the blaster.

Happy to hear your views though.. does it still interest you?


  1. ...holy shit.And then you pull that out of nowhere! Pocket you rock, that is BOSS

  2. I want one. Sooo bad. Even if it is bright green.

  3. What's that thing behind the clip? Space for a spare?

  4. is it me or does it look like a Famas?

  5. argh, not yet another flywheel blaster *shakes head* only noobs who don't actually play Nerf wars like them... tho sadly most ppl fit that category.

  6. ^ batteries for the flash that makes the darts glow

  7. something tells me its another Flywheel blaster like barricade..
    If so.. then its another all show and no go blaster from Hasbro..

    -Danny dasuki

  8. Yeah, still interested, even if only for the novelty value.

    I like that they've got the flywheel switch under the trigger. If that orange thing just to the rear of the clip is the clip release... I think it might suck if you try to use a drum in this. Then again a drum probably wouldn't be very comfortable anyway.

  9. Looks like an upgraded firefly. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

  10. 3rd Anon: Probably a sling attachment or clip release.

  11. It's gonna be difficult to wield, since there's no Barrel for the left hand to hold. But the Rayven seems to have a barrel attachment (see the box art), so I guess I will be using a Longstrike barrel...

  12. interesting. now tommorow you'll pull out a review from nowhere! you are good pocket very good.

  13. I have always wanted a bullpup blaster, but this looks almost too short for me...

  14. is that a battery pack on the clip as well as on the gun y?? y two battery compartments?? but still it looks freakin sweet!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Looks like it will accept standard clip system 6/18/35 clips. With a decent paintjob (read: whiteout) this thing can be one awesome gun...

  16. Doesn't seem like enough room to have the Stampede battery powered spring system and stream lines/ clips and Flywheels dont seem to mesh without jam problems. So will be very interested to see what nerf has cooked up here.

  17. guess it works like that crappy china brand photon storm cos it use clips too, but in a nicer nerf shell

  18. wow green. that clip looks pretty cool

  19. I'm still wondering how the darts are supposed to get up towards the front of the blaster effectively. Two sets of flywheels maybe?

    And yes, it still interests me :D

  20. ITS A BULPUP!!! looks like u can atach a berrel extension... if it isn't to long (the blashter) i might but that on it!

  21. it looks ugly, but it must pwn.

  22. Eh, it's ok. But it'd be way better in classic yellow. I'm definitely buying it if that happens.

  23. Looks great, honestly. I got nothing against flywheels as along as I can quickly switch them on and off. Hence if it does use a Nitron-style activation switch then I think it'll be an excellent blaster. That was really the only problem I had with the Barricade was how difficult it was to slide the switch on and off. The Nitron on the other hand was easy to use.

    Here's hoping the entire Firefly-style system is housed in the clip. It would be cool to turn any blaster into a Firefly...

  24. i think that space behind the clip is either a on/off switch for the blaster or a clip release. but it's most likely a on/off switch.

  25. The two battery compartments are for separate for one reason. The one on the clip is supposed to be for a light that makes the darts glow before entering the blaster, the one in the blaster is to power the flywheels.

  26. Pretty much everything you'd mod a Barricade for in one package, clips and a grip mounted switch for the flywheels. Looks like all it will need is a battery swap, and it will be a beast from the get go.

    However, I'm rather concerned with what mechanism they've gone with to get the dart from the clip to the flywheels. Ideally the flywheels are located near the middle/back of the blaster and like a bullpup the design is just for a longer internal barrel. The bulge near the front of that top rail suggests that the flywheels are above the trigger and then the question becomes how does the dart get from the back to the front and how long from when I pull the trigger will the blaster actually fire?

    What makes the semi-auto on the Barricade nice is that it's mechanical, so pulling the trigger sends the dart. This blaster will be worthless if it's like the Stampede or Nitron and pulling the trigger starts a rube goldberg machine where the shot happens after a noticeable delay.

  27. I wish it was yellow

  28. If "Clu" is reading these comments, I know you only have access to this with a bad cellphone camera, which would explain the low quality. Good job anyway, because seeing a picture of the unit means it exists more than just box art.

    I'd ask that if you can get access again, please get one open and snap a picture of the internals! Even a low quality picture will answer lots of questions.

    It occurs to me that if it's semi-auto, but uses an electronic trigger like the Nitron/Stampede, then we could easily mod it to be full-auto or even selectable fire modes by adding a few dollars worth of supplies from Radio Shack.

