
Monday, December 20, 2010

Rumours: 'Quick 16' is apparently the official name for the Dart Tag '16'

Our man in the know, 'Eric' has confirmed that the official name for the new 16 round Dart Tag blaster will indeed be the "Quick 16". 

Wow. And I thought "Swarmfire" was bad. You'd have to think that at Nerf headquarters the guy who designs the blasters must be feeling a  lil' let down by the guy who designs the names.  Again, I'd be happy to be wrong on this one, but to date my intel has been pretty solid.

Either way, YES it's definitely the blaster that was first rumoured on the brochure/manual we featured last week. 


  1. yeah...nerf really does need to come up with better names...i wonder what the dart tag tournament will look like in 2011 with these guns, providing they accually come out, no word on nerf n strike 2011

  2. Just call it "Sweet 16" might sound better.


  3. Aww man, i guessed wrong :(
    Oh well, it won't change the fact that i want it lol

  4. you probably can't use it the in the dart tag tourament because one, it is only black and orange. so unless they made a green and orange, it is not allowed in the game. and two, it is just to big to carry it around quickly, but is would be nice to use

  5. Looks like a banana clip right? 16 in a clip sounds pretty good to me! Looks like their pushing their dart tag line a good amount. But if they keep making good products I'm fine with that.

  6. Well, no tactical rail... I'm a sad panda. XD Just kidding, Although I hate modding, I could take the rail off the Deploy or the red Vulcan. I want this thing.

  7. It'll still be the Dart Tag 16 to me.

  8. thats kinda a let down on what looks like an awesome gun

  9. Hey the "quick 16" can shot streamline darts?

  10. I'm going to suggest no. Dart Tag blasters traditionally use the velcro style darts; I don't see them creating new velcro tipped streamlines either. The in built 'clip' is probably larger/wider than an N-Strike clip to support the velcro darts. Shooting streamlines may have the same issue all non-clip blasters have.

    BUT.. we'll just have to wait and see:)

  11. It depends on the way the internals are done, but the clip should be able to use the clip system darts. Due to the curvature, probably it would deformate a little bit the darts, and also should be able to carry more of them (I hope).

    The only part which could be troublesome is the one picking up the darts to the chamber. Also, the barrel would become totally unusefull (as is on the clip system blasters, actually).

    A lot of things to take into account, but let's wait a little bit. Think that we've been asking for less "tacticool" shit and better blasters, and it seems that they have heard us at least in the first half ;D

  12. for the peopole who are saying its just a repaint of a raider they have to be wrong, because the internals would have to change in order to take sonics and taggers.

  13. I heard it's going to be called the Blitzfire, since it goes along with the other "fires".
    EX. Swarmfire, Strikefire, Fury Fire, Hyperfire,Stormfire, etc.

  14. But "Eric" is in Taiwan or something, right? It's probably only called the Quick 16 in their native language. No offense to these people, but in any case, the more complicated the language, the cornier names people create for stuff.

  15. "No offence to these people?" you're an idiot.

    haha.didnt eric provide the intel that it was going to be the swarmfire in the first place?

  16. Why do I want this so much?

    P.S. It's Christmas Eve here in the US, and I got a Barricade from some relatives- Not as noisy as people say it is! I also got a traffic cone. (Actually, it was what I always wanted.)
