
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rumours: Hot new 2011 Dart Tag blasters (SCOOP!)

First images of the new Dart Tag blasters. Seems Taiwanese love hard floors:)
Hot on the heels of the new Nerf Swarmfire are some first hand images of two more blasters in the new Dart Tag line from our contacts in Taiwan (who as suggested, will now be called 'Eric' :P  ). Now Dart tag blasters traditionally are sans clip, mainly because they use the velcro tipped darts that wouldn't fit and the games do not require huge amounts of ammo/reloading due to the limited duration of the matches. While the new blasters continue to adhere to the 'no clips' rule, it looks like the new Dart Tag line are definitely boasting a higher internal ammo capacity; our original Swarmfire maxed out at 20 automatic rounds and now we're happy to present to you a new 16 round assault blaster and a 6 round side arm.

The larger "Dart Tag 16" (still don't know the official name just yet);  holds sixteen dart tag velcro darts and is very similar to the Raider, both aesthetically and functionally as it too boasts slam fire ability. You can see it looks like it will support a stock, but the butt looks different to the Raider's. All that talk about banana clips? Guess it can be done..

The smaller "Dart Tag 6" still holds a decent 6 darts, and looks like it has a similar priming method as to either the Spectre (if it's spring loaded) or the Recon (if it's not),

Neither appear to be battery powered to the relief of more traditional Nerfers, however it appears tactical rails are well and truly out for the new Dart Tag blasters. Both sport the new "Bumblebee" inspired colour schemes which look pretty schmick in my opinion.

We'll let you know more as we know about it..but I admit we're pretty damn excited:)


  1. Sweet except i wonder how you would reload the second 16-round one???

  2. That part I haven't worked out yet. The moment I get more photos, I'll be able to let you all know.

  3. Betcha there's a loading port on the other side.

  4. Or it could be that yellow window above the '16' could be a pull out sled perhaps for darts?

  5. Looks awesome guys! Good stuff! I'd fill this box with speculation, but I'll wait to see :) Although the 16 for sure looks like a cross between a trooper and a raider (which to be honest, weren't that different to begin with haha)

  6. I don't think that's what people who wanted banana clips were thinking of :P

  7. Another reshelled recon in snappy colors and personally i HATE clips since they sometimes jam thanks Nerf for the snappy looking reverse plungers.

  8. if anyone can see this too, it says MAX on the reloading part. and where is the stock?

  9. wait, how do the darts actually get chambered into the gun to be shot for the pistol, because i know the 16 round one works just like a raider. i would really like to see more about these

  10. how do you reload both tho? im confused.

  11. Notice that both guns have a similar color scheme as the Swarmfire, we may have a whole new Dart Tag line here. And also, isn't the bottom gun the one that the guy in the barrel was holding in that Dart Tag poster?

  12. Almost sure is the yellow window, yeah.

    BTW, I love this blasters. If their are cheaper than the non DartTag ones, I will wait and get the 6 round one rather than a Mav. For me, it's even better.

    Also, if you don't have to take out the clip for reloading, you know what that means, yeah? REAL SHOTGUN LOADING ACTION!!!!

  13. Calling it here, the Dart Tag 16 is going to be called the Blitzfire, cause of the slam fire capabilities.
    Also nice scoops on Nerf, Pocket! Keep up the great work.

  14. Santa! I want for Christmas! Thanks pocket for the great intel.

  15. Whoa... All this time I've been avoiding the Dart Tag line and now it looks like I'm all up for it. These things look absolutely sweet! They're like more streamlined versions of N-Strike blasters. I can't wait for these things to come out!

  16. i wonder what tagger streamlines look like'

  17. The 16 shoter is a raider with a cover for where the clip usally goes. maybe a clip converter

  18. They look pretty sweet. I'll miss the tac-rails, but let's be honest- none of the accessories are really that useful =\

  19. Ah! Now I see. You load the darts into a port above the rectangular thing.

  20. I think for the 16-shot one that you load it into the bottom of the clip. If you look closely, you can see an arrow at the bottom of that clip thing that points up.

  21. you load it from the top of the magizine theres this little funnel or slide at the very top of the gun

  22. Perhaps the clips are interchangeable, like N-Strike... they don't really look attached to the rest of the gun.

  23. God, I want that six-shooter....

  24. I'm thinking that the yellow rectangle above the clip might be a clip converter for n-strike clips. I could be wrong, its just a hunch.

  25. These things look like they can be dropped off a 4 story building and survive. I hate the flimsy N-strike blasters...

  26. kinda miss the tactical rails, cuz then you can attatchs cross/strikefires to them =/

  27. nerf goin for a new look????