  29. So if I'm not wrong it fires glow darts? Will they need that same paper wrapped around them like the darts for the Firefly?
    Anyway, I'm not to crazy about the design but that doesn't really matter too much.

  30. Will it take any other nstrike mag or only this odd one with the bulge on it?

  31. I think the only difference because this and a clip modded Barricade is the barrel length. Considering the bullpup "design", barrel will be pretty long....... It's almost the same difference between the Recon and the Raider, but with fly wheels. I'm getting it for sure though, I'm in need of a new gun

  32. lime green FOR THE FREAKIN WIN!

  33. It shall be mine. As simple as that.

    Not a care that it's flywheel; I'll make it work more than well enough for what I want :D

    Not a care that it's green; repaint much? (Besides it's an OK lime green :P)

    Not a care that it has no front grip; a) that's the point and b) cut down Recon barrel with Stampede pop-out bipod will fix that :P

    Biggest care: ITS A FLIPPING BULLPUP! I've been wanting one ever since I got into Nerf modding. I was so close to tearing up several blasters to forge one... like three days away infact. But now I don't have to make a scrappy looking one! Lovin' the Rayven already <3

    One thing I am surprised at is the clip is mostly a dark green colour, not orange o.o

  34. I am loving this design, and alot of people knock flywheels. I like em. THe Power Strike 48 was amazing. Barricade is ok.The only issue i have with flywheels is the lack of stealth. THis gun looks awesome!. and if you look at the MAG, it is a modified mag. It's just likt the other mags, just with the lighting system, so i have no doubt that this mag will work in other clip blasters and vice versa. THe color is awesom. Never been a fan of the yellow TBH. I like that people keep assuming that the flywheel is so far from the clip. It's obvious that it will be located somewhere behind the grip. Probably right where the rail starts (nearest the butt). The trigger will probably pull the dart forward instead of pushing it (if that makes sense) This might look cool with the spectre's barrel attatchment.

  35. wondering if the 35 round drum would fit. :/

  36. Who cares that it's a flywheel?

    Haters Do

    If you don't like flywheels then don't post a comment it's just a waste of

  37. Lovvin this gun

    Big fan of the firefly and now here's this

    Pocket you made my day

    Not to fond on the lime green but a paint job will fix that

    I reckon also that it looks better on the box

    Just sayin :)

  38. Dual wielding time! I'm already thinking of rig that wil allow me to reload these with a 90-degree-then-back-then up movement, a la Slieght of Hand perk.

  39. Mono: I'm sure it could fit a Raider drum just fine, but it's gonna be really uncomfortable to use unless you're left-handed.

    About the internals: maybe the flywheels drive a pair of rubber belts that run the whole length of the gun? No idea how well that would work in practice.

  40. new line of blasters coming our way

  41. Man oh man, why are people hating on this thing? I personally would love to use these in a war. Stealth? screw it, this isn't paintball.

  42. I have a feeling if this gun is released it will be replacing quite a few stampedes on the HvZ field. Hopefully stock or with some trust-fire batteries this thing will be well over the range of the stampede/ higher ROF. Also the time from the pull of the rev trigger to the time the dart can be effectively fired should be comparable to the time a stampede takes to fire. All crammed into what seems to be a much smaller package.

  43. it better be a flywheel, there so easy to mod, just connect a bigger battery, I have a barricade that shoots 150 feet, get that out of a semi auto air blaster!

  44. nerf is getting goofy. they are turning into buzz bee with these crazy designs! and they should have made it yellow and green, im disappointed in you nerf, this isnt what we asked for.

  45. here is the 23.4 volt barricade mod video, the best video yet!

  46. I really don't know what you are on about nerfer101. A magazine fed barricade? I'm more than OK with that. Flywheels aren't terrible - a bit uncontrollable but they provide decent ranges.


  48. I hoped on this tide of events when I get this whole "Rayven" thing started. Got work guys.


  49. Guys, the batteries in the rayven itself are to power the flywheels, the darts in the mag are to light up the darts. Basically, you can use this clip in probably any CS gun. Simple as that, and that just makes it a billion times awesomer.

  50. Not a care that its a flywheel gun...I can always replace the motor for a silent and more powerful motor for a few dollars here in SG

  51. can't they make it yellow insted that putrid lime green and i hope they have a clupler on that thing

  52. Hmmmm....
    I can make the Rayven look like a QBZ-95.
    Just add a banana clip, and a longstrike barrel.
    Lime green isn't putrid.
