Saturday, July 2, 2011

Johnson Arms - The best looking Stampede ECS.. ever.

Oh if Nerf only had this as a new colour release..
We absolutely LOVE Johnson Arms' work. For those of you who aren't familiar with the farkin' genius of Brian Johnson, this gentleman takes something normal.. and turns it into a movie prop quality masterpiece. Today he posted an image of a Mass Effect inspired Stampede ECS.. and it deserved a post all on it's own.

Johnson Arms - Customized NERF + More


  1. I just uploaded that photo! You are WAY TOO FAST! ;) I'm honored to have you guys post up my stuff. Always appreciated

  2. Oh my... I think I'm in love... NAME IT HAWTY!(kidding :P)

  3. Oh dear. That photo makes me want to touch myself inappropriately.

  4. Looks sweet, but that Rotator X-8 that's still WIP is more my speed :D

  5. To answer your question, if Nerf came out with this as a paintjob, I wouldn't have anything to do.

  6. Awesome work! When only the best will do!!! :)

  7. Wow you gotta tell us how you did that. Truly amazing.
