
Friday, July 5, 2013

Nerf Mission App Tactical Rail Mount: A piece of plastic with potential

There's a strong believe out there in toyland that integrating smartphone apps to toy blasters is the next big thing. Hasbro included it with their Lazer Tag Augmented Reality line last year with limited success, but they weren't prepared to give up on the idea and have pushed it with the upcoming new "made for girls" Rebelle line and now also the N-Strike Elite series will get its own app and iOS device mount. 

Hasbro Australia have been kind enough to send us one of these "Mission App Tactical Rail Mount" attachments, although alas we can't really do a WHOLE lot with it given access to the free downloadable app won't be made available till August. It's also only for Apple iOS devices (and by that we mean iPhone 4 and above and iPod touch 4 and above) so that also cancels me out somewhat given I don't like Apple devices:P I can't review the app itself either, but from what the instructions say it does sound a lot less like the A.R games found in the LTARs and more like what Tek Recon are proposing. Time will tell I guess. 

Pics after the jump- there are a lot and it's a tad overkill, but it's been a while since I've gotten something to take pics of so I went a lil nuts:P

It comes with two pieces that attach semi-permanently together

Inside the cradle is a rubber adaptor and instructions

Once attached, this cradle is semi permanent


  1. Well, if nothing else, that bottom rail attachment piece would make a good base for a Go Pro mount.

    1. Or you can use your damn phone to take video...

    2. Phone video tends to be of VERY low quality in comparison to a dedicated video camera. Also, this version looks i-thingy exclusive, and those can't correct for shaky hands as well as a camera designed to do so like Go Pro does.

  2. The thing is, does it just take iPhones or ALL types of phones

    1. iPhones only. And only the current version as well.

      Obsolete within a year, take an unused rail accessory and some zip ties instead guys, it's cheaper.

  3. It's just as I feared... the design just uses a simple N-Strike Tactical Rail attachment. So instead of having it securely on there, it's gonna fly off the rail when someone whips around a corner. Nice and safe!

    1. Actually I bought one and it clamps the sturdiest of all the tactical rail attachments I have BY FAR (and I have a lot of them). It doesn't move at all! Where as every other attachment I have has always felt slightly loose to some degree...

      This actually disappoints me since this proves that they could make the accessories better but don't... unless they expect you to stick a $200 device on it lol

  4. Hasbro need a better marketing department. if they did their research they would see that making this iCrap exclusive means that the product wont be that successful. A large amount of people are moving away from iPhones lately and moving to more powerful Android devices. Other companies have successfully made similar devices that were compatible for both Apple and Android devices. So there is no excuse for a massive company such as Hasbro.

    This combined with the new Rebelle line shows that they don't do any marketing research into their customers.

    1. Agreed, they need to focus on a branch of a tree instead of a single twig. figuratively speaking of course

    2. They did marketing research in the past, but I guess they've got someone new in charge over there right now who doesn't know how to use the Nerf license.

  5. Their is a video of a woman talking about the rebelle line. In it, she says the app will be available for android devices "in the future." But it's nice and reassuring to know that the internet still get's it panties in a bunch the moment Apple products are mentioned.

  6. As an iPhone owner, I honestly think it's pretty crappy that this is an idevice only item. I really don't want to have my normal phone in a mount on a blaster that I'll be running, jumping, and sliding with. All I can say is that the app is decent (It's out early, it seems), and has a few nifty features to it. As far as mounts go: Zip ties, unused accessory, or use an old clip to make a holder (Guides about this are on youtube)

  7. I got the app and you cant record for more than 15 seconds! come on nerf you can do better.
