
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Foam from Above: Nerf Vortex Revonix

Foam From Above's at the Toy Fair in NYC and it looks like they've got a mad look at the new upcoming Vortex Revonix. It looks pretty tuff- I've been really liking the chunkiness of Vortex and this one seems to follow suit. And it's pump action. Win:)


  1. I have to admit, the Revonix looks really nice. The flame paint job is pretty cool but I'm little bit annoyed at how it doesn't have a stock. I believe that we've only had one or two Vortex guns with a stock which a bit of a shame. Does anyone else think that it looks a little like a grenade launcher for some reason?

  2. So it's basically a Pyragon drum on it's side... Cool.

  3. In my opinion this ones a pass. I really hate to say it, but while people will buy it for the looks, many would prefer just to pay a little more and get a pyragon. Since you have to manually load each disk compared to a clip it'll take close to 10x the time for you to fully load it. So once you run out your pretty much done, compared to the other guy that is already reloaded in the same time your able to put in five disks.
    Boom @ HvZ Forums

    1. To play the devil's advocate, I would say easy reloading on the go is a plus in some areas, in particular, keeping topped up while moving. It would also make carrying ammunition a much simpler process; one could just carry all their discs in a bag without having to worry about magazine retention.

      It would make it more of a skirmishing type of weapon rather than a front-line, all out warfare spammer. 30 discs is quite a lot for most engagements and if you require more than that while alone, you were probably outnumbered and outgunned to begin with.

      That being said, the Pyragon is still the Vortex king.

    2. Yeah but you have to keep advancing the paragon clip and take it out you do this on the go think here

  4. I like how it works, but the flame paint job concerns me as it is also on thier repaints of the praxis, vigilon, proton, diatron, and pyragon, so im wondering if this will become the new standard paint scheme for vortex, or if this is just a repaint sub series NERF PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR MINDS ON THE VORTEX COLOR SCHEME, n-strike elite has not diverged at all.

    1. The elite series wasn't that awful green colour to start with though, personally I think the Pyragon shows the best colour scheme - same as the vortex launch colours but swapping out green for a much nicer looking white. Unfortunately, it looks as if the Pyragon and Diatron will be the only blasters to sport this colour scheme as the re-released blasters appear to be mostly white with a splash of colour along the side. Still better than green though, I hope they make packs of discs in better colours available soon.

  5. Get rid of the flames!

    1. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????

    2. Because it looks better without them, more like the pyragon!

    3. why get rid of the flames that is what makes it cool

  6. Its too early to compare if you ask me, until I have one in my hand and do a reload speed test with my pyragon. But the way the Revonix loads looks like it will be quicker to load, you dont have to release the drum, after you fire a few shots just keep popping disc in when you get the chance, since it rotates after each trigger pull, youll have chambers ready to be fill, just reach in your pocket and slip some discs in, no need to drop a drum and push discs in, then rotate to fill the other chambers while taking fire, But thats why we keep secondaries right? Might I add that this will be the farthest shooting Vortex blaster, as it says on the box and I read somewhere that the price is right up there with the pyragon. Dont get me wrong I love my Pyragon but its gonna have a little brother soon in the fall!

  7. Reminds me of a Modern Warfare striker

  8. I love the flames, and reloading on the fly is always a good thing! Also super excited for the re coloring on the rest of the line--been wanting to pick up some of the smaller blasters but was kind of holding out for some special edition. This does not disappoint!


  9. I don't mean to sound retarded but how are the discs loaded in sideways?

  10. I like it. It looks like a grenade launcher

  11. What colour disks does it fire? If they are green, ain't getting it. Orange? Maybe...already have a Pyragon. I have heard some rumours that they will be multi coloured like a pwetty rainbow? If so, ain't buying it!
