
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nerf Stampede ECS-50: What could have been

One of our readers was browsing thru the Hasbro website looking for instruction manuals and found this for the Nerf N-Strike Stampede. ECS-50- the much hyped but never eventuating blaster that it was 'SUPPOSED' to be. It's interesting because it shows just HOW close it came to being produced; we've seen concept art, box art, and now even a manual. 
Yes, many of you will complain and say "enough all ready!" but I think it's just cool to see how innovative dem Nerf peeps are and how ideas can get soooo close but yet so far in making the final cut. I've added the link but I'm assuming it'll become dead pretty quickly:P 

Thanks David for the find!:)


  1. I wish they had produced it the 18 dart clips just don't last long enough

  2. Notice there's no folding bi-pod mentioned anywhere. They must've realized "crap, we can't pull this off... QUICK! Make some 18 rd Clips and some other plastic!!"

    1. It is kind of odd about the bipod. It is basically useless with the 18 round clips, but surprisingly it fits and stands up just fine when you have a 35 round drum on the Stampede (which should be roughly the same height as the 50 would have been). It almost seems that the bipod was designed with a drum in mind instead of a long clip.

  3. It could be a possibility the drum will appear on an elite stampede

  4. I'm surprised that with so much information on it no one has made one. Probably wouldn't be too difficult with 2 drums and a 3d printer.

    1. The issue is making it feed properly; with bullets it's easy since they aren't malleable. Darts are malleable and, over a surprisingly short period of time, become seriously deformed.

    2. ^ why is it some one always has to kill lets all pretend time

  5. Darn you hasbro...


  6. there is no elite stampede, but we might get something better this fall

    1. Next your going to tell us there's no easter bunny or santa

    2. Just quoting mylastdart who said the stampede would not be made elite or have an elite reshell.

  7. So clearly the drum has physically existed at some point, wether it was truly functional or not. Regardless, Imagine the hysteria if one of these prototype drums appeared on eBay... The strongarm auction would look like spare change compared to this.

  8. Stampede ECS-50 for $1,000,000. Going once. Going twice. Sold to :)

  9. This makes no sense to me. Nerf said that the N-Strike line was discontinued and that the N-Strike Elite was the closest that we are going to get to it. Unless that this is an old idea that they had for the Stampede when they first decided to make it, I don't think that this is going to be released. Who knows though? If Nerf decide to make an Elite version of the Stampede, the 50 round clip "might" just be released along with the blaster itself.

    1. That is exactly what this is. A concept that was not released because it was unreliable. Also, MyLastDart said that an elite Stampede is not going to happen because there is something else coming out that makes it unnecessary.

    2. This was the original concept for the Stampede. In fact, a lot of stores still call it the Stampede ECS-50 on barcodes and listings.

  10. well nice so far very good except if you shot 50 bullets it would take about 30 mins to pick up all that one more thing also very heavy it would be very heavy just think stampede 50 darts = very heavy common sense

  11. I know people have said that there isn't going to be an Elite Stampede, but then it's Nerf we're talking about. Maybe the Stampede will come in Elite blue and the 50 round drum.

    1. Best to take a wait & see aproach to Nerf otherwise you'll just drive yourself mad trying to peer through the foam curtian. If they do come out with this monster of a blaster it would certainly bury the hailfire.

  12. Wish they fully produced the drum however my observations have lead me to a hypothesis that Nerf will reproduce & sell the drum magazine within the next 1-2 year's along w/ another high-capacity blaster that I also predict will be a derivative or variant of the original N-Strike Stampede ECS that we all know and admire

  13. 50 dart drum would balance the gun out - 18 dart clips work nice but run out quickly with voltage mods. The 35 dart drum from the Raider jams too frequently and throws the balance off. The 25 dart drum from the Rampage works alright but it seems odd, makes it more like a Thompson SMG (Tommy gun). 12 dart clips and 6 dart clips serve no purpose in this gun so that 50 dart drum, if it could be made, would make the Stampede fully competitive with the Elite series (as well as the super-secret-except-not-so-secret Mega series).
