
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rumours: Nerf Elite Rapidstrike internals

As we continue down the strange and wonderous path of the intel that noone else seems to want to be covering but us, we've found more pics of the upcoming new Rapidstrike CS-18 on Chinese website Baidu- this time the much talked about internals. As always, this means nothing to me as I never open my gear up, but I have no doubt it'll be of much interest to many of you:) 

Feel free to comment and share your thoughts in the comments after the jump. (Remember, this is NOT MINE, I DON'T HAVE A RAPIDSTRIKE!)

But what does it all mean? You tell me:D (and everyone else!)


  1. Looks like a flywheel spins to push the dara into the main flyeheels. That's why it needed the extra juice.

    1. if you look at the rate of fire, it shoots faster than any other flywheel gun out there, for example, barricade, rayven, stryfe, stockade etc. so that would mean that it is most likely fully automatic.

    2. how much will this be? and release date??

  2. The dart pusher most likely has a rack gear built into its length, which is driven forward by a half-tooth sector gear, which in turn is driven by the motor that sits up above the grip. The sector gear would spin, rolling along the length of the pusher, which would move forward, push a dart, and return via a spring. May be some kind of circuitry that tells the blaster that it needs to complete a complete rotation before shutting off?

    1. A wonderful hypothesis except for a couple issues.
      A) when i did my audio analysis of the rapidstrike to determind its rate of fire, there was no "chunk" sound of the pusher going through a pring return phase each shot.
      B) The geartrain you describe would not likely present protrusions on both sides o the shell if laid out in an enclosed gearbox such as this one. This gearbox however does have an axle pocket on the bottom of it which would support the ides that the motor turns a cam-wheel which controls the position of the pusher armature. Much like the Nitron.
      C) the sheer bulk of that geartrain is far and away above what would be needed for a simple reciprocal pusher, as anyone who has seen an airsoft gearbox can tell you. That's just an awful lot of gearbox for not a lot of needed gear.

  3. yeah what stoph said, It has a rack and pinion driven dart pusher, which draws back against a captured spring. The interesting thing is the extra wiring in the stock. I would guess a second switch which allows you to select fully or semi-automatic mode (i.e. single shot) which would be possible with this setup and some smart circuit on the pinion motor.

    1. I can't see that happening. With a rack and partially-toothed pinion, compared to the rate of fire in the videos before, that mechanism would be spitting teeth faster than a kid poking at a kangaroo. There's so many other drive mechanisms available that don't rely on parts smashing in and out of contact, that the rack-and-partial-pinion design is extremely unlikely.

      I don't see any extra wiring in the stock, but there's a mess of wiring in the grip; I'm betting a refined Nitron circuit pattern, where hitting the trigger starts a firing cycle, but letting go of the rev trigger doesn't stop the pusher mid-cycle. Combined with two separate, electrical clip sensors (One of which is opposite the retaining latch, so notching your clips/drums to flip them over won't be so easy), that's a whole mess of wires to work through.

      I'm also noticing the feed gates in the flywheel/motor housing have been replaced with what looks like a sheet of translucent plastic. Wonder what's up there.

  4. i really like this and when it comes to the US i'll buy it because i didnt get the stampede and it looks like a little brother of it and i know why he said its not his becuse of he thing that happened to him and nerf :(

  5. I can't quite tell what I am looking at because of the angle, but the white piece appears to be the dart pusher, also great picture of the sight and the back double strap links. Man there is a ton of wiring, far from a stryfe. It doesn't have the dart sensor, it has 2 clip detection locks and i believe a lock on the trigger part of the rev trigger like the stryfe, so 3 main locks for modders to get rid of.

  6. It means we are off to the design board ; )

    Fly wheel?
    Fully Auto?
    Begging for mods.

  7. Where do I get this beauty before anyone else?

    - Eric Gardner

  8. In the second picture shown, some wires run around to the top left and appear to connect to a small metallic square. I can't tell if that some fancy lock to stop the jam door opening when it shouldn't or a light that is in the sight or something. But if it was the jam door, surely they could find a better non-electronic way to lock it.

    1. No, looks like just the same three-pole microswitch they used in the Stryfe jam door; Keep the door closed and the flywheel motors run normally, but trip the switch and they get linked to the thermistor for electrical braking.

  9. It looks like that pusher kind of flicks the dart into the flywheels, like a full auto diatron mech, with a lever instead of a form of piston


  11. the battery pack is in a great location, if you place the pack elsewhere you have the entire front open to put a 2k in or a bbumb if you place it right.

  12. sorry urban taggers it was my computer that was virused carry on being epic and getting the latest blaster news

  13. Thanks for being the only one brave enough to cover this new info, it is much appreciated! You've become the number one source of Nerf Intel, keep up the fantastic work!

    As for the internals of the Rapid Strike, i'm not one to normally tinker too much with my blasters, but I have opened up a few, and I was amazed at how complex this one seems.

    I can't wait to get my hands on this bad boy, any ideas on an estimated release date for this? I read a rumor about sometime in August, do you think that's possible, or have you heard anything?

  14. Something I wonder is about the person getting these pictures, because when you look at the older pictures this person didn't get just one rapidstrike, he had both the 20M box and the 75ft box.

  15. I think that the dartpusher is similar to a piston movement of a steam locomotive , electric motor -> rpm gear reduction -> big gear that moves the dartpusher back and forth.
