
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Speedload 6: "Goes with my bike"

So much hotness in one photo:)
This morning after catching up with one of my best friends for breakfast, I made a comment that her Honda motorbike is the same colour scheme of the new Dart Tag range of blasters.  So I brought out my Speedload 6 and we took a photo:)

That'll be the actual blaster one of you are going to win; it definitely earns its "Speedload" name in our books:)

More pics after the jump. Only cos they turned out awesome!


  1. Wow, why don't you ask her to your Lara Croft on the title bar? She is H-O-T and definitely has the right "qualification" to be Lara. Is she single? :P

  2. OMG she's so hot! And people reckon only nerdy chicks like Nerf. Is she really one of the UT crew?

  3. Whats with the cutting off the face? Saw her on your Facebook page and she's stunning! To think there are girls like that who ride motorbikes and shoot Nerf? Makes me want that Speedloader even more

  4. Are you serious? You've got girls like that on your crew? That's it, I'm movin' to Australia.

    Is that a CBR? I've got a black 1000. Would clash with the Speedload though!!

  5. Guys you act like you've never seen a beautiful woman before. Grow up!

  6. Why is she riding a motorbike with a Nerf blaster anyway? I don't get the association for the photo. Helmet too? Don't you need to wear a helmet to ride a motorbike in Australia? You do here.

  7. She has airbags to protect her!! jk

  8. @Foam Raider- all valid points. I think Pocket was demonstrating how the Speedload 6 had the same color scheme as his friend's motorbike.

    What's funny though is how you've narrowed in on the "important" stuff and completely missed the obvious!

    Great pics though, hope we'll see more of her (and any of your other crew) in future posts.

  9. Holy Shit!, talk about gun pron!, NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM

  10. That's just a great photo. I love it. Three levels of sexy right there.

  11. There you go again. I'm so disgusted with you I don't even know where to begin. I keep giving you the benefit of the doubt and hoping you'll listen to your fans. Don't you get it? WE DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS SORT OF PORNOGRAPHY AND FILTH ON HERE. And yes, it is pornography. It's degrading to women.

    1. Well why don't you go eat your bible ?

    He's probably some dimwhitted women's rights activist who's never seen a porno. Lol.

  13. Pornography? Theres a thing called a DICTIONARY learn it and it will serve you well. If you don't like it, why are you on the site? I bet your one of those people who are paid to claim that some pic of a women that is good looking is a disgrace to women. If some less attractive women was in the same position in the photo you probably wouldn't say anything. So aren't you discriminating women by only focusing on the attractive ones?

  14. that not porno. you definately are some kind of feminist or your gay so ur jealous tht u cant like girls

  15. No, tecnically, it's porn, from the greek word meaning adultery, or that which would lead to it.

  16. I am the guy who posted the first comment. Anyway it is not like we haven't seen beautiful women before, we have seen many but it is always good to have more to look at :)

    Also this is not sexist or porn. If Pocket is to take his shirt off and pose with a Nerf gun showing off his big gun biceps and 6-pack ab muscles, looking like a tough hunk, would you still call it degrading? :D

  17. shes sexy.....puberty..bagh

  18. hot gun, hot bike, hot girl. i won't get my panties up in a bunch and i will give credit where credit is due *smiles*

  19. She is so gorgeous. Does she do pit crew stuff at moto gp? if not she should. and if anyone harasses her she can shoot them:-P

  20. It'd be cooler if she carried a super soaker. chicks who play with water guns are hotter.

  21. Oh grow up. Seriously.

  22. Telling someone to grow up on a Nerf blog is somewhat counter productive :P

  23. HAHA, Malee. That's a good point. Heck, a lot of you made good points. But that's not the point. My point is you guys should be looking at nerf guns, not deciding over this crap. Anyway, keep up the good work, Pocket.

    --That One Dude--
    P.S. Pocket, if you're going to show the relationship between the bike and the gun, show it. Don't go showing... well, that.

  24. how old r u guys? u obsess over guns that shoot foam darts? leave that to me and other teenagers.
    p.s. hopefully everone who read has a job and doesn't fatasize about the new nerf vortex series.....................right now as i type this I'm shunning u all...................

    1. Why are you even on this site to begin with? Also, "I'm shunning u'? How hard is it to type you?

  25. @ Anonymous #18
    Well, shun us, then, and LEAVE while you're at it. At least then we won't have to your contemptible babbling (or read it, rather). I'm sure you do all sorts of things that are not exactly admirable or interesting - actually, I'm sure you do, if you don't have anything better to do than sit around and criticize us. And what makes you think we're adults at all? Begone!

    P.S.: If you're just annoyed at this post and its accompanying comments, then don't let it bother you. This isn't exactly one of our proudest moments, and most of the people commenting aren't UT's usual patrons.

  26. To the rest of you:

    Anonymous #17 has a good point. The purpose of this blog is Nerf guns, not... other, less dignified topics. All of you who are only here for this post and its pics, scram! I notice no one actually mentioned the comparison between the Speedload 6 and the bike (except for a few of you; cheers!)

  27. @ Pocket:

    Good post! First the new Dart Tag bunch was compared to Bumblebee, and then to this motorbike. I wonder if that vehicular comparison is what Nerf is going for...

    P.S.: Have you noticed that this kind of post always gets the most comments? :p

  28. To the above teenager concerned about everyone else's affairs,


    Apparently your young and ignorant, but that doesn't excuse you from saying stupid things. So stop.
    p.s. Im proud you've become a mature man and are shunning us immature and irresponsible guys with a hobby........................... right now as I type this, (using proper grammar) I'm being sarcastic.................

  29. At least the teenager in question can string together a coherent one word sentence =/

  30. Anyway, yes Mr Bluefire. You are correct.

    In all honesty, I'm not overwhelmed by this blaster. It's a Maverick without the awesome revolving chamber! I'm sort of glad it isn't planned to be released here. Saves me $20-$30 I can use on brass =D

    The fact that it has slamfire is cool though. And it does look good next to that bike...

    I've note the irony in my above comment... I've already laughed at myself =P

  31. I think it is pretty obvious that Urban Taggers is not about the technical aspects of Nerf blasters and mods. There's a unique sense of humor on this blog that is typically Aussie, from my time down under. They obviously like their pretty girls and want us to comment on them or they wouldn't choose these photos.

    I for one am just doing exactly what they want us to do which is appreciate and enjoy and comment. I THOROUGHLY ENJOY YOUR BLOG, AND DEFINITELY ENJOY THE WOMEN. This girl is especially hot. I am also waiting for the Speedload to come out here in TX and am loving the black and yellow paint job.

  32. @ Anonymous #22 (New record!)
    You are completely correct; UT does have a very unique and witty sense of humor, which is why they are the only Nerf blog I check daily. Nor are they technical modders, as Pocket often impresses upon us. I actually have nothing against such pictures as these - they provide a bit of comforting human interface after hours of gazing at nothing but plastic and non-expanding recreational foam (NERF, for those who don't already know.) However, what bothers me is the cornucopia of viewers who come here merely for posts like this, completely ignoring the point of the blog, or people who, like Anonymous #18 (may his number live forever in infamy!) come merely to criticize the hobbies of others. Anyway, thanks for putting it all in perspective.

  33. hello it's the person shunning u all again i cwant spwell for mwy life becwase eyes is a baby!!!!!!!!!!!! GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps I can spell and u r all rhinotellexomaniacs (figure out what that means............)

  34. im so in love. so gorgeous.

    the girl's ok too! haha

  35. if that really is you again your shunning us about as well as you spell

  36. this seems to be the most popular post ever...................................................

  37. Cleavage = Extra dart storage. Relevant now?

  38. You call yourself a serious Nerf blog and you continue doing this sort of thing, degrading women and resorting to childish crude shock tactics to get equally immature readers. I for one will not be a part of tis anymore and am boycotting Urban Taggers.

  39. Holy crap! Go away for a few days and look at this comments thread! Who'd have thought there'd be such a crazy bunch of weirdos.. "serious Nerf blog?" dude, this ain't CNN! How serious can playing with toys be?

    Do you get the feeling though that in a way, Urban Taggers is actually doing this sort of thing deliberately? funny shit.

  40. LOL some of u guys take this waaay to seriously. besides, if u guys (trolls) hate this blog so much, don't come here. Clint has a point, ur just making it more popular with more views :D and i dont see how this "degrades" women.

  41. this is the most retarted post ever..... you guys all probably all nerds who stare at your computers all day.

  42. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopy pooooooooooooooooooopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. holy crap 44 comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
